Shift Work Sample Clauses
Shift Work.
(1) Except as varied by this Clause, all other aspects of Section 4 of the Agreement shall apply to the working of shift work.
(2) The Company has the right to direct Employees to work shift work as required and the Employees shall work the shift work as directed. Shift work will be worked and paid for in accordance with this subclause.
(3) Shift work is deemed to be any arrangement of Project Working Hours where the majority of the Ordinary Hours are worked outside of the spread of Ordinary Hours defined at clause 16 - Hours of Work of this Agreement and when Employees are working as such.
(4) Ordinary Hours for shift Employees will comprise thirty-six (36) hours per week averaged over a defined work cycle and will not commence before 5.00pm on Sunday night. Such Ordinary Hours are the specified hours under each shift Employee's terms of employment by reference to which annual leave and personal/carer's leave accrue.
(5) Prior to the commencement of shift work, the Company shall seek the agreement of the Employees involved. Failing agreement, the Company will provide to the Employees concerned one (1) week's notice of the commencement of shift work and the starting and finishing times of Ordinary Hours of the shifts.
(6) Where less than five (5) consecutive shifts are worked then Employees shall be paid at overtime rates in lieu of the shift loading prescribed at subclause (7) of this clause. The consecutive nature of shifts will not be deemed to be broken if work is not carried out on a Saturday, Sunday, RDO or on any public holiday.
(7) A shift Employee shall receive a flat loading of twenty-five (25) percent of their Ordinary Hourly Rate for each hour worked.
(8) Employees working night shift shall be entitled to stop work for a half-hour without deduction of pay for the purpose of taking a meal break.
(9) The Company may stagger the times for Employees to take meal breaks to meet operational requirements.
(10) The Company shall structure the Project Working Hours for Employees working night shift to include one (1) half-hour rest break to be taken without deduction of pay by Employees working the Project Working Hours on any night shift.
Shift Work. Shift work is work not in excess of ordinary hours (ie 38 hours per week), but carried out wholly or partly between the hours of 7.00pm and 7.00am, Monday to Friday. Shift work is work scheduled at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the shift. Employees required to work shift work will be paid at time and one quarter of the ordinary rate per hour for ordinary hours worked.
Shift Work. The parties agree that shift arrangements may be introduced in industry areas outside new construction work. Where shift work is necessary the following conditions will apply:
a) an employee who works ordinary hours on a day will not be employed on shift at the conclusion of the day’s work
b) starting and finishing times for shift work shall be agreed between the employer and employees providing starting time for shifts shall not be before 3.00 p.m.
c) where shifts are worked and the employment continues for more than one week the employees shall work five shifts per week of eight hours
d) entitlements to rostered days off accruing whilst on shifts shall i nclude the appropriate shift rate
e) reasonable time shall be allowed for a meal during a shift
f) an employee employed on shift work for less than the normal weekly working hours in any working week will be paid in accordance with the overtime provisions. Provided that in cases where the shift work has continued for more than one week and the job finishes during the currency of a week the employer will pay the shift rate for the time actually worked. The rate of pay for shift work shall be ordinary time plus 100% except by agreement between the Union and the Enterprise. As per Appendix A.1.
Shift Work. 35.1 The employer and a majority of employees and the employee representative may agree that shift arrangements may be introduced in industry areas outside new construction work.
35.2 Shift workers shall be paid their ordinary rate of pay plus a shift penalty of one hundred percent (100%) for all hours worked, and one hundred and fifty percent (150%) for all hours worked on a public holiday.
35.3 An employee directed to work Shift work shall be given at least forty eight (48) hours of notice of the requirement to work shift work.
Shift Work. For purposes of this Article, when a work shift includes consecutive hours which fall in two (2) calendar days, that work shift shall be considered as falling on the calendar day in which the majority of hours in the shift fall. When a work shift includes an equal number of consecutive hours in each of two (2) calendar days, that work shift shall be considered as falling on the first of the two (2) calendar days.
Shift Work. 15.1 Definition of Shifts and Shift Premiums
(a) Identification of Shifts:
(1) day shift - all hours worked on any shift which starts between 4:30 a.m. and 1:59 p.m. inclusive;
(2) afternoon shift - all hours worked on any shift which starts between 2:00 p.m. and 8:59 p.m. inclusive;
(3) night shift - all hours worked on any shift which starts between 9:00 p.m. and 4:29 a.m. inclusive.
(b) Shift Premium (full-time employees):
Shift Work. 11.01 Shift work may be performed at the option of the employer.
11.02 In the event that shift work is instituted such shift work shall be scheduled between Sunday Midnight and Friday Midnight and shall continue for at least three (3) consecutive week days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and designated holidays.
11.03 When more than one (1) shift is in operation, hourly rated employees employed on the second shift and/or those employed on the third shift shall be paid a shift differential.
Shift Work. All shift work shall be paid at the rate of double time for all hours worked. It is not automatically required that Employee Representatives and Health & Safety Representatives be in attendance on any occasion that shift work is being done. Provided that at all such times there shall be available a person qualified in First Aid.
Shift Work. (a) Employees engaged on shift work are to be paid the following additional allowances as the relevant shift penalty.
Shift Work. (a) Shift work is defined as a scheduled work period within a regular work week which falls outside the regular work day as set out in 15.02 above.