Disciplinary Measures Sample Clauses

Disciplinary Measures. 29.01 The Parties shall make every reasonable effort to encourage informal consultation and investigation of allegations, with a view to resolving the matter without formal disciplinary action being initiated. Further, (A) A member may be disciplined only for just cause. (B) Medical disability shall not be cause for disciplinary actions. (C) A criminal charge or conviction is not necessarily grounds for discipline or dismissal. 29.02 Disciplinary actions that may be taken pursuant to this article by the Board include, but are not limited to, the following: (A) a letter of warning or reprimand; (B) suspension with pay; (C) suspension without pay; (D) dismissal for cause. In this Article, suspension refers to the act of the Board in relieving a member of some or all University duties for cause without his/her consent for a specified period of time; dismissal for cause refers to the termination of an appointment by the Board without the consent of the member. Any disciplinary action shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the violation. At any meeting to consider any matter pertaining to the disciplinary action, the member must be notified in advance that such meeting pertains to disciplinary matters and the member has the right to be accompanied by an Association representative and/or legal counsel designated by the Association. 29.03 Actions pursuant to 29.02 shall be clearly identified in writing as being disciplinary and a clear statement of the reasons for the action taken by the Board shall be sent by registered mail to the member’s last known address or delivered by hand. Where disciplinary action is being taken by the Board, the Board shall supply the Association with the name of the member concerned. 29.04 All disciplinary action shall be initiated within 20 days of the date the Board knew, or ought reasonably to have known, of the matter giving rise to the discipline.
Disciplinary Measures. The employer may impose disciplinary measures in respect of an employee who fails to act or does not refrain from acting as a good employee should act or refrain from acting under similar circumstances.
Disciplinary Measures. Imposition A Head or a Xxxx may impose a disciplinary measure on a faculty member; and shall at the time of the decision inform the faculty member in writing of the measure and the reasons for it.
Disciplinary Measures. Where an employee is called before a supervisor, or administration, for the purpose of discipline, he/she will be informed that he/she has the right to have a union representative present.
Disciplinary Measures. (a) All disciplinary action shall be reported in writing to the President of the College who may suspend and/or terminate an employee. The employee will receive three (3) weeks notice of termination, or one (1) week if the employee has not completed probation, or payment in lieu of notice subject to the remaining sections of this clause. (b) An action by an employee which endangers himself, other staff or students or jeopardizes the ability of the College to provide its services, may lead to immediate suspension. Termination following such suspensions will be without notice. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this clause, the College reserves the right of the President of the College to suspend or terminate an employee for just cause. (d) All correspondence to and from the College President under this clause shall be copied to the Union.
Disciplinary Measures. Should a complaint be upheld as the result of an investigation, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, will be taken against individuals who have been found to have subjected others to harassment. The severity of the discipline will be established based on the nature of the events and the results of the investigation. The decision to take disciplinary measures will be made by the responsible Manager, in consultation with the Human Resources Services and the Union. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES The Vice-president, Human Resources is responsible for: Designating the person responsible to conduct investigative work in relation to complaints received under this directive; and Authorizing appropriate action or redress following an investigation into a complaint of harassment, when required Receiving grievances from complainants and/or respondents who wish to appeal the results of a decision made following an investigation into a complaint of harassment. Ensuring that complaints are thoroughly investigated; Recommending a course of action to responsible Vice-president based on the results of the investigation. Rendering decisions with respect to harassment complaints, in consultation with the Human Resources Services. The are responsible for: Keeping the workplace free of harassment; Responding immediately to complaints and inappropriate behaviour: Participating in the investigative process and, based on the findings of the investigation recommending a course of action to Human Resources Services. Treating co-workers with respect: Supporting co-workers when unacceptable behaviour is observed; Participating in the investigative process when required. Fostering a positive and productive work environment free of Treating co-workers with respect; Participating in the investigative process; Participating in the education of all employees. Canadian Human Rights Code Criminal Code Page of
Disciplinary Measures. 21.01 Any disciplinary measure must be the subject of a written notice addressed to the employee concerned and stating the reasons for the measure. Such notice must be sent simultaneously to the Union. Only those disciplinary measures of which the employee and the Union have been informed in writing can be used as evidence in arbitration and can appear in the employee's personal file. 21.02 The Union may, in the case of any employee who is dismissed, suspended, demoted or given a written warning, file a grievance and, if necessary, submit the case to arbitration, except however in the case of an employee who is dismissed during his/her probation period. 21.03 In all cases of disciplinary measures, the University has the burden of proving that the disciplinary measure was imposed for just and sufficient cause. The arbitrator may confirm or reject the disciplinary measure, or render any other decision that he/she judges equitable under the circumstances. 21.04 In the event that a university representative finds it necessary to summon an employee for disciplinary reasons (written warning, demotion, suspension, or dismissal), the employee has the right to be accompanied by a union representative. The University will inform the employee of his/her right. 21.05 A suspension does not interrupt the continuous service of an employee. 21.06 No disciplinary measure may be imposed later than twenty (20) working days after the date of the incident which gave rise to it or of the date the immediate supervisor became aware of said incident. Upon agreement between the parties, the delays provided in the present clause may be suspended. 21.07 No confession signed by an employee can be used as evidence against her/him in an arbitration, unless it is:
Disciplinary Measures. The arbitrator may, in the case of discharge or of disciplinary measures imposed on employees having acquired seniority rights, confirm, modify or annul the decision of the Company, or, as the case may be, substitute any other sanction which appears to him to be just and reasonable under the circumstances.
Disciplinary Measures. 15.01 The Employer shall not discipline or dismiss an Employee without just and sufficient cause. 15.02 The parties agree that disciplinary action is based on the principles of progressive discipline (ie: a verbal reprimand or a written warning should precede dismissal), however it is understood that steps in the disciplinary process may be bypassed based on the seriousness of the offence. Offences that may lead to immediate dismissal include, but are not limited to, gross neglect of duty and gross misconduct. 15.03 There are three (3) disciplinary measures which may be imposed on an Employee depending on the gravity and/or frequency of the offense: a) verbal warning; b) written warning; c) dismissal. 15.04 In the event that an Employee is summoned to a disciplinary meeting, the Employee shall be given three (3) Business Days’ notice and they are advised of their right to be accompanied at this meeting by a Union Representative. 15.05 When an Employee is disciplined, such discipline shall be documented in writing. The Employee and the Union shall be simultaneously sent a copy, whether electronically or by mail, of any disciplinary measure imposed. In the case of a verbal warning, the written confirmation of such warning is sent either electronically or by mail to both the Employee and the Union within five (5) Business Days of said conversation. The Employee may attach comments to the disciplinary report. These comments shall not constitute agreement with the contents of such disciplinary report. 15.06 All material pertaining to disciplinary action shall be removed from the personnel file of the Employee three (3) Academic Terms worked by the Employee subsequent to the date the action was taken. However, if there is another violation of the same type during this time, material relating to disciplinary action shall be removed from the Employee’s personnel file three (3) Academic Terms worked after the date action was taken in connection with the latest violation. 15.07 A disciplinary measure that has been rescinded as a result of a decision in favour of the Employee shall be withdrawn from their file.
Disciplinary Measures. Arbitration Articles 20.08 to 20.16 inclusive of Part 1: Framework for Collective Bargaining apply to the submission to arbitration of a dispute on the imposition of disciplinary measures.