HEIGHT WORK PAY. 227. Height Work is work performed two floors or fourteen feet (whichever is less) above ground or water.
HEIGHT WORK PAY. 189. Employees in classes 7346 Painter, 7278 Painter Supervisor I, and 7242 Painter Supervisor II shall be entitled to a height work premium when the work performed required personal fall restraints to be worn by the employee as follows:
HEIGHT WORK PAY. 293. Employees in the Sign Worker class (7457), covered by this Agreement, who are required to perform Height Work from a Bos'n Chair, or boom or similar equipment as determined by the Appointing Officer, shall be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour above the base rate of pay for the hours actually spent doing height work in the Bos'n Chair, or boom or similar equipment as determined by the Appointing Officer. Height Work is work performed two floors or fourteen feet (whichever is less) above ground or water.
HEIGHT WORK PAY. 187. Height Work is work performed two floors or fourteen feet (whichever is less) above ground or water. 188. Employees (with the exception of those in classes 7346 Painter, 7278 Painter Supervisor I, and 7242 Painter Supervisor II) who are required to perform Height Work from a Bos’n Chair, Swing stage, “High Ranger,” or any other hydraulic equipment on a building or structure, shall be compensated at the rate of $1.00 per hour above the base rate of pay for the hours actually spent on the Bos’n Chair, swing stage, High Ranger or hydraulic equipment, as determined by the appointing officer.
HEIGHT WORK PAY. 215. Height Work is work performed two floors or fourteen feet (whichever is less) above ground or water. 216. (PSOR\HHV ZKR DUH UHTXLUHG WR SHUIRUP VWDJH ³+LJnKy oth5erDhQydJrauHlicUe qu´ipm eRnt Uon orDin a building or structure, shall be compensated at the rate of $3.00 per hour above the base rate RI SD\ IRU WKH KRXUV DFWXDOO\ VSHQW R or hydraulic equipment, as determined by the appointing officer.
HEIGHT WORK PAY. Employees in classes 7346 Painter, 7278 Painter Supervisor I, and 7242 Painter Supervisor II shall be entitled to a height work premium when the work performed requires personal fall restraints to be worn by the employee as follows: When working over fifty (50) feet above ground or water level the employee shall be paid one dollar ($1.00) per hour above the base rate for all such work; When working from one hundred (100) to one hundred eighty (180) feet above ground or water level the employee shall be paid two dollars ($2.00) per hour above the base rate for all such work. When working over one hundred eighty (180) feet above ground or water level the employee shall be paid three dollars ($3.00) per hour above the base rate for all such work.