Employee Workload. The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 22.3 (Occupational Health and Safety Committee).
Employee Workload. Where the absence of one or more employees may create an unsafe increase in the workload for other employees, the Employer will make reasonable efforts to resolve the matter by: • Utilizing casual employees in accordance with the Collective Agreement. • The Employer will provide work prioritized to employees who are at work during the absence.
Employee Workload. Except in the case of an emergency, an employee's workload shall not be increased beyond a level that could reasonably be expected of an employee in a regular workday. Disputes arising out of this article shall first be referred to the employee's supervisor. Failing resolution within five days, the matter shall be referred to the Labour/Management Relations Committee, which shall meet within five working days. If not satisfactorily resolved by Labour/Management Relations Committee, the matter may be submitted within 15 days to an Investigator under Article 11 - Arbitration. The time limits may be altered by mutual consent of the parties, but the same must be in writing.
Employee Workload. Where the absence of one or more employees may create an unsafe increase in the workload for other employees, the Employer will make every reasonable effort to resolve the matter by:
1. Utilizing casual employees in accordance with the Collective Agreement.
2. The supervisor will discuss the matter and, where appropriate re-order duty priorities with the affected employee(s).
3. Re-assigning work. The Employer is not required to replace absent employees, but under no circumstances will the prioritizing of duties, the reassignment of work, or the decision to not replace result in an unsafe increase in workload for other employees. An employee who believes their workload is unsafe or excessive shall discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor. If the problem is not resolved the employee may seek remedy by referring the safety related workload concern(s) to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation and recommendations.
Employee Workload. The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe. Where the absence of one or more employees may create an increase in the workload for other employees, the Employer will resolve the matter by:
(a) The supervisor will discuss duty priorities with the affected employee(s).
(b) Re-assigning work.
(c) Utilizing casual employees in accordance with the Collective Agreement. The prioritizing of duties or the re-assignment of work shall not as a rule result in an unsafe workload for other employees. An employee who believes their workload is unsafe or excessive shall discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor.
Employee Workload. 39.01 The parties agree that heavy workload may affect the health and safety of employees and that resident care is enhanced if concerns relating to workload are resolved in a timely manner using a problem-solving approach.
39.02 It is acknowledged and agreed that in addressing such workload concerns, time is of the essence.
39.03 When there is a workload concern, the employee(s) shall first raise the concern with their immediate supervisor (Charge Nurse). If the concern is not resolved, then the Charge Nurse must raise it with their direct manager or designate as soon as possible. The manager should have a reasonable opportunity to address the concern.
39.04 In addressing workload concerns, the supervisor/manager shall attempt to resolve the concern through such means as the prioritization of work, the use of casual employee, and/or overtime.
39.05 If the concern still cannot be resolved, the employee should complete a Workload Review Form, sending it to their direct manager, local union representative and the Occupational Health & Safety Committee. The manager will again attempt to resolve the matter directly with the employee and provide the employee, the Union representative and the committee with the results.
39.06 If a workload concern remains unresolved, it shall be presented to the Occupational Health & Safety Committee. The Occupational Health & Safety Committee shall endeavor to provide unanimous workload recommendations to the Employer.
39.07 If the parties are still unable to resolve the identified workload concern(s), raised on the Workload Review Form, the concern(s) will be discussed at the Labour/Management Committee which will provide a resolution proposal or response to the concern within twenty (20) business days of it being referred to the Labour Management Committee.
39.08 For persistent concerns that remain unresolved, either the Labour or Management representatives may seek the assistance of a Mediator identified in Article 9.09, who may make recommendations to the Parties.
Employee Workload. (a) The Employer agrees that, except in the case of emergency, an employee's workload will not be increased as a result of positions being temporarily vacant due to illness, vacation, leave of absence, or any other reason.
(b) In such instances, the Employer shall give regular employees the opportunity to substitute in higher paying positions and arrange for staff replacements at the lowest paying category.
(c) Disputes arising out of this article shall first be referred to the employee's supervisor. Failing resolution, the matter shall be referred to the Academy or Division Director.
(d) Failing resolution within five days by the Academy/Division Director, the matter shall be referred to the Labour/Management Committee, which shall meet to attempt to resolve the matter within five days.
(e) If the dispute is not resolved by the Labour/Management Committee within five days of the referral, the matter may be submitted to Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article 8 - Grievances.
Employee Workload.
(a) The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety-related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 37.01(c).
(b) The employer will make all reasonable efforts to fill absences if the workload is significantly impacted during the absence. The Employer will give reasonable consideration to replacing leaves or absences using regular relief or float positions. In situations where employees are absent and have not been replaced and where the work demand has not reduced, the Employer will provide work prioritization to employees in the same unit who are at work during the absence.
(c) In any unit or facility, in instances where there is additional patient demand or over census status the Employer will call in additional employees, as deemed necessary by the Employer, to meet the demands or patient needs.
Employee Workload. Except in the case of an emergency, an employee's workload shall not be increased beyond a level that could reasonably be expected of an employee in a regular workday. Disputes arising out of this article shall first be referred to the employee's supervisor. Failing resolution within three (3) days, the matter shall be referred to the Labour/Management Committee. If the dispute is not resolved by the Labour/Management Committee within five (5) days, the matter will be submitted to an Investigator under Article 11.
Employee Workload. Section 3 Classroom Visitation Section 4 Student Discipline Section 5 Weapons/Assault On A Unit Member Section 6 Elementary/MS Parent Conference Time Article X Duration