Appliances The Landlord shall: (check one) ☐ - Provide the following appliances: . ☐ - Not provide any appliances.
Small and medium-sized enterprises 1. The Parties will promote a favourable environment for the development of the small and medium enterprises (SME) on the basis of strengthening of the relevant private and governmental bodies, as well as the exchange of experiences and good practices with the SME. 2. Cooperation shall include, among other subjects: (a) the designing and development of mechanisms to encourage partnership and productive chain linkage development; (b) development of human resources and management skills to increase the knowledge of the Chinese and Peruvian markets; (c) defining and developing methods and strategies for clusters development; (d) increasing access to information regarding mandatory procedures and any other relevant information for an SME exporter; (e) defining technological transference: programs oriented to transfer technological innovation to SME and to improve their productivity; (f) increasing access to information on technological promotion programs for SME and financial support and encouragement programs for SME; (g) supporting new exporting SME (sponsorship, credits and guarantees, seed capital); and (h) encouraging partnership and information exchange for SME financing institutions (credits, banks, guarantee organizations, seed capital firms). 3. Cooperation shall be developed, among other activities, through: (a) information exchange; (b) conferences, seminars, experts dialogue and training programs with experts; and (c) promoting contacts between economic operators, encouraging opportunities for industrial and technical prospecting.
Enterprise Clarify specific needs of client/other employees; provide information and advice; follow-up on client/employee needs; clarify the nature of a verbal message; identify options for resolution and act accordingly.
Utilities and Appliances (1) The owner must provide all utilities needed to comply with the HQS.
Outdoor Lighting 3.8.1 Lighting shall be directed to driveways, parking areas, loading area, building entrances and walkways and shall be arranged so as to divert the light away from streets, adjacent lots and buildings.
Food Although food may be served at a program being paid for with grant funds, the food may not be purchased with grant or matching funds.
Food Services The School District will provide for all applicable Student meals as required by State and Federal law and School District rules and procedures as applicable when students attend a College site. Students may purchase food from College food service facilities when on the College campus.
Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.
CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT (a) Employees required by the Employer to wear uniforms will be supplied with an adequate number of uniforms appropriate to the occupation free of cost to Employees. Such items are to remain the property of the Employer and be laundered and maintained by such Employer free of cost to the Employee.
Associated Enterprises (a) an enterprise of a Contracting State participates directly or indirectly in the management, control or capital of an enterprise of the other Contracting State, or