Smoke Free Environment The Lessor shall make all parts of the leased premise smoke-free. "
The Site The site of the Project Highway (the “Site”) shall comprise the site described in Schedule-A in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided by the Authority to the Contractor. The Authority shall be responsible for: (a) acquiring and providing Right of Way on the Site in accordance with the alignment finalised by the Authority, free from all encroachments and encumbrances, and free access thereto for the execution of this Agreement; and (b) obtaining licences and permits for environment clearance for the Project Highway.
Safety Glasses Section 1. The City shall supply prescription safety glasses with plastic lenses to employees who are required to wear safety glasses and who are members of the classifications contained in Appendix C to this contract. Safety glasses which are authorized must be industrial grade safety glasses which meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Specification Z87. 1. All employees who are required to wear safety glasses shall also be required to wear side xxxxxxx, either permanent or snap-on, whenever an eye hazard exists. Solid tinted glasses will not be approved unless required by prescription. Photogray, progressive, scratch coating and/or anti-glare lenses may be considered for those employees who primarily work outdoors or as prescribed. In the event that additional classes are identified as needing either prescription safety glasses or protective eyewear, such classes may be added to the classification list in Appendix C upon approval of PAGE and the City. Section 2. The City agrees to pay the full cost of required prescription safety glasses, with frames not to exceed $75.00. This excludes the cost of the eye examination which will be the responsibility of the employee. The effected employees will be allowed one (1) replacement of safety glasses every two (2) years. In the event the safety glasses become lost, unserviceable, or broken on the job, the employee must present a written request for replacement to the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If the employee breaks his safety glasses while on the job, the Department shall replace the glasses at no cost to the employee. The replacement of lost glasses or glasses that are broken off the job will be at the discretion of the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If an employee has been provided safety glasses by the City, the employee shall be permitted to retain possession of the glasses after separation from the City without reimbursing the City for any costs associated with the glasses. Section 3. An employee who is required to wear prescription safety glasses must present a written request to his department head or designated representative. Section 4. The employee must obtain a current prescription and the employee is authorized the use of sick leave not to exceed two (2) hours to accomplish this examination. The employee will obtain a purchase order from the Department Head prior to ordering the safety glasses. The employee will present the purchase order to the appropriate vendor when ordering. The vendor will contact the appropriate Department Head when the glasses are ready for delivery. The Department Head will then notify the employee who will present himself at the vendor for fitting and pickup. Section 5. In the event a probationary employee has been issued safety glasses and terminates his employment with the City for any reason during the probationary period, he shall be required to reimburse the City for any expenses incurred in the purchase of safety glasses.
Fire Safety Resident will not tamper with fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, or exit signs. Resident will promptly evacuate Residence Facility upon the sounding of an alarm or as otherwise directed by College Housing staff. Resident will participate in any periodic fire drill and fire safety training conducted by College for the Residence Facility.
Noise The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning. The Hirer shall, if using sound amplification equipment, make use of any noise limitation device provided at the premises and comply with any other licensing condition for the premises.
Fire Extinguishers Provide UL-listed extinguishers, cabinets and accessories from a single manufacturer such as X.X. Industries or Xxxxxx’x Manufacturing Company that comply with local fire marshal approval. 12.1 Systems Furnishings: Systems furnishings will be supplied and installed by the State. It will be the Lessor’s responsibility to complete the electrical connections from the building electrical grid to the power connections or power poles for the system furnishings (see Division 16, Electrical).
Mold The Contractor shall take steps to prevent mold from developing on the Site, or being released into the air and shall promptly decontaminate any areas of mold that develop.
Contamination The presence in, on or under land, air or water of a substance (whether a solid, liquid, gas, odour, heat, sound, vibration or radiation) at a concentration above the concentration at which the substance is normally present in, on or under land, air or water in the same locality, that presents a risk of Environmental Harm, including harm to human health or any other aspect of the Environment, or could otherwise give rise to a risk of non-compliance with any Statutory Requirement for the protection of the Environment.
Evacuation (1) If the Combatant Commander orders a mandatory evacuation of some or all personnel, the Government will provide assistance, to the extent available, to United States and third country national Contractor personnel. (2) In the event of a non-mandatory evacuation order, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall maintain personnel on location sufficient to meet obligations under this contract.
Safe Workplace A) The Employer and employees recognize the need for a safe and healthful workplace and agree to take appropriate measures in order that risks of accidents and/or occupational disease are reduced and/or eliminated. Employers will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce and/or minimize threats to the safety of employees. B) An employee performing visitation to clients in the community shall have the right to request backup to attend where there is reasonable cause to expect a violent situation and will have access to appropriate communication equipment. C) When the Employer is aware that a patient/resident/client has a history of violent behaviour, the Employer shall make such information available to the employee. Upon admission or transfer the Employer will make every reasonable effort to identify the potential for aggressive behaviour. In- services and/or instruction in caring for the violent patient will be provided by the Employer. D) The Employer will provide orientation and/or in-service which is necessary for the safe performance of work including universal precautions, the safe use of equipment, safe techniques for lifting and supporting patients/residents/clients and the safe handling of materials and products. The Employer will also make readily available information, manuals and procedures for these purposes. The Employer will provide appropriate safety clothing and equipment.