IN-CHARGE DESIGNATION. Every flight operated must include a designated In-charge. If a blocked In-charge is unavailable for a flight or pairing, the senior Flight Attendant scheduled for that flight shall be given the option to work as In-Charge and be paid accordingly or pass on the designation to the junior Flight Attendant scheduled for that flight. If neither scheduled Flight Attendant wishes to work as In-Charge the reserve Flight Attendant shall be assigned the In-Charge position.
IN-CHARGE DESIGNATION. 5.29.01 Every flight operated must include a designated In-charge. If a blocked In-charge is unavailable for a flight or pairing, the senior Flight Attendant scheduled for that flight shall work as In-Charge and be paid accordingly unless they elect to pass on the designation to the Flight Attendant(s) who are assigned under the following:
(a) Trade with open flying; or
(b) Called out from reassignment; or,
(c) Reserve; or
(d) WDO for that flight.
5.29.02 If neither scheduled Flight Attendant(s) wishes to work as In-Charge the replacement Flight Attendant shall be assigned the In-Charge position.
5.29.03 In the event that an In-charge relinquishes a pairing on a multi-crewed aircraft to another Flight Attendant, the In-charge position will be assumed in order of seniority to the Flight Attendants originally operating the pairing. The senior Flight Attendant shall have the option of staying in the Flight Attendant position if they were originally scheduled for that position. It is understood that in the application of this clause it will not result in the Company paying two (2) Flight Attendants the In-charge rate for the same flight.
5.29.04 In cases where neither of the originally scheduled In-charge or Flight Attendant are available for a pairing, the In-charge position will be awarded in seniority to those Flight Attendants called in to cover the pairing. The more senior Flight Attendant will be given the option to work either In-charge or Flight Attendant position.
5.29.05 The Flight Attendant electing to be In-charge will notify Crew Scheduling on the day the pairing operates.
5.29.06 The earliest the request to assume the In-charge position as per 5.29.03 and 5.29.04 above can be communicated to Crew Scheduling is the day the pairing is scheduled to commence.
.01 Every flight operated must include a designated In-charge. If a blocked In-charge is unavailable for a flight or pairing, the senior Flight Attendant scheduled for that flight shall work as In-Charge and be paid accordingly unless they elect to pass on the designation to the Flight Attendant (s) who are assigned under the following:
(a) trade with open flying or
(b) called out from reassignment or,
(c) reserve, or
(d) WDO for that flight.
.02 If neither scheduled Flight Attendant(s) wishes to work as In-Charge the replacement Flight Attendant shall be assigned the In-Charge position.
.03 In the event that an In-charge relinquishes a pairing on a multi-crewed aircraft to another Flight Attendant, the In-charge position will be assumed in order of seniority to the Flight Attendants originally operating the pairing. The senior Flight Attendant shall have the option of staying in the F/A position if they were originally scheduled for that position. It is understood that in the application of this clause it will not result in the Company paying two Flight Attendants the In- charge rate for the same flight.