German Law. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding any application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980; or § 31.1(c) Other: [specify]
German Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, German law.
German Law. To keep things simple, all start- ups, corporate mechanisms and corresponding corporate documentation are governed by German law. Since the start-ups are governed by Ger- man law, the corporate mecha- nisms are governed by German law automatically. To avoid conflict of laws and enhance understanding and handling of the mechanics regarding the participation in the start-up, German law was chosen for the documentation in relation to the start-up.
German Law. German law shall be applicable to the business relationship, unless mandatory statutory provisions dictate otherwise.
German Law. In Germany, the development of a theory of groups of contracts started with an increasing need for purchase financing. At first, the credit needed for a purchase was either directly provided by the seller, or obtained from a third party whom the buyer approached independently. It is obvious that in the latter case the buyer concluded two distinct contracts, one with the seller and one with the lender. In time, however, it became common practice for the seller to offer the buyer the possibility to obtain credit from a lender with whom he is linked in one way or another.18 The consequences that are traditionally caused by the fact that from a legal point of view, the transaction is still formed by two different contracts, between the buyer and the seller and lender respectively, are considered undesirable as being too harsh on the buyer.
German Law is applicable. The place of performance and jurisdiction is Frankfurt-am-Main.
German Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
German Law. This ContraCt is sUbjeCt to the laws of Germany. FUrthermore, the agreement is NOT sUbjeCt to the United Nations Convention on ContraCts for the International Sale of Goods, its Use is hereby expressly exClUded. The plaCe of jUrisdiCtion is Leipzig, Germany.
5.1 VAT ZentrUmwest Xxxxx Xxxx Und XxxxxXx Xxxx GbR is a Company registered in Germany and sUbjeCt to VAT (valUe added tax). Therefore, Typerotation adds German VAT to any orders from Germany. If yoU are from a CoUntry within the EUropean Union (EU), yoU Can enter yoUr VAT nUmber and the Corresponding registered Company address at the CheCkoUt, thUs avoiding paying German VAT (Reverse Charge proCedUre). YoU then have to pay yoUr loCal VAT in yoUr CoUntry. If yoU order from a CoUntry within the EUropean Union (EU) bUt Can not show a valid VAT nUmber, yoU are obliged to pay the German VAT. For any orders oUtside the EU and oUtside of EUrope, yoU don’t have to pay VAT.
German Law. [specify one option] [ ] Courts Any disputes arising under, out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the German courts; or [ ] Arbitration Any dispute arising under, out of or in connection with this Agreement, shall be referred for resolution to the German Institution of Arbitration (Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS) e.V.) with seat in Cologne, Germany, and decided according to its rules, ousting the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts. The number of arbitrators shall be three (3). The arbitration shall be conducted in [specify location] ___________________ and in [specify language] ; or § 31.2(c) Other: [specify] Sección 31.2 Resolución de Conflictos: [Tachar lo que no proceda, o especificar de otro modo] Sección 31.2(a Ley Inglesa: [especificar una opción] [ ] Tribunales Cualquier controversia (ya sea de naturaleza contractual o extracontractual, como las reclamaciones por incumplimiento legal, normativo o de otra naturaleza) que surja en virtud del presente Contrato o en relación con él, incluyendo cualquier cuestión relativa a su existencia, validez o terminación, estará sujeta a la jurisdicción exclusiva de los tribunales ingleses; o bien [ ] Arbitraje Cualquier controversia que surja en virtud de este Contrato, o en relación con él, incluyendo cualquier cuestión relativa a su existencia, validez o terminación, será sometida a arbitraje y, en última instancia, resuelta con arreglo a las Reglas de la Corte de Arbitraje Internacional de Londres, las cuales se consideran incorporadas por referencia en esta Sección 32.2, letra (a). El número de árbitros será de tres (3), y cada Parte tendrá derecho a designar un árbitro. La sede del arbitraje será Londres, Inglaterra, donde se celebrarán todas las audiencias y reuniones, a menos que las Partes acuerden otra cosa. El idioma que se utilizará en las actuaciones arbitrales será el inglés y las Partes renuncian expresamente a cualquier derecho de apelación ante cualquier tribunal competente sobre cualquier cuestión de hecho o de derecho. Se acuerda que los árbitros no tendrán autoridad para otorgar indemnización por xxxxx punitivos o ejemplares de ningún tipo en ninguna circunstancia, ya xxxx reconocidos dichos xxxxx o no en xx xxx aplicable pertinente, renunciando las Partes a su derecho, si lo hubiere, de recuperar dichos xxxxx; o Sección 31.2
German Law. “Using the process” means that all steps protected by the patent have been applied by the potential infringer. An exception can be made if the final act is conducted by a third party, provided that this act is foreseeable and will take place with certainty. Acts which concern a preparatory step do not constitute “use” of the process. The delivery of a device or machinery by which the patented process can be implemented, for example, does not constitute a direct infringement of a process claim (but could constitute an indirect patent infringement). Furthermore, all steps protected by the process need to be undertaken in Germany. Under certain circumstances, steps conducted outside Germany can be attributed to Germany, so that a direct infringement arises even if some of the process steps are conducted outside Germany. Under German law, the requirement that the product must be directly obtained by the process can be deemed to be met if the product is a direct (chronological) result of the patented process and no further steps of processing or treatment are required. The fact that a product directly obtained becomes part of a larger unit or is subsumed into a product does not absolve the infringement. However, “directness” is not only established in a direct chronological context. The patented process does not need to be the last step which leads to the infringing product. What is important is that the product obtained by the patented process maintains its characteristics. If such characteristics are lost, or the product has no independent importance in the challenged combination, the combination will not be a “directly obtained” product. These principles can also be applied if a product directly obtained by the process is mixed with another product, as, for example, in a chemical composition. The question will be whether the product directly obtained by the patented process maintains its characteristics in this composition and has an independent importance.