Imposition of duplicate disciplinary measures Sample Clauses

Imposition of duplicate disciplinary measures. It is agreed that the Employer shall not impose more than one disciplinary measure for the same infraction, unless one action of an employee constitutes breach of the Employer's multiple rules, policies and procedure of the employer.

Related to Imposition of duplicate disciplinary measures

  • Disciplinary Measures 16.01 Any disciplinary measure must be the subject of a written notice addressed to the Employee concerned and stating the reasons for the measure. Such notice must be sent simultaneously to the Union. Only those disciplinary measures of which the Employee and the Union have been informed in writing can be used as evidence in arbitration and can appear in the Employee's personnel file. 16.02 Except in the case of the discharge of Employees serving a probationary period, for any Employee who is discharged, suspended, or given a written warning, the Union may submit her/his case to the grievance procedure and if necessary to arbitration. 16.03 In all cases of disciplinary measures, the University has the burden of proving that the disciplinary measure was imposed for just and sufficient cause. The arbitrator may confirm or reject the disciplinary measure or render any other decision that she/he judges equitable under the circumstances. 16.04 In the event that a University representative finds it necessary to summon an Employee for disciplinary reasons (written warning, suspension, or dismissal) the Employee has the right to be accompanied by a Union representative. 16.05 A suspension does not interrupt the continuous service of an Employee. 16.06 No disciplinary measure may be imposed later than fifteen (15) days after the incident which gave rise to it or of the University having become aware of it. 16.07 No confession signed by an Employee may be used against her/him during arbitration unless it is a question:  of a confession signed in the presence of a union delegate;  of a confession signed in the absence of a union delegate but not denounced by the Employee in writing, within seven (7) days of its being signed. The University will forward a copy of the confession to the Union as soon as it is received.

  • Disciplinary Matters 2.6.1 Prior to the imposition of any disciplinary penalty, the Company shall hold a Disciplinary Interview, which shall replace Step 1 of the grievance process. 2.6.2 The Company shall provide the Union and any employees who may be disciplined three (3) days’ notice of the Interview. 2.6.3 The Interview shall take place between the Company, the Union and the accused individual. 2.6.4 The Company shall set out its allegations and except where the allegations could constitute a criminal offence, the Union or the individual(s) shall set out their version of the events. Minutes, but not a transcript, of the Interview setting out the substance of the discussion shall be taken. 2.6.5 The minutes of the meeting shall be provided to the Union and the accused individual(s) within seven (7) days of the Interview. 2.6.6 The Union and the accused individual(s) shall forward a written reply to the minutes, if any, within seven (7) days of receipt of the minutes. 2.6.7 Should the Company choose to impose discipline, the Union has ten (10) days to file a grievance commencing at Step 2. 2.6.8 Nothing in the disciplinary interview process is intended to interfere with the Company’s right to investigate matters.

  • Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.

  • Pre-Disciplinary Meeting The College will schedule a pre-disciplinary meeting to permit the faculty member to respond to a notice of intent to discipline. At the beginning of any pre-disciplinary meeting, the College will describe its proposed discipline and the general reasons for issuing the proposed discipline.

  • Remedial Measures Upon becoming aware of an alleged security breach, Contractor’s Contract Manager must set up a conference call with the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager. The conference call invitation must contain a brief description of the nature of the event. When possible, a thirty (30)- minute notice will be given to allow Department personnel to be available for the call. If the designated time is not practical for the Customer, an alternate time for the call will be scheduled. Contractor must share all available information on the call. The Contractor must answer all questions based on the information known at that time and answer additional questions as additional information becomes known. The Contractor must provide the Department and Customer with final documentation of the incident including all actions that took place. If the Contractor becomes aware of a security breach or security incident outside of normal business hours, the Contractor must notify the Department’s and the Customer’s Contract Manager and in all events, within one business day.

  • Disciplinary Procedures The employing authority should ensure that all employees are aware of the disciplinary rules and procedures that apply. All employees should also be aware to whom they can apply if they are dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision. These procedures should accord with legal requirements and with the ACAS Code of Practice and guidance.

  • Uncontrollable Forces Tariff Provisions Section 14.1 of the CAISO Tariff shall be incorporated by reference into this Agreement except that all references in Section 14.1 of the CAISO Tariff to Market Participants shall be read as a reference to the Participating Generator and references to the CAISO Tariff shall be read as references to this Agreement.

  • Disciplinary Meetings In the event a meeting is held for disciplinary purposes, the affected employee shall have the right to have a Union xxxxxxx and/or Union representative present.

  • ATTENDANCE AT MANDATORY MEETINGS/SCHOOL EVENTS Where an employee is required through clear direction by the board to attend work outside of regular working hours, the provisions of the local collective agreement regarding hours of work and compensation, including any relevant overtime/lieu time provisions, shall apply. Required attendance outside of regular working hours may include, but is not limited to school staff meetings, parent/teacher interviews, curriculum nights, Individual Education Plan and Identification Placement Review Committee meetings, and consultations with board professional staff.

  • Disciplinary Procedure 20.01 All employees shall have the following rights: A. An employee shall be entitled to only Union representation at each step of the disciplinary procedure. B. An employee shall not be coerced, intimidated, or suffer any reprisals either directly or indirectly that may adversely affect his hours, wages, or working conditions as a result of the exercise of his rights under this procedure. 20.02 An employee may resign following the service of a Notice of Discipline. Any such resignation will be processed in accordance with the provisions contained herein and the employee's employment shall be terminated. 20.03 Discipline shall be imposed only for just cause. The specific acts for which discipline is being imposed and the penalty proposed shall be specified in the Notice of Discipline. The Notice served on the employee shall contain a reference to dates, times and places, if possible, and shall also be given to the local union president and xxxxxxx. The Employer shall notify the employee and the Union within seven (7) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident that the Employer intends to impose discipline that may result in a suspension or discharge. Disciplinary actions resulting in a reprimand shall be imposed within ten (10) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident. Notice of Disciplinary actions resulting in a suspension or discharge shall be issued within sixty (60) days after the Employer has knowledge of the incident resulting in the proposed disciplinary action. 20.04 Before any discipline is imposed, the employee and his/her union representative shall be entitled to a pre-disciplinary hearing before the employee's department head. If after this hearing the department head decides to impose a penalty that does not involve a suspension, demotion, or removal from service, the department head may impose the penalty, and the employee may grieve it. Where the department head seeks as a penalty the imposition of a suspension without pay, a demotion or removal from service, he shall make such a recommendation to the Mayor and notice of such proposed discipline shall be made in writing and served on the employee personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt request, with a copy to the local union president and xxxxxxx. If the employee grieves the proposed suspension, demotion, or removal from service, the Mayor or designee shall convene a hearing at Step 3 of the grievance procedure. 20.05 The Union on behalf of all the employees covered by this Agreement and its own behalf hereby waives any and all rights previously possessed by such employees to appeal any form of disciplinary action (e.g. suspensions, demotion or discharge) to any Civil Service Commission. 20.06 Discipline shall not be implemented until either: 1. the matter is settled, or 2. the employee fails to file a grievance within the time frame provided by this procedure, or 3. the penalty is upheld by the arbitrator or a different penalty is determined by the arbitrator, or 4. the penalty may be imposed after the hearing before the Mayor in Section 20.04, subject to the Union's right to appeal it to arbitration.