German Terms. If provisions in this Agreement include English terms after which German terms have been inserted in brackets and/or italics, the respective German terms alone and not the English terms shall be authoritative for the interpretation of the respective provisions.
German Terms. Where a German term has been added in parenthesis after an English term, only such German term shall be decisive for the interpretation of the relevant English term whenever such English term is used in this Agreement.
German Terms. In this Agreement, where it relates to any entity incorporated or established under the laws of Germany or the context so requires, unless a contrary indication appears, a reference to:
(a) a person being unable to pay its debts includes that person being in a state of Zahlungsunfähigkeit under Section 17 of the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung) or being overindebted (überschuldet) under Section 19 of the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung);
(b) a liquidator, trustee in bankruptcy, administrative receiver, receiver, administrator or compulsory manager includes an insolvency administrator (Insolvenzverwalter), interim insolvency administrator (vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter) or custodian (Sachwalter) or interim custodian (vorläufiger Sachwalter);
(c) a corporate action, formal legal proceedings or other formal procedure or formal step taken for the winding up, administration or dissolution includes liquidation (Liquidation) and any action taken by the competent court as set out in Section 21 of the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung);
(d) a moratorium includes protective shield proceedings (Schutzschirmverfahren) and insolvency plan proceedings (Insolvenzplanverfahren);
(e) a director or manager of a company includes any statutory legal representative(s) (organschaftlicher Vertreter) of a person pursuant to the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, including with respect to a person incorporated or established in Germany, any managing director (Geschäftsführer), member of the board (Vorstand) or proxy (Prokurist);
(f) a guarantee includes any guarantee (Garantie), any indemnity, and any joint and several (gesamtschuldnersich) or independent obligation (unabhängiges Schuldversprechen) within the meaning of German law; and the constitutional, incorporation and registry documents and/or excerpts include the relevant entity’s articles of association (Satzung) (as filed with the competent commercial register) or partnership agreement (Gesellschaftsvertrag), a recent online excerpt from the competent commercial register (elektronischer Abdruck aus dem Handelsregister) and, as applicable, a copy of its list of shareholders (Gesellschafterliste) (as filed with the competent commercial register) and, as applicable, any by-laws (Geschäftsordnungen).
German Terms. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, in this Agreement, where it relates to any Obligor which is organized under the laws of Germany, any reference to (a) a liquidator, trustee, custodian, receiver or administrator includes an “Insolvenzverwalter,” a “vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter” or a “Sachwalter”; (b) “Organizational Documents” or “constitutional documents” includes reference to articles of association (Satzung) or partnership agreement (Gesellschaftsvertrag), as applicable, and any by-laws of a supervisory board or advisory board, as applicable; and (c) a “director” or “officer” includes any statutory legal representative(s) (organschaftlicher Vertreter) of a Person, including but not limited to, a member of the board of directors (Vorstand), a managing director (Geschäftsführer) or an authorized representative (Prokurist).
German Terms. Where a German term has been inserted in quotation marks and/or italics, such term alone (and not the English term to which it relates) shall be authoritative for the interpretation of the respective provision.
German Terms. Where a German term has been inserted in italics, it alone (and not the English term to which it relates) shall be authoritative for the purpose of the interpretation of the relevant English term in this Agreement.
German Terms. In this Agreement, where a translation of a word or phrase into the German language appears in the text of this Agreement, such translation of a word or phrase shall prevail and, furthermore, where it relates to a German entity or other applicable term, a reference to:
(a) a compulsory manager, receiver, administrator includes an Insolvenzverwalter, a Vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter, a Zwangsverwalter or a custodian or creditor’s trustee (Sachwalter);
(b) secretary or director includes any statutory legal representative(s) (organschaftlicher Vertreter) of a person pursuant to the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, including but not limited to, in relation to a person incorporated or established in Germany, a managing director (Geschäftsführer) or member of the board of directors (Vorstand);
(c) a disposal includes a Verfügung;
(d) filing for insolvency or to file for insolvency includes the meaning Antrag auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens; and
(e) a winding up, administration or dissolution (and each of those terms) includes insolvency proceedings (Insolvenzverfahren).
German Terms. In this Agreement, where it relates to a German entity or other applicable term, a reference to:
(a) a “liquidator”, “receiver”, “administrative receiver”, “administrator”, “compulsory manager” or other similar officer includes a restructuring agent (Restrukturierungsbeauftragter), an insolvency administrator (Insolvenzverwalter), interim insolvency administrator (vorläufiger Insolvenzverwalter), custodian (Sachwalter), interim custodian (vorläufiger Sachwalter), sequestrator (Zwangsverwalter) or creditor’s trustee (Sachverwalter);
German Terms. The terms set forth in this Agreement in German language shall take precedence over corresponding English terminology, if any, in interpreting the contents of the pertinent contractual provision and be interpreted in accordance with the meaning of that German term under German law and as would be customary in German language contracts.