Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22
Pre-Commencement Phase Services The services required to be provided by the Contractor for the Pre- Commencement Phase of the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Supportive Services 2.1. Case Management Access Shelter Providers are required to have case management available to participants on site. Participation within case management is voluntary to program participants, however all participants must be offered case management and must be engaged on an ongoing basis to encourage participation. Shelter Providers should recognize that it may take multiple contacts before a participant is ready to engage. Shelter Providers must ensure case management services are participant-centered to individual needs. Programs must provide space for the provision of case management that works to create as much privacy and confidentiality as possible.
Performance Expectations The Charter School’s performance in relation to the indicators, measures, metrics and targets set forth in the CPF shall provide the basis upon which the SCSC will decide whether to renew the Charter School’s Charter Contract at the end of the charter term. This section shall not preclude the SCSC from considering other relevant factors in making renewal decisions.
Time Frame The bounded Party’s(ies’) duty to hold the Confidential Information in confidence shall remain in effect until such information no longer qualifies as a trade secret or written notice is given releasing such Party from this Agreement.
Project/Milestones Taxpayer is a food producer and full line grocery store chain, proposing to expand its in- house food manufacturing. In consideration for the Credit, Taxpayer agrees to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced food manufacturing facility; and, to hire full-time employees and invest in a research and development equipment, manufacturing equipment, tenant improvements, and a facility as part of its expansion in Merced and/or Riverside, California (collectively, the “Project”). Taxpayer agrees that for the purposes of satisfying the milestones in Exhibit A (“Milestones”), Taxpayer will only count jobs and investment at its Merced food manufacturing facility and/or a new food manufacturing facility in Riverside, and that no other jobs or investment at any retail or other facility can be counted. For the purposes of calculating the number of full-time employees, no employee transferred from another affiliate, facility, or entity owned, related to, or controlled by the Taxpayer shall be included in the calculation. Taxpayer shall not be entitled to any portion of the Credit if it fails to maintain at least 44 full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, at its Merced facility for the entire duration of the agreement. Further, Taxpayer agrees to satisfy the Milestones and must maintain Milestones for a minimum of three (3) taxable years thereafter. In the event Taxpayer employs more than the number of full- time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, than required in Exhibit A, for purposes of satisfying the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired,” Taxpayer may use the wages of any of the full-time employees hired within the required time period. For purposes of calculating the “Minimum Annual Wage of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Wage of California Full-time
Placement of DNS probes Probes for measuring DNS parameters shall be placed as near as possible to the DNS resolvers on the networks with the most users across the different geographic regions; care shall be taken not to deploy probes behind high propagation-‐delay links, such as satellite links.
Milestones Subject to the provisions of the SGIP, the Parties shall agree on milestones for which each Party is responsible and list them in Attachment 4 of this Agreement. A Party’s obligations under this provision may be extended by agreement. If a Party anticipates that it will be unable to meet a milestone for any reason other than a Force Majeure event, it shall immediately notify the other Parties of the reason(s) for not meeting the milestone and: (1) propose the earliest reasonable alternate date by which it can attain this and future milestones, and (2) requesting appropriate amendments to Attachment 4. The Party affected by the failure to meet a milestone shall not unreasonably withhold agreement to such an amendment unless: (1) it will suffer significant uncompensated economic or operational harm from the delay, (2) attainment of the same milestone has previously been delayed, or (3) it has reason to believe that the delay in meeting the milestone is intentional or unwarranted notwithstanding the circumstances explained by the Party proposing the amendment.
CONTRACT SALES ACTIVITY REPORT Each calendar quarter, Vendor must provide a contract sales activity report (Report) to the Sourcewell Contract Administrator assigned to this Contract. A Report must be provided regardless of the number or amount of sales during that quarter (i.e., if there are no sales, Vendor must submit a report indicating no sales were made). The Report must contain the following fields: • Customer Name (e.g., City of Staples Highway Department); • Customer Physical Street Address; • Customer City; • Customer State/Province; • Customer Zip Code; • Customer Contact Name; • Customer Contact Email Address; • Customer Contact Telephone Number; • Sourcewell Assigned Entity/Participating Entity Number; • Item Purchased Description; • Item Purchased Price; • Sourcewell Administrative Fee Applied; and • Date Purchase was invoiced/sale was recognized as revenue by Vendor.
Placement of EPP probes Probes for measuring EPP parameters shall be placed inside or close to Registrars points of access to the Internet across the different geographic regions; care shall be taken not to deploy probes behind high propagation-‐delay links, such as satellite links.