General enquiries Sample Clauses

General enquiries. If you have any general enquiries about this booklet, or the terms and conditions contained within it, or simply need more information about any ANZ account or product, please ask at any ANZ branch, enquire via Bank Mail if you’re registered for ANZ Internet Banking, or phone us during working hours on +(678) 26355. This booklet contains terms and conditions for the following consumer lending products: • Home Loans • Residential Investment Property LoansPersonal Loans ‘General enquiries’ Section above and on our website It is important that you read and understand the documents referred to above. If you do not understand, or are unsure about any aspect of these documents, do not hesitate to ask us to clarify the matter for you. When you are reading these Terms and Conditions, keep in mind that some terms have a special meaning which is explained under Section 1 of this document.
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General enquiries. If you have any general enquiries about this booklet, or the terms and conditions contained within it, or simply need more information about any ANZ account or product, please ask at any ANZ branch, enquire via Bank Mail if you’re registered for ANZ Internet Banking, or phone us during working hours on 132411 (local) or (000) 0000 000 if calling from overseas. This booklet contains terms and conditions for the following consumer lending products: • Home Loans • Residential Investment Property LoansPersonal Loans If you’re having any problems with your loan, please let us know. Details on how you can contact us are in the ‘General enquiries’ Section above and on our website It is important that you read and understand the documents referred to above. If you do not understand, or are unsure about any aspect of these documents, do not hesitate to ask us to clarify the matter for you. When you are reading these Terms and Conditions, keep in mind that some terms have a special meaning which is explained under Section 1 of this document.
General enquiries. For any general enquiries regarding Annual Tuition Fees and or any other charges please contact the Finance Officer (Family Accounts) on 9831 9600 or email
General enquiries. In the event that there is an unexpected result in your credit report or you feel that the information is not correct, you should contact us to raise a query by using the online process which can be accessed via your credit report. This will raise a dispute with the credit reference agency run by Callcredit Limited.
General enquiries. XxxxXxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Executive Chairman Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Chief Executive Officer Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Group Finance Director Tel: +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Jefferies (financial adviser to CareTech) Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Tel: +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx (Nomad and joint corporate broker to CareTech) Xxxx Xxxx Tel: +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx Tel: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Mark Court +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Non-Executive Chairman +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Chief Executive Officer Xxxxxxxxxx (lead financial adviser to Cambian) Tel: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Investec (financial adviser and joint corporate Tel: broker to Cambian) Xxxx Xxxxxxxx +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx X.X. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (financial adviser and Tel: joint corporate broker to Cambian) Xxxxx Xxxxxxx +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Xxxx Xxxxx CNC (communications adviser to Cambian) Tel: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx +00 (0)00 0000 0000 Ashurst LLP and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Speechlys LLP are retained as legal advisers to CareTech. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx LLP and Trowers & Hamlins LLP are retained as legal advisers to Cambian. Cambian Legal Entity Identifier: 213800DN7U5XDQL1Q343
General enquiries. For enquiries or complaints related to AEON Card, please contact our customer service hotline on the back of your card or visit AEON branches. For enquiries or complaints regarding your mobile wallet, please contact your mobile wallet provider using the contact information provided by the mobile wallet provider. 在閣下儲存及使用由 AEON 信貸財務(亞洲)有限公司(「AEON」)發行而不時由 AEON 指定為合資格之 AEON 信用卡(統稱「AEON 信用卡」)進行流動支付之前(「Mobile 信用卡」),請細閱本附錄的條款及細則以及《AEON 信用卡持卡人合約》(「持卡人合約」)。閣下儲存及使用(不論是否閣下授權) Mobile 信用卡,即被視為已接受本條款及細則以及持卡人合約,並受其約束。AEON 會核實信用卡是否合資格用作流動支付,並保留最終決定權。AEON 保留拒絕信用卡與電子錢包連接之權利而毋須作出任何理由。閣下承認及明白流動支付的使用是受電子錢包服務供應商的條款及細則所約束,以及此條款及細則並不會影響或抵銷上列相關條款。 1. 本條款及細則補充持卡人合約 a) 持卡人合約適用於閣下的 Mobile 信用卡。持卡人合約中所指的「信用卡」及「交易」分別包括閣下的 Mobile 信用卡及 Mobile 信用卡交易。 b) 本條款及細則補充持卡人合約並兩者一併規管閣下的 Mobile 信用卡。如本條款及細則與持卡人合約的條文有任何不一致,概以本條款及細則的條文為準。 c) 閣下可能需要同意電子錢包供應商另行提供的條款,該等條款規管在電子錢包中登記及儲存閣下的 AEON 信用卡以及電子錢包的使用(包括使用閣下向電子錢包供應商提供的任何數據)。閣下與電子錢包供應商另行同意的條款,不會更改或推翻本條款及細則以及持卡人合約。 2. 登記、啟動或使用 Mobile 信用卡 a) 閣下需要使用可支援流動支付服務的裝置(包括手機、平板電腦或穿戴式裝置)(「合資格裝置」)及合資格信用卡進行流動支付。 b) 閣下在電子錢包中登記及儲存 Mobile 信用卡應遵循電子錢包供應商的指示(包括為閣下的合資格裝置安裝最新操作系統)及閣下電子錢包的登記及核實程序。 c) 閣下在電子錢包中登記 Mobile 信用卡,即被視為閣下同意 AEON 按照閣下最後記錄在 AEON 的手機號碼發送短信,以進行驗證和啟動。如果 AEON 沒有閣下的電話號碼記錄,我們則無法向您發送短信進行驗證。閣下需要先致電 AEON 客戶服務熱線或親臨 AEON 分行以更新您的電話號碼,並按照所需步驟驗證和啟動您的 Mobile 信用卡。 d) 電子錢包供應商可不時限制閣下在一個電子錢包中儲存的 Mobile 信用卡的數量(AEON對此並無控制權)。但是,AEON 可不時限制可儲存同一張 AEON 信用卡於合資格裝置的數量,且閣下應參閱 AEON 關於該等限制的最新通訊。 e) 配予閣下的 AEON 信用卡及其卡戶口的任何信貸限額將適用於 AEON 信用卡交易,包括流動支付交易。換言之,流動支付交易不獲配予任何額外信貸限額。 f) 所有 Mobile 信用卡交易會誌入 AEON 信用卡月結單。閣下的 Mobile 信用卡將不會有個別的結單。 g) 閣下可在 接納電子錢包付款的情況下進行 Mobile 信用卡交易。AEON 就任何零售商拒絕接納閣下的 Mobile 信用卡概不負責。 3. 閣下的責任 a) 按照有關電子錢包服務供應商發出的指示及指引,就流動支付服務登記、啟動及使用閣下的 Mobile 信用卡及合資格裝置; b) 請勿在裝有任何盜版、破解版、偽造或未獲授權應用程式或在軟件保護已被破解的合資格裝置上安裝或開啟電子錢包; c) 小心保管閣下的合資格裝置,並妥為保管在個人控制之下; d) 不要選擇任何包含閣下的個人資訊或其他容易被猜測的或數字作為流動裝置密碼或付款密碼; e) 不應允許任何其他人士就使用或登入閣下的合資格裝置進行流動支付交易; f) 定期更改合資格裝置密碼或付款密碼,並使用字母數字代碼作為合資格裝置密碼或付款密碼; g) 確保閣下合資格裝置上儲存的生物識別憑據僅屬於閣下,不應在閣下的合資格裝置中儲存任何其他人士的指紋或生物識別憑據; h) 如果閣下有孿生兄弟姐妹或正處於青春期,而閣下的面部特徵可能正處於快速發育階段,請不要使用面部識別來使用閣下的 Mobile 信用卡或電子錢包。 在這種情況下, AEON 建議閣下使用合資格裝置密碼或其他電子錢包服務供應商建議的其他生物識別憑據; i) 在閣下更換合資格裝置和終止您的 AEON 信用卡之前,請移除您的 Mobile 信用卡。 如閣下對任何其他人洩露閣下 AEON 信用卡詳情、裝置密碼、付款密碼或與閣下合資格裝置、電子錢包及 Mobile 信用卡有關的其他保安細節,閣下須對此負全責,即使是意外或未獲授權的洩露。閣下須承擔所有因電子錢包或 Mobile 信用卡被未經授權人士使用或用作未經授權目的而產生的風險及其後果。 4. 知識產權 5. 責任的限制 a) 閣下確認並接受電子錢包是電子錢包服務供應商向閣下提供的,AEON 對電子錢包平臺或閣下的合資格裝置並無控制權。閣下承認及明白 AEON 沒有參與閣下與電子錢包供應商之間就電子錢包之條款及細則。AEON 就閣下使用或無法使用閣下的電子錢包(包括閣下的 Mobile 信用卡)而蒙受或招致的任何損失概不負責。 b) 閣下確認及同意,存取、使用及維持電子錢包的 Mobile 信用卡將取決於電子錢包提供者、網絡連接狀況及其他第三方的服務、應...
General enquiries. If you have a written or verbal question which can be satisfied by providing information, advice, assistance, clarification, explanation or referral to an external body (Enquiry) relating to an account, payment options, concession entitlement or other information about the Services, we encourage you to contact us as follows: • by visiting our websiteby telephone between 9am and 4pm (Australian Western Standard Time) Monday to Friday on 00 0000 0000 or such other telephone number as may be notified to you • by using the enquiries email link on our website. If we cannot resolve your enquiry immediately, we will endeavour to respond to your request promptly.
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General enquiries. The Customer Service Desk will respond to general enquiries regarding the Services, product information, work status and information requests.
General enquiries. If you have any general enquiries about this booklet, or the terms and conditions contained within it, or simply need more information about any ANZ account or product, please ask at any ANZ branch, enquire via Bank Mail if you’re registered for ANZ Internet Banking, or phone us during working hours on (676) 20 500. This booklet contains terms and conditions for the following consumer lending products: • Home Loans • Residential Investment Property LoansPersonal Loans These Terms and Conditions are in English. Any Tongan translation of these Terms and Conditions is for reference only and shall be treated as a translation of the Terms and Conditions. In the event of any inconsistency between the Tongan translation of these Terms and Conditions and the English version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version of these Terms and Conditions shall apply and prevail. ‘General enquiries’ Section above and on our website It is important that you read and understand the documents referred to above. If you do not understand, or are unsure about any aspect of these documents, do not hesitate to ask us to clarify the matter for you. When you are reading these Terms and Conditions, keep in mind that some terms have a special meaning which is explained under Section 1 of this document.

Related to General enquiries

  • Enquiries If you have any queries, complaints, claims or feedback regarding the Program, please contact Samsung by using the Samsung Care+ Portal.

  • E6 Publicity, Media and Official Enquiries The Contractor shall not:

  • Inquiries Respond to telephonic, mail, and in-person inquiries from Institutions, Account holders, or their representatives requesting information regarding matters such as shareholder account or transaction status, net asset value ("NAV") of Series shares, Series performance, Series services, plans and options, Series investment policies, Series portfolio holdings, and Series distributions and taxation thereof;

  • ACCESS TO SECURITY LOGS AND REPORTS Upon request, the Contractor shall provide access to security logs and reports to the State or Authorized User in a format as specified in the Authorized User Agreement.

  • Publicity, Media and Official Enquiries 22.1 Without prejudice to the Authority’s obligations under the FOIA, neither Party shall make any press announcements or publicise the Contract or any part thereof in any way, except with the written consent of the other Party. 22.2 Both Parties shall take reasonable steps to ensure that their Personnel comply with clause 22.1.

  • SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his / her best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. All aspects of the Project shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the State. Contractor guarantees to repair, replace, re-execute or otherwise correct any defect in workmanship, materials, or the like that fails to conform to the requirements of this Contract or that appears during the progress of the Work or within one year of final acceptance by the State. 4.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the State for the acts and omissions of his / her employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. 4.3.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved from his / her obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by the activities or duties of the Architect in his / her administration of the Contract, or by inspections, tests or approvals required or performed under Paragraph 7.7 by persons other than the Contractor. 4.3.4 The Contractor shall acquaint himself (herself / itself) with the limits of the property or right- of-way of the State and shall not trespass on other property. The Contractor shall adequately protect the project, adjacent property and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to the Contractor’s act or neglect, and shall save the State harmless in respect thereto. 4.3.5 All work shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere with the State’s operating functions. Contractor and his employees shall familiarize themselves and comply with all rules and regulations applicable to the project. 4.3.6 The Contractor shall keep the premises free from liens arising out of or from the Project. Contractor shall obtain and submit waivers of liens with a request for a progress or final payment.

  • NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC EVENTS AND MEETINGS 2 A. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR of any public event or meeting funded in 3 whole or in part by the COUNTY, except for those events or meetings that are intended solely to serve 4 clients or occur in the normal course of business. 5 B. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR at least thirty (30) business days in advance 6 of any applicable public event or meeting. The notification must include the date, time, duration, 7 location and purpose of the public event or meeting. Any promotional materials or event related flyers 8 must be approved by ADMINISTRATOR prior to distribution. 9

  • Information and Services Required of the Owner The Owner shall provide information with reasonable promptness, regarding requirements for and limitations on the Project, including a written program which shall set forth the Owner’s objectives, constraints, and criteria, including schedule, space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expandability, special equipment, systems, sustainability and site requirements.

  • Dealings with Public Servants Contractor has not given, has not offered to give, and does not intend to give at any time hereafter any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to a public servant in connection with this Contract or any related Solicitation, or related Solicitation Response.

  • Mobile Banking Services Mobile Banking is a personal financial information management service that allows you to access account information and conduct transactions using compatible and supported mobile phones and/or other compatible and supported wireless devices (including phones, "Wireless Devices"). We reserve the right to modify the scope of the Mobile Banking services at any time. We reserve the right to refuse to make any transaction you request through Mobile Banking. You agree and understand that Mobile Banking may not be accessible or may have limited utility over some mobile telephone networks, such as while roaming.

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