GSK Rights Sample Clauses

GSK Rights. Subject to Section 10.1.3, GSK shall have the primary right to determine and control a course of action designed to curtail a Third Party Infringement in the Field in the Territory at its own expense. GSK shall keep CureVac closely informed as to any legal courses of action it pursues pursuant to this Section 10.1.2, and the Parties shall consult with each other, and agree on strategic decisions and their implementation in connection with such action.
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GSK Rights. Prometheus acknowledges and agrees that, as between GSK and Prometheus, GSK owns all rights in and to the GSK Intellectual Property and such GSK Intellectual Property shall be deemed the Confidential Information of GSK (subject to Section 5.2).
GSK Rights. DENDREON acknowledges and agrees that, as between GSK and DENDREON, GSK owns all rights in and to the GSK Intellectual Property.
GSK Rights. Draxis acknowledges and agrees that, as between GSK and Draxis, GSK owns all rights in and to the GSK Intellectual Property, including all Intellectual Property rights in and to the Products, the Drug Applications for the Products, the Data (as defined below) and documentation, specifications and processes associated with the Products (except as specified in Section 7.2 below), the Drug Applications for the Products and Data, except to the extent that such items are in the public domain or owned by a Third Party. In particular, Draxis acknowledges and agrees that: (i) all of the Specifications contain valuable trade secrets and confidential information of GSK and are and shall remain the copyrighted works of GSK; and (ii) all of the patents, trademarks and Product formulation software files owned by GSK which apply to the manufacture, use or sale of Products covered by this Agreement are and shall remain GSK Intellectual Property. Except as expressly provided in Section 7.3 below, nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to transfer or convey, expressly or by implication, any GSK Rights to Draxis.

Related to GSK Rights

  • Sublicense Rights Licensee shall not have the right to grant sublicenses under the licenses granted to it under Section 2.1(a) (Development and Commercialization License to Licensee) and Section 6.3(d) (Use of Coherus Trademark), without the prior written consent of Coherus, which consent may be withheld [***], except with respect to [***], in which case [***]. For the avoidance of doubt, it shall be [***] with respect to [***]. If Coherus consents in writing to allow Licensee to grant a sublicense, then Licensee may grant such sublicense, through [***], subject to the following: (a) each Sublicensee shall agree to be bound by all of the applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement; (b) the terms of each sublicense granted by Licensee shall provide that the Sublicensee shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (c) Licensee’s grant of any sublicense shall not relieve Licensee from any of its obligations under this Agreement; (d) Licensee shall be liable for any breach of a sublicense by a Sublicensee to the extent that such breach would constitute a breach of this Agreement, and any breach of the sublicense by such Sublicensee shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement by Licensee to the extent that such breach would constitute a breach of this Agreement as if Licensee had committed such breach; provided, however, that in each instance of any breach, Licensee and/or Sublicensee shall have the right to cure any such breach pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; and (e) Licensee will notify Coherus of the identity of any Sublicensee, and the territory in which it has granted such sublicense, promptly after entering into any sublicense. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, for clarity, Licensee shall not have the right to grant sublicenses under Section 2.1 (License Grants) to any Third Party to Manufacture Products or to conduct Process Development.

  • License Rights The Recipient must provide a license to its “subject data” to the Federal Government, which license is: (a) Royalty-free, (b) Non-exclusive, and (c) Irrevocable, (2) Uses. The Federal Government’s license must permit the Federal Government to take the following actions provided those actions are taken for Federal Government purposes: (a) Reproduce the subject data, (b) Publish the subject data, (c) Otherwise use the subject data, and (d) Permit other entities or individuals to use the subject data, and

  • Trademark Rights Any and all past, present or future rights in, to and ---------------- associated with the Trademarks throughout the world, whether arising under federal law, state law, common law, foreign law or otherwise, including the following: all such rights arising out of or associated with the Trademark Registrations; the right (but not the obligation) to register claims under any state, federal or foreign trademark law or regulation; the right (but not the obligation) to xxx or bring opposition or cancellation proceedings in the name of the Assignor or the Agent for any and all past, present and future infringements or dilution of or any other damages or injury to the Trademarks, the Trademark Rights, or the Associated Goodwill, and the rights to damages or profits due or accrued arising out of or in connection with any such past, present or future infringement, dilution, damage or injury; and the Trademark License Rights.

  • Background Technology List here prior contracts to assign Inventions that are now in existence between any other person or entity and you. [ ] List here previous Inventions which you desire to have specifically excluded from the operation of this Agreement. Continue on reverse side if necessary.

  • Background IP Each Party will own all right, title and interest in its Background IP.

  • Registration Rights; Rights of Participation Except as set forth on Schedule 6(b) to the Registration Rights Agreement, the Company has not granted or agreed to grant to any Person any rights (including "piggy-back" registration rights) to have any securities of the Company registered with the Commission or any other governmental authority which has not been satisfied. Except as set forth on Schedule 6(b) to the Registration Rights Agreement, no Person has any right of first refusal, preemptive right, right of participation, or any similar right to participate in the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

  • Patent Rights The State and the U. S. Department of Transportation shall have the royalty free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to use and to authorize others to use any patents developed by the Engineer under this contract.

  • Sublicensing Rights Novartis and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses of the license granted in Section 5.3.1(a), Section 5.3.2, and Section 5.3.3, and Intellia and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses of the license granted in Section 5.3.1(b), provided that (a) such sublicense (i) is in writing, (ii) is subject and subordinate to, and consistent with, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (iii) requires the applicable sublicensee to comply with all applicable terms of this Agreement [***]; (b) with respect to Novartis or any of its Affiliates as the sublicensing Party to the extent required by the Key License Agreements as in effect on the Effective Date or the agreements for any Included Intellia New In-Licensed Intellectual Property, Novartis promptly notifies Intellia of the grant of each sublicense and provides Intellia a copy of the final executed sublicense agreement, redacted for information not pertinent to this Agreement to the extent that such redactions do not reasonably impair Intellia’s ability to ensure compliance with this Agreement, the Key License Agreements or agreements for any Included Intellia New In-Licensed Intellectual Property, as applicable, (c) Novartis or Intellia, as applicable, shall be responsible for the failure by its sublicensees to comply with, and Novartis or Intellia, as applicable, guarantees the compliance by each of its sublicensees with, all relevant restrictions, limitations and obligations in this Agreement, and [***]. CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT WERE OMITTED AND REPLACED WITH “[***]”. A COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION REQUESTING CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED.

  • RIGHTS GRANTED The Author hereby grants to the Publisher the perpetual, sole and exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable and unlimited right to publish, produce, copy, distribute, communicate, display publicly, sell, rent and/or otherwise make available the Contribution in any language, in any versions or editions in any and all forms and/or media of expression (including without limitation in connection with any and all end-user devices), whether now known or developed in the future, in each case with the right to grant further time-limited or permanent rights. The above rights are granted in relation to the Contribution as a whole or any part and with or in relation to any other works. Without limitation, the above grant includes: (a) the right to edit, alter, adapt, adjust and prepare derivative works; (b) all advertising and marketing rights including without limitation in relation to social media; (c) rights for any training, educational and/or instructional purposes; and (d) the right to add and/or remove links or combinations with other media/works. The Author hereby grants to the Publisher the right to create, use and/or license and/or sub-license content data or metadata of any kind in relation to the Contribution or parts thereof (including abstracts and summaries) without restriction. The Publisher also has the right to commission completion of the Contribution in accordance with the Clause "Author’s Responsibilities – Delivery and Acceptance of the Manuscript" and of an updated version of the Contribution for new editions of the Work in accordance with the Clause "New Editions". The copyright in the Contribution shall be vested in the name of the Author. The Author has asserted their right(s) to be identified as the originator of the Contribution in all editions and versions, published in all forms and media. The Author agrees that all editing, alterations or amendments to the Contribution made by or on behalf of the Publisher or its licensees for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement or as otherwise allowed by the above rights shall not require the approval of the Author and will not infringe the Author's "moral rights" (or any equivalent rights). This includes changes made in the course of dealing with retractions or other legal issues.

  • Licensed Rights (a) (i) BNYM hereby grants to Company a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to access and use the Licensed System in the United States through its employees (other than as expressly permitted otherwise by Section 2.1(a)(ii) below), solely in accordance with applicable Documentation, through the interfaces and telecommunication lines designated by BNYM, strictly for the internal business purposes of the Company, solely in support of the Core Services and solely for so long as any applicable fees are paid by Company.

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