Final Environmental Document. The final environmental document will consist of a Responses to Comments volume with excerpted text changes to the Draft EIR and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). Modification and/or reproduction of the draft environmental document is not needed.
Final Environmental Document. 20 CONSULTANT will revise the IS/MND to respond to the comments and to document whether any changes to 21 the project have occurred. The following submittals are assumed. If comments remain after the revised draft 22 Final IS/MND then a revision workshop will be held to address any remaining comments. The IS/MND will 23 include an Environmental Commitment Record (ECR).
Final Environmental Document. After incorporating the City’s comments on the Administrative Final Document, Consultant will prepare the Final Environmental Document. This version will be Final MMRP: After incorporating the City’s comments on the Administrative Final MMRP, Consultant will prepare the Final MMRP. After incorporating the City’s comments on the Administrative Draft, Consultant will prepare a Screencheck Draft. This version will be reviewed by the City prior to publication (see Task 6). Revisions on this iteration are anticipated to be limited to minor text or grammatical revisions included as necessary at no extra cost.
Final Environmental Document. Based on the selection of a preferred alternative, TDOT shall prepare a final environmental document, Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)/Record of Decision (ROD), for submittal to FHWA for Federal-aid projects or a Final XXXX document for State-aid projects.
Final Environmental Document. DJP&A responds to all questions/comments raised during the public circulation period. Where appropriate, the text of the draft document is also revised to reflect changes necessitated as a result of comments received.
Final Environmental Document. Following the conclusion of the public circulation period of the Draft IS, Consultant shall initiate work on the Final IS. The primary component of this effort will consist of 1) responding to comments received on the Draft IS, 2) making text revisions as necessary, and 3) documenting the public review process. The content and format of the Final EA/IS will comply with the latest Caltrans AO, as published on the Caltrans SER. Chapters and appendices will be the same as that shown above for the Draft EA/IS. The Final IS will include a signed version of the Mitigated Negative Declaration.