PLEASE READ definition

PLEASE READ. As a participant, parent or guardian I understand and acknowledge that my failure to disclose relevant information may result in harm to myself/my child and/or others during this Youth program . By signing my name I represent and warrant that I have provided all materials and important information to UTRGV pertaining to my child’s medical, mental and physical condition and that it is accurate and complete. I agree to notify UTRGV of any changes in my/my child’s mental, physical or medical condition prior to my child’s scheduled Youth Program. By revealing or disclosing the above medical information, it will not be used by UTRGV personnel or employees to determine my child’s ability to participate safely in activities. I understand that, if my child chooses to participate in activities, he/she does so voluntarily and of his/her own accord and the final decision regarding participation is solely the responsibility of my child and myself. SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED: Youth Program Participant Youth Program Participant Signature Date Parent/Legal Guardian Name Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date UTRGV Witness Name UTRGV Witness Signature Date A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THIS FORM FOR A MINOR UNDER THE AGE OF 18 UTRGV YOUTH PROGRAM MEDICATION PRESCRIBER/PARENT AUTHORIZATION Youth Program Name: Date(s): Time(s): YOUTH PROGRAM PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Youth Program Participant name: Parent/Legal Guardian Name Street Address: City: State: Zip: Home phone _ Work phone _ Cell Phone Email No, my child does not need to take any prescription medication while participating at the Youth Program (if no, proceed to section C). Yes, my child will need to take prescription medication while participating at the Youth Program. This form must be completed fully in order for youth program participants to administer required medication to themselves. A new medication administration form must be completed for each Youth Program attended by the participant, for each medication, and each time there is a change in dosage or time of administration of a medication. Requires licensed health care authorization, signature, and parent signature.  Prescription medication must be in its original container labeled by the pharmacist or prescriber. Label must include the name, address and phone number for pharmacist or prescriber.  Containers must hold only the amount required for the time the camper will be attending the Youth Program.  All prescription medications, including medications for c...
PLEASE READ. These Official Rules contain a mandatory arbitration agreement and a class action waiver requiring you to resolve any disputes between you and Sponsor, and Sponsor’s related and affiliated entities and all predecessors, assigns and successors thereto and all of their respective fiduciaries, shareholders, equity holders, members, managers, partners, directors, divisions, officers, managers, executives, employees, independent contractors, freelancers, consultants, attorneys, administrators, agents and insurers and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them (collectively, “Sponsor Parties”) through final and binding arbitration on an individual basis and requiring you to forgo jury trials, class or collective actions or proceedings, and all other types of court proceedings of any kind. Unless you opt out of the arbitration agreement following the procedures set forth in Section 3 below, you will be bound by this arbitration agreement. By entering the Contest, you acknowledge that you understand and expressly agree to the mandatory arbitration agreement.
PLEASE READ. The form is intended to remind leaders and participants of the seriousness of attempting climbing activities with an old or pre-existing injury, heart condition or other condition which might be aggravated by the event. This information will remain valid for one year. This document and information will remain confidential.

Examples of PLEASE READ in a sentence


  • PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BEFORE DIGITALLY SIGNING While every effort will be made to have the unit available for check-in at 4:00 pm, during high season cleaning crew may require additional cleaning time and check-in may be delayed.


More Definitions of PLEASE READ

PLEASE READ. In accordance with Florida Statutes 64B4-2.002, supervision is the relationship between the qualified supervisor and intern that promotes the development of responsibility, skills, knowledge, attitudes and adherence to ethical, legal and regulatory standards in the practice of clinical social work. Supervision is contact between an intern and a supervisor during which the intern apprises the supervisor of the diagnosis and treatment of each client, client cases are discussed, the supervisor provides the intern with oversight and guidance in diagnosing, treating and dealing with clients, and the supervisor evaluates the intern’s performance.
PLEASE READ. Hours vary for each service that we provide. Due to the schedule we adhere to for our animals that we’ve created through years of experience, we do not answer to clients who arrive outside of the hours designated for their service. Please verify before arrival to avoid being turned away at the door. If you arrive outside of designated hours, you will be redirected to the next available timeslot. Boarding and daycare hours are Monday-Friday from 7-9am and 4-6pm, Saturday from 8-10am and 4-6pm, and Sunday 4-6pm only with no mornings. Grooming hours will be by appointment. Our office hours are weekdays from 8am-12pm and 2-5pm. We are closed midday from 12-2pm. Office hours do not serve the purpose of taking animals in and out; if you arrive within office hours but outside of hours specified for your service, you will not be helped until the next appropriate time for your service. Boarders will be charged for the last day of their stay only if they are picked up during our afternoon timeframe. To avoid being charged for your pickup date, please pickup during the morning timeframe. Everyone is charged for Sundays and pick up time is between 4pm-6pm. We are closed for Easter and Christmas and everyone will be charged for those days. Any other holidays that we close our morning hours for will be automatically charged and pickup will be between 4-6pm. Signature Date By signing I agree to the terms in the original Boarding agreement. I also understand that any changes in the agreement may be given to me verbally or in writing. CCCR, LLC reserves the right to revise, modify, delete, or add to any and all policies and procedures. Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature
PLEASE READ. The Tender Offer--Conditions of Our Offer," which sets forth in full the conditions to our offer. WHAT AGREEMENTS DO YOU HAVE WITH CONVERGENT OR ANY OF ITS STOCKHOLDERS RELATING TO YOUR OFFER? - Prior to our entering into the merger agreement with Convergent, we entered into a separate agreement with members of Convergent's senior management, whom we refer to as the management investors, and Cinergy, in which these parties agreed to contribute shares of Convergent common stock to our Parent for shares of our Parent's common stock and to tender in our offer all the shares that they do not contribute to our Parent. Generally, each of these parties agreed to contribute approximately 80% of their holdings in Convergent, except for Cinergy which agreed to contribute 50% of its holdings in Convergent. As a result, these stockholders will become stockholders of our Parent and will not receive any cash for the shares they contribute to our Parent. They will, however, have the opportunity to share in any future growth of Convergent, which will be a wholly owned subsidiary of our Parent. The shares to be contributed represent approximately 28.3% of the Convergent stock on a fully diluted basis. - Simultaneously with our entering into the merger agreement, we also entered into a voting agreement with the management investors and Cinergy in which these parties agreed to vote all of their shares in favor of the merger and the merger agreement and against any takeover proposal. - Simultaneously with entering into the merger agreement, we also entered into a tender and voting agreement with InSight Capital Partners III, L.P., InSight Capital Partners III (Cayman), L.P., InSight Capital Partners III (Co-Investors), L.P., GS Private Equity Partners II, L.P., GS Private Equity Partners II Offshore, L.P., GS Private Equity Partners III, L.P., GS Private Equity Partners III Offshore, L.P., NBK/GS Private Equity Partners, L.P. and Cinergy Ventures, LLC, whom we refer to as the major stockholders. The major stockholders agreed to tender all, or in the case of Cinergy, half, of their shares in the tender offer and agreed to vote all of their shares in favor of the merger and the merger agreement and against any takeover proposal. Cinergy has agreed to contribute the other half of its shares to our Parent pursuant to the subscription and contribution agreement.
PLEASE READ. If the transferor is a company, then SECTION 4A must be completed. If the transferor(s) are one or more individuals, then SECTION 4B must be completed. If the transferor(s) are a Limited Liability Partnership, then SECTION 4C must be completed. When a transfer of mortgage is executed you should send this deed (without a fee) to: Registry of Shipping and Seamen Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, XX00 0XX, XX. Tel No: 0000 00 00000
PLEASE READ. If the Discharge is given by a company, then SECTION 5A must be completed. If the Discharge is given by one or more individuals, then SECTION 5B must be completed. If the Discharge is given by a Limited Liability Partnership, then SECTION 5C must be completed. When a discharge of mortgage is executed you should send this deed with the correct fee to: Registry of Shipping and Seamen Anxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, XX00 0XX, XX. Tel No: 0000 00 00000
PLEASE READ. As a participant, parent or guardian I understand and acknowledge that my failure to disclose relevant information may result in harm to myself/my child and/or others during this Camp. By signing my name I represent and warrant that I have provided all materials and important information to UTRGV pertaining to my child’s medical, mental and physical condition and that it is accurate and complete. I agree to notify UTRGV of any changes in my/my child’s mental, physical or medical condition prior to my child’s festival By revealing or disclosing the above medical information it will not be used by UTRGV personnel or employees to determine my child’s ability to participate safely in activities. I understand that, if my child chooses to participate in activities, he/she does so voluntarily and of his/her own accord and the final decision regarding participation is solely the responsibility of myself and my child. SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED: Participant Name Participant Signature Date Parent/Legal Guardian Name Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date UTRGV Witness Name UTRGV Witness Signature Date The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
PLEASE READ. I am aware that participating in rock climbing and artificial wall climbing carries certain risks. I choose to participate in this activity with full knowledge of the dangers involved, and hereby agree to accept full responsibility for my own safety. The Center shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries I sustain in, on, or about the premises of the Center. I fully release and discharge the Center, its affiliated entities, its employees, its contractors and its agents from any and all claim, demands, damages, causes of action, present or future, whether they be known, anticipated, or unanticipated, that may result from or arise out of my use or intended use of the climbing facilities and/or equipment. Further, I agree that any equipment that I use on the premises or borrow or rent from the Center during any climbing or other activity, I use at my own risk. The Center shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury resulting from my use of the equipment. The Center makes no warranties regarding said equipment. The terms of this Agreement shall also bind my family members, heirs, personal representatives, and trustees. I understand that this is a binding contract that supersedes any other agreement or representations. If I wish to cancel this contract, I must notify the Center in writing, and any such cancellation shall only be prospective. I give my permission to the Greater Midland Community Center to take photographs and use them for Greater Midland publications and advertising. I have read and agree to all of the policies, rules, and regulations. I am legally competent to read and sign this release. Participant Signature: Date: If Participant is under 18 years of age, participant’s parent or legal guardian must sign, assuming all of the obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities otherwise assumed by participant. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: