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FINDINGS OF THE ARBITRATOR(S. The findings of the Arbitrator(s) or the majority of the Board of Arbitrators as to the facts and as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement, including the question as to whether the matter is arbitrable, shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all parties concerned, but in no event shall the arbitrator be authorized to alter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement. If an Arbitrator(s) decides that the Company failed to exercise its judgement pursuant to section 16.13 (Job Selection) in a fair and reasonable manner the Company shall fill the vacancy with the applicant having the greatest seniority, providing he has the ability, knowledge, training and skill to do the job. Where an Arbitrator(s) determines that an employee has been discharged or otherwise disciplined by the Company for just cause, the arbitrator may substitute such other penalty for the discharge or discipline as the Arbitrator(s) considers just and reasonable in all the circumstances.
FINDINGS OF THE ARBITRATOR(S. The findings of the Arbitrator(s) or the majority of the Board of Arbitrators as to the facts and as to the interpretation, appIication, administration or aIIeged vioIation of this Agreement, incIuding the question as to whether the matter is arbitrabIe, shaII be finaI, concIusive and binding upon aII parties concerned, but in no event shaII the arbitrator be authorized to aIter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement. If an Arbitrator(s) decides that the Company faiIed to exercise its judgement pursuant to section 16.13 (lob SeIection) in a fair and reasonabIe manner the Company shaII fiII the vacancy with the appIicant having the greatest seniority, providing he has the abiIity, knowIedge, training and skiII to do the job. Where an Arbitrator(s) determines that an empIoyee has been discharged or otherwise discipIined by the Company for just cause, the arbitrator may substitute such other penaIty for the discharge or discipIine as the Arbitrator(s) considers just and reasonabIe in aII the circumstances.


  • Expenses of the Arbitrator The fees and expenses of the arbitrator and any other common expenses shall be shared equally by both parties.

  • Decision of the Arbitrator The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding, and enforceable on the Parties. The arbitrator shall have the power to dispose of a grievance by any arrangement deemed just and equitable. However, the arbitrator shall not have the power to change this Agreement by altering, modifying, or amending any provision.

  • Powers of the Arbitrator It shall be the function of the arbitrator, and he/she shall be empowered, except as his/her powers are limited below, after due investigation, to make a decision in cases of alleged violation of the specific articles and sections of this Agreement. a. The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, disregard, alter, or modify any of the terms of this Agreement. b. The arbitrator shall have no power to establish salary scales or change any salary. c. The arbitrator shall have no power to rule on any of the following: i. The termination of services of or failure to re-employ any probationary teacher. ii. The failure to re-employ any teacher to a position on the extra-curricular schedule. iii. Any claim or complaint for which there is another remedial procedure or forum established by law or by regulation having the force of law, including any matter subject to the procedures specified in the Teacher Tenure Act (Act IV of Public Acts, extra session, of 1937 of Michigan, as amended). iv. Any matter involving the evaluation of a non-classroom professional, unless it is a claim of failure to follow contractually agreed upon procedures. d. He/she shall have no power to change any practice, policy, or rule of the District nor to substitute his/her judgment for that of the District as to the reasonableness of any such practice, policy, rule or any action taken by the District. His/her power shall be limited to deciding whether the District has violated the expressed articles or sections of this Agreement; and he/she shall not imply obligations and conditions binding upon the District from this Agreement, it being understood that any matter not specifically set forth herein remains within the reserved rights of the District. e. He/she shall have no power to decide any questions which, under this Agreement, is within the responsibility of management to decide. In rendering a decision, an arbitrator shall give due regard to the responsibility of management and shall so construe the Agreement that there will be no interference with such responsibilities, except as they may be specifically conditioned by this Agreement. f. If either party disputes the arbitrability of any grievance under the terms of this Agreement, the arbitrator shall determine the arbitrability of said dispute, except that either party reserves the right to seek resolution of any dispute of arbitrability in a court of competent jurisdiction before or after arbitration. g. There shall be no appeal from an arbitrator’s decision if within the scope of his/her authority as set forth above. It shall be final and binding on the Association, its members, the employee or employees involved and the District. h. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the Association and the District.

  • Selection of the Arbitrator a) Arbitration shall be by a single arbitrator. b) The central parties shall select a mutually agreed upon arbitrator. c) The central parties may refer multiple grievances to a single arbitrator. d) Where the central parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within 10 days of referral to arbitration, either central party may request that the Minister of Labour appoint an arbitrator. e) The remuneration and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally between the central parties.

  • Arbitrators If the matter in controversy (exclusive of attorney fees and expenses) shall appear, as at the time of the demand for arbitration, to exceed $250,000, then the panel to be appointed shall consist of three neutral arbitrators; otherwise, one neutral arbitrator.

  • Xxxxxx of the Arbitrator It shall be the function of the arbitrator, and he/she shall be empowered, except as his/her powers are limited below, after due investigation, to make a decision in cases of alleged violation of the specific articles and sections of this Agreement. 1. The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, disregard, alter, or modify any of the terms of this Agreement. 2. The arbitrator shall have no power to rule on any of the following: a. Actions taken by the Employer with respect to probationary employees including, but not limited to, discipline and discharge. b. Any claim or complaint for which there is another remedial procedure or forum established by law or by regulation having the force of law. c. Any matter involving the content of an employee evaluation. 3. He/she shall have no power to change any practice, policy, or rule of the Employer nor to substitute his/her judgment for that of the Employer as to the reasonableness of any such practice, policy, rule, or any action taken by the Employer. His/her power shall be limited to deciding whether the Employer has violated the express articles or sections of this Agreement; and he/she shall not imply obligations and conditions binding upon the Employer from this Agreement, it being understood that any matter not specifically set forth herein remains within the reserved rights of the Employer. 4. He/she shall have no power to decide any question which, under this Agreement, is within the responsibility of management to decide. In rendering a decision, an arbitrator shall give due regard to the responsibility of management and shall so construe the Agreement that there will be no interference with such responsibilities, except as they may be specifically conditioned by this Agreement. 5. If either party disputes the arbitrability of any grievance under the terms of this Agreement, the arbitrator shall first determine the arbitrability of said dispute. By stipulation of the parties, the Arbitrator shall have the authority to concurrently hear both the jurisdictional issues and the merits of the dispute in the same proceeding. Should the Arbitrator determine that he/she is without jurisdiction to rule, the matter shall be dismissed without decision on the merits. Submission of jurisdictional issues to the Arbitrator shall not be regarded as a waiver by either party of its right to institute civil litigation contesting either the authority of the Arbitrator or any award allegedly rendered in excess of such authority. 6. There shall be no appeal from the arbitrator’s decision if within the scope of his/her authority as set forth above. It shall be final and binding on the Association, its members, the employee or employees involved and the Employer. Any litigation to vacate or enforce the Arbitrator’s decision must be initiated within six (6) months of the issuance of the Opinion and Award. 7. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the Association and the Employer.

  • Costs of the Arbitration Each party is responsible for its own attorney, expert, and other costs and fees unless applicable law requires otherwise. Each party is also responsible for one-half of any costs and fees charged by the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s) to administer the arbitration to the maximum extent permitted by law or rule. Where permissible by law, the prevailing party may be required to reimburse the other party for the costs and fees of the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s) in whole or in part by decision of the arbitrator(s) at the discretion of the arbitrator(s).

  • Step Five – Arbitration 1. In the event the grievance is not referred to arbitration within the time limits prescribed, the grievance shall be considered resolved based upon the Step Four reply. 2. Upon receipt of a request for arbitration, the Township and the Lodge shall, jointly agree to an Arbitrator or request a list of seven (7) impartial labor Arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) who have a business or residential address in Ohio and who are members of the National Academy of Arbitrators. Upon receipt of the list of seven (7) arbitrators, the parties shall select an arbitrator. The parties shall use the alternate strike method from the list of seven (7) arbitrators submitted to the parties by the FMCS. The first strike shall be by coin-toss and the parties shall then alternate in this manner until one (1) name remains on the list. The remaining name shall be designated as the Arbitrator to hear the dispute in question. Either party shall have the right to elect to reject the list in its entirety and to request the submission of a new seven (7) member panel, which election may only be exercised once. If the Lodge and Township have not jointly agreed to an arbitrator or neither party has made a request to the FMCS for a list of seven (7) arbitrators within 60 days of the Lodge’s written notice to arbitrate the grievance, the grievance shall be considered resolved and the issue will no longer be subject to the arbitration process. All procedures relative to the hearing shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the FMCS. The Arbitrator shall hold the arbitration promptly and issue a decision within a reasonable time thereafter. 3. The Arbitrator shall determine the grievance in accordance with the terms of the Agreement in effect on the date of the incident giving rise to the grievance. 4. The Arbitrator shall not have the authority to add to, subtract from, modify, change or alter any provision of this Agreement. The Arbitrator shall be confined solely to the issues submitted for arbitration. The Arbitrator shall not establish any new or different wage rates not negotiated as part of this Agreement. In cases of discharge or of suspension the Arbitrator shall have the authority to order modification of said discipline for the offense charged. In the event of a monetary award, the Arbitrator shall limit any retroactive settlement to no earlier time than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the date the grievance was first presented. 5. The question of arbitrability of a grievance may be raised by either party before the arbitration hearing of the grievance, on the grounds that the matter is non-arbitrable or beyond the arbitrator's jurisdiction. The first question to be placed before the Arbitrator will be whether or not alleged grievance is arbitrable. If the Arbitrator determines the grievance is not arbitrable, the Arbitrator shall render no decision on the merits. 6. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Lodge, the member and the Township. Any cost involved in obtaining the list of arbitrators shall be equally divided between the Township and the Lodge. All costs directly related to the service of the Arbitrator shall be divided equally between the Township and the Lodge. Expenses, if any, of the witnesses shall be borne by the party calling the witness, except that member witnesses on duty time shall not lose any wages due from the Township. The fees of the court reporter shall be paid by the party asking for one. The fees of the court reporter shall be split equally if both parties desire a court reporter's recording, or request a copy of any transcript. The Township shall not incur any overtime expense as a result of this provision.

  • Selection of Arbitrators 1. Unless the disputing parties otherwise agree, the tribunal shall comprise three arbitrators: (a) one arbitrator appointed by each of the disputing parties; and (b) the third arbitrator, who shall be the presiding arbitrator, appointed by agreement of the disputing parties. The third arbitrator shall be a national of a non-Member State which has diplomatic relations with the disputing Member State and non-disputing Member State, and shall not have permanent residence in either the disputing Member State or non- disputing Member State. 2. Any person appointed as an arbitrator shall have expertise or experience in public international law, international trade or international investment rules. An arbitrator shall be chosen strictly on the basis of objectivity, reliability, sound judgment and independence and shall conduct himself or herself on the same basis throughout the course of the arbitral proceedings. 3. Subject to Article 36 (Conduct of the Arbitration), if a tribunal has not been constituted within 75 days from the date that a claim is submitted to arbitration under this Section, the Appointing Authority, on the request of a disputing party, shall appoint, in his or her discretion, the arbitrator or arbitrators who have not been appointed. 4. The tribunal shall reach its decisions by a majority of votes and its decisions shall be binding. 5. The parties to the dispute shall bear the cost of their respective arbitrators to the tribunal and share equally the cost of the presiding arbitrator and other relevant costs. In all other respects, the tribunal shall determine its own procedures. 6. The disputing parties may establish rules relating to expenses incurred by the tribunal, including remuneration of the arbitrators. 7. Where any arbitrator appointed as provided for in this Article resigns or becomes unable to act, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed for the appointment of the original arbitrator and the successor shall have all the powers and duties of the original arbitrator.

  • Expenses of Arbitrator Each Party shall pay one-half (½) of the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator.