Two-Way Interconnection Trunks 2.4.1 Where the Parties have agreed to use Two-Way Interconnection Trunks for the exchange of traffic between Verizon and PCS, PCS shall order from Verizon, and Verizon shall provide, the Two-Way Interconnection Trunks and the Entrance Facility, on which such Trunks will ride, and transport and multiplexing, in accordance with the rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Verizon’s applicable Tariffs. 2.4.2 Prior to ordering any Two-Way Interconnection Trunks from Verizon, PCS shall meet with Verizon to conduct a joint planning meeting (“Joint Planning Meeting”). At that Joint Planning Meeting, each Party shall provide to the other Party originating Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) information, and the Parties shall mutually agree on the appropriate initial number of Two-Way End Office and Tandem Interconnection Trunks and the interface specifications at the Point of Interconnection (POI). Where the Parties have agreed to convert existing One-Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, at the Joint Planning Meeting, the Parties shall also mutually agree on the conversion process and project intervals for conversion of such One-Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. 2.4.3 Two-Way Interconnection Trunks shall be from a Verizon End Office or Tandem to a mutually agreed upon POI. 2.4.4 On a semi-annual basis, PCS shall submit a good faith forecast to Verizon of the number of End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that PCS anticipates Verizon will need to provide during the ensuing two (2) year period to carry traffic from PCS to Verizon and from Verizon to PCS. PCS’s trunk forecasts shall conform to the Verizon CLEC trunk forecasting guidelines as in effect at that time. 2.4.5 The Parties shall meet (telephonically or in person) from time to time, as needed, to review data on End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks to determine the need for new trunk groups and to plan any necessary changes in the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. 2.4.6 Two-Way Interconnection Trunks shall have SS7 Common Channel Signaling. The Parties agree to utilize B8ZS and Extended Super Frame (ESF) DS1 facilities, where available. 2.4.7 With respect to End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, both Parties shall use an economic Centium Call Second (Hundred Call Second) equal to five (5). 2.4.8 Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon access Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Xxxx-Xxxxxxxxx B.005 during the average time consistent busy hour. Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon local Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Xxxx-Xxxxxxxxx B.01 during the average time consistent busy hour. Verizon and PCS shall engineer Two-Way Interconnection Trunks using BOC Notes on the LEC Networks SR-TSV-002275. 2.4.9 The performance standard for final Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups shall be that no such Interconnection Trunk group will exceed its design blocking objective (B.005 or B.01, as applicable) for three
Connecting Transmission Owner Obligations Connecting Transmission Owner shall maintain its transmission facilities and Attachment Facilities in a safe and reliable manner and in accordance with this Agreement.
Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities Construction The Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Good Utility Practice. Upon request, within one hundred twenty (120) Calendar Days after the Commercial Operation Date, unless the Connecting Transmission Owner and Developer agree on another mutually acceptable deadline, the Connecting Transmission Owner shall deliver to the Developer “as-built” drawings, relay diagrams, information and documents for the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities set forth in Appendix A. The Connecting Transmission Owner [shall/shall not] transfer operational control of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities to the NYISO upon completion of such facilities.
Step I An employee may present the grievance orally either directly or through the Union representative to the immediate supervisor. The grievance must be presented within ten (10) working days following the event or events on which the grievance is based. The immediate supervisor shall make whatever investigation is necessary to obtain the facts pertaining to the grievance. Within ten (10) working days after receiving the oral grievance, the immediate supervisor shall give the employee an oral reply. If the employee is not satisfied with the reply of his/her immediate supervisor, he/she may appeal the grievance to Step II.
Interconnection Request This Section 3 shall not apply to any proposed modifications by Interconnection Customer to its facilities for which Interconnection Customer must make an Interconnection Request under the Tariff. In such circumstances, the Interconnection Customer and Transmission Provider shall follow the requirements of Subpart A of Part IV of the Tariff.
Voltage Schedules Once the Developer has synchronized the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System, NYISO shall require Developer to operate the Large Generating Facility to produce or absorb reactive power within the design capability of the Large Generating Facility set forth in Article 9.5.1 (Power Factor Design Criteria). NYISO’s voltage schedules shall treat all sources of reactive power in the New York Control Area in an equitable and not unduly discriminatory manner. NYISO shall exercise Reasonable Efforts to provide Developer with such schedules in accordance with NYISO procedures, and may make changes to such schedules as necessary to maintain the reliability of the New York State Transmission System. Developer shall operate the Large Generating Facility to maintain the specified output voltage or power factor at the Point of Interconnection within the design capability of the Large Generating Facility set forth in Article 9.5.1 (Power Factor Design Criteria) as directed by the Connecting Transmission Owner’s System Operator or the NYISO. If Developer is unable to maintain the specified voltage or power factor, it shall promptly notify NYISO.
Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities The Participating TO shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities described in Appendix A at the sole expense of the Interconnection Customer. Unless the Participating TO elects to fund the capital for the Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities, they shall be solely funded by the Interconnection Customer.
RENT INCREASE 6.1 The Landlord is entitled to increase the Rent payable under this tenancy, either during the Tenancy Term or any subsequent renewal or periodic term, on each anniversary of the start date of this tenancy (“The Rent Increase Date”). The increase will be a minimum 5% in addition to the current Rent payable. Should the Landlord elect to do so they will first serve written notice on the Tenant in accordance with these Tenancy Terms and Conditions of at least one calendar month prior to the Rent Increase Date (“the Rent Increase Notice”). 6.2 If the Landlord chooses not to increase the Rent on the Rent Increase Date they may defer doing so to any date thereafter provided they shall at any time thereafter be entitled to serve a Rent Increase Notice and the said rent increase shall take effect on the expiry of such notice – the Landlord will not be entitled to then increase the rent in this way for another 12 months.
Wash-Up Time 37.01 Where the Employer determines there is a clear-cut need, wash-up time, to a maximum of ten (10) minutes immediately before the end of a work period, will be permitted.
Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities Connecting Transmission Owner shall design, procure, construct, install, own and/or control the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities described in Appendix A hereto, at the sole expense of the Developer.