Short Term Disability The Employer agrees to provide Short Term Disability benefits to all active full-time employees from the first (1st) day of an accident or the first (1st) full-time day of hospitalization or the fourth (4th) day of sickness. The Plan will pay sixty-six and two thirds percent (66 2/3%) of basic earnings for the first two (2) weeks, then Unemployment Insurance will pay fifteen (15) weeks, then the Plan will resume payments for thirty-five (35 weeks).
Short Term Disability Benefits The Board shall provide short-term disability benefits as set forth in the short term disability summary plan description. 1. Rate of Benefits and Waiting Period Short term disability benefits for disabilities resulting from non-occupational illness or injury, shall be paid at the rate of 70% of the employee’s regular rate subject to all applicable deductions. Following the exhaustion of temporary leave, there is a five (5) day waiting period before short term disability benefits begin. The five (5) day waiting period will be waived for absences greater than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days and short term disability payments shall be paid retroactively. (See also Temporary Leave.)
Short-term Disability Coverage Days Payable at 90% Wages Permanent Employees
Definition of Total Disability Total disability means that the employee is unable, because of sickness or accident, to perform the duties of their regular occupation. This definition applies for the first twenty-four (24) months of payments. After this time, the inability to perform an occupation for which the employee is reasonably fitted by training, education or experience will constitute total disability. It is not required that an employee be confined to home, but they must be under the regular care of a physician.
Short-Term Leave and Disability Plan Top up i. Teachers accessing STLDP will have access to any unused Sick Leave Days from their last year worked for the purpose of topping up salary to one hundred percent (100%) under the STLDP. ii. This top-up is calculated as follows: Eleven (11) days less the number of sick leave days used in the most recent year worked. iii. Each top-up from ninety percent (90%) to one hundred percent (100%) requires the corresponding fraction of a day available for top- up. iv. In addition to the top-up bank, top-up for compassionate reasons may be considered at the discretion of the board on a case by case basis. The top-up will not exceed two (2) days and is dependent on having two (2) unused Short Term Paid Leave Days in the current year. These days can be used to top-up salary under the STLDP. v. When Teachers use any part of an STLDP day they may access their top up bank to top up their salary to one hundred percent (100%).
SICK LEAVE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY (Articles 12.01 to 12.11 apply to full-time nurses only) 12.01 The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan at least equivalent to that described in the 1980 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan brochure. Effective January 1, 2006, new hires will be covered under the 1992 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan. The Hospital will pay 75% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees under the long-term disability portion of the Plan (HOODIP or an equivalent plan). The employee will pay the balance of the billed premium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to the short-term portion of the disability program, employees on the payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three (3) months or more of service shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service. For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, employees on the active payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with one (1) year or more of service shall be deemed to have one (1) year of service. 12.02 Effective the first of the month following the transfer, all existing sick leave plans in the Participating Hospitals shall be terminated and any provisions relating to such plans shall be null and void under the respective Collective Agreements except as to those provisions relating to payout of unused sick leave benefits which are specifically dealt with hereinafter. 12.03 Existing sick leave credits for each employee shall be converted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee. The sick leave bank shall contain the unused sick leave days to the credit of the nurse on the effective date of the transfer to the Plan set out in Article 12.01. The "sick leave bank" shall be utilized to: (a) Supplement payment for sick leave days under the new plan which would otherwise be at less than full wages, and; (b) Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, payout shall be made on the termination of employment, or in the case of death, to the nurse's estate. The parties may agree to voluntarily cash out existing sick leave banks. The amount of the payout shall be a cash settlement at the nurse's then current salary rate for any unused sick credits to the maximum provided under the sick leave plan in which the nurse participated as of October 23, 1981; (c) Where, as of the effective date of transfer, an employee does not have the required service to qualify for payout on termination, her or his existing sick leave credits as of that date shall nevertheless be converted to a sick leave bank in accordance with the foregoing and the nurse shall be entitled to the same cash out provisions as set out in paragraph (b) above providing the nurse subsequently achieves the necessary service to qualify for payout under the conditions of the sick leave plan in which she or he participated as of October 23, 1981; (d) Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, a nurse who, as of the date of this award, has accumulated sick leave credits and is prevented from working for the Hospital on account of an occupational illness or accident that is recognized by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board as compensable within the meaning of the Workplace and Safety Insurance Act, the Hospital, on application from the nurse, will supplement the award made by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for loss of wages to the nurse by such amount that the award of The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for loss of wages, together with the supplementation of the Hospital, will equal one hundred per cent (100%) of the nurse's net earnings to the limit of the nurse's accumulated sick leave credits. Nurses may utilize such sick leave credits while awaiting approval of a claim for WSIB benefits. 12.04 When a nurse has completed any portion of her or his regularly scheduled tour prior to going on sick leave benefits or WSIB benefits, the nurse shall be paid for the balance of the tour at her or his regular straight time hourly rate. This provision will not disentitle the nurse to a lieu day under Article 15.05 if she or he otherwise qualifies. 12.05 Any dispute which may arise concerning a nurse's entitlement to short-term or long- term benefits under HOODIP or an equivalent plan may be subject to grievance and arbitration under the provisions of this Agreement. The Union agrees that it will encourage a nurse to utilize the carrier’s medical appeals process, if any, to resolve disputes. 12.06 Nurses presently employed who are covered by a long-term disability plan in effect as of the date of this award, may elect to be covered by HOODIP or to continue their present coverage. 12.07 The Hospital further agrees to pay employees an amount equal to any loss of benefits under HOODIP for the first two days of the fourth and subsequent period of absence in any calendar year. 12.08 The Hospital will notify each nurse of the amount of unused sick leave in her or his bank annually. 12.09 For nurses whose regular hours of work are other than the standard work day, the short-term sick leave plan will provide payment for the number of hours of absence according to the scheduled tour to a total of 562.5 hours. All other provisions of the existing plan shall apply mutatis mutandis. 12.10 Absences due to pregnancy related illness shall be considered as sick leave under the sick leave plan. 12.11 A nurse who is absent from work as a result of an illness or injury sustained at work and who has been awaiting approval of a claim for WSIB benefits for a period longer than one complete tour or more may apply to the Hospital for payment equivalent to the lesser of the benefit the nurse would receive from WSIB if the nurse's claim was approved, or the benefit to which the nurse would be entitled under the short-term sick portion of the disability income plan (HOODIP or equivalent plan). Payment will be provided only if the nurse provides evidence of disability satisfactory to the Hospital and a written undertaking satisfactory to the Hospital that any payments will be refunded to the Hospital following final determination of the claim by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. If the claim for WSIB benefits is not approved, the monies paid as an advance will be applied towards the benefits to which the nurse would be entitled under the short-term portion of the disability income plan. Any payment under this provision will continue for a maximum of fifteen (15) weeks. (Articles 12.12, 12.13 and 12.14 apply to both full-time and part-time nurses) 12.12 Nurses returning to work from an illness or injury compensable from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board will be assigned light work as necessary, if available. 12.13 A nurse who transfers from full-time to part-time may elect to retain her or his accumulated sick leave credits to be utilized during part-time or subsequent full-time employment as provided under the sick leave plan in which the nurse participates as of October 23, 1981. 12.14 If the Employer requires the employee to obtain a medical certificate, the employer shall pay the full cost of obtaining the certificate.
Work-related Injury/Disability An employee who receives an Employer Contribution and who is off the State payroll due to a work-related injury or a work-related disability remains eligible for an Employer Contribution as long as such an employee receives workers' compensation payments. If such employee ceases to receive workers' compensation payments for the injury or disability and is granted a medical leave under Article 10, he/she shall be eligible for an Employer contribution during that leave.
Short Term Disability Plan The administration of the Short Term Disability Plan and the payment of benefits under this Plan shall be handled by the Company.
Total Disability During a period of total disability an employee must be under the regular and personal care of a legally qualified doctor of medicine. (a) Total disability, as used in this Plan, means the complete inability because of an accident or sickness of a covered employee to perform all the duties of his/her own occupation for the first two (2) years of disability. Thereafter, employees able by reason of education, training or experience to perform the duties of a gainful occupation for which the rate of pay is not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the current rate of pay of their regular occupation at date of disability will not be considered totally disabled and will therefore not be eligible for benefits under this Long Term Disability Plan. (b) Total disabilities resulting from mental or nervous disorders are covered by the Plan in the same manner as total disabilities resulting from accidents or other sicknesses, except that an employee who is totally disabled as a result of a mental or nervous disorder and who has received twenty-four (24) months of Long Term Disability Plan benefit payments must be confined to a hospital or mental institution or where they are at home, under the direct care and supervision of a medical doctor, in order to continue to be eligible for benefit payments. (1) If an employee becomes totally disabled and during this period of total disability engages in rehabilitative employment, the regular monthly benefit from this plan will be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) of the employee's earnings from such rehabilitative employment. In the event that income from rehabilitative employment and the benefit paid under this Plan exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the employee's earnings at date of disability, the benefit from this Plan will be further reduced by the excess amount.
Short Term Disability Insurance The Employer will provide access to a short term disability supplemental insurance plan to employees through payroll deduction. Such plan will be 100% paid for by the employee through payroll deduction using post- taxed dollars. Prior to the implementation, the Employer will review the plan with the Union. If an employee purchases the short-term disability insurance plan and incurs hours of leave that would qualify for both short-term disability and Extended Illness Bank paid leave, the employee may elect to use either short-term disability leave or Extended Illness Bank hours.