Xxxxx, Haldimand, Norfolk An employee shall be granted five working days bereavement leave with pay upon the death of the employee’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandchild or step-grandchild.
Asset Management Supplier will: i) maintain an asset inventory of all media and equipment where Accenture Data is stored. Access to such media and equipment will be restricted to authorized Personnel; ii) classify Accenture Data so that it is properly identified and access to it is appropriately restricted; iii) maintain an acceptable use policy with restrictions on printing Accenture Data and procedures for appropriately disposing of printed materials that contain Accenture Data when such data is no longer needed under the Agreement; iv) maintain an appropriate approval process whereby Supplier’s approval is required prior to its Personnel storing Accenture Data on portable devices, remotely accessing Accenture Data, or processing such data outside of Supplier facilities. If remote access is approved, Personnel will use multi-factor authentication, which may include the use of smart cards with certificates, One Time Password (OTP) tokens, and biometrics.
Ladies and Gentlemen The undersigned refers to the Credit Agreement and hereby gives you irrevocable notice, pursuant to Section [2.2] [2.5] [2.7(a)] of the Credit Agreement, of the borrowing of a [Term Loan][Revolving Loan][Swingline Loan].
Platby (a) Všechny platby budou vypláceny těmto příjemcům (dále jen "Příjemce platby" či "Příjemci platby") v souladu s rozdělením poplatků definovaným v Příloze B: Fakultní nemocni ce v Motol e X Xxxxx 00 000 00 Xxxxx 0, Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx XX 0006420 3 fakturykhl @fnmotol .cz xxx (b) Schválené platby za Klinické hodnocení a související služby, které má Poskytovatel provádět, jsou uvedeny v rozpočtu přiloženém k této Smlouvě jako Příloha B a začleněny zde odkazem ("Příloha B"). Platby uvedené v Příloze B zahrnují všechny příslušné režijní náklady splatné kterékoli Smluvní straně nebo subjektu v důsledku Klinického hodnocení nebo v souvislosti s ním. Poskytovatel bere na vědomí, že společnost Covance nenese odpovědnost za platby, dokud Zadavatel neuhradí takové platby a/nebo splatnou odměnu. Společnost Covance vyvine maximální úsilí, aby získala finanční prostředky od Zadavatele včas s cílem zajistit rychlé zaplacení Příjemci platby. (c) Platby jsou podmíněny postupem v plném souladu s CIP a touto Smlouvou, jakož i včasným a uspokojivým předložením úplných a správných údajů z formulářů subjektů hodnocení (Case Report Form). Příjemce či příjemci plateb nezískají náhradu za subjekty hodnocení, které byly do Klinického hodnocení zařazeny bez řádně provedeného (d) Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement and its exhibits and attachments, no payments will be made to Institution or any other person or entity in connection with the Clinical Investigation. Payment for any costs outside of this Agreement and its exhibits and attachments must be approved in advance in writing by Covance. (e) If a dispute arises between the Parties in respect of any part of an invoice, Covance shall notify Payee promptly of the particulars of the dispute, and Covance may withhold payment of the disputed part of the invoice provided that Covance and Payee endeavor promptly and in good faith to resolve the dispute. (f) Institution shall not bill any third party for any Clinical Investigational Device or other items or services furnished by Sponsor through Covance in connection with the Clinical Investigation, or any services provided to patients in connection with the Clinical Investigation for which payment is made as part of the Clinical Investigation, except as may be specifically authorized by the Exhibit B. 16.
Sincerely, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx,
Xxxxxxxx Tobacco Co the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, found the decedent, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 50% at fault, RJR Tobacco to be 25% at fault, and the other defendant 25% at fault, and awarded $2 million in compensatory damages and $750,000 in punitive damages against each defendant.
Managing Director 1. The Managing Director shall be appointed by the Board of Governors from among candidates having the nationality of an ESM Member, relevant international experience and a high level of competence in economic and financial matters. Whilst holding office, the Managing Director may not be a Governor or Director or an alternate of either. 2. The term of office of the Managing Director shall be five years. He or she may be re-appointed once. The Managing Director shall, however, cease to hold office when the Board of Governors so decides. 3. The Managing Director shall chair the meetings of the Board of Directors and shall participate in the meetings of the Board of Governors. 4. The Managing Director shall be chief of the staff of the ESM. He or she shall be responsible for organising, appointing and dismissing staff in accordance with staff rules to be adopted by the Board of Directors. 5. The Managing Director shall be the legal representative of the ESM and shall conduct, under the direction of the Board of Directors, the current business of the ESM.
to us We have a separate policy about it that you should read.
AT&T 9STATE shall be defined as the States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
S.T If Federal Funds are not received on time, such funds will be invested, and shares purchased thereby will be issued, as soon as practicable.