Short Term Disability Plan Sample Clauses
Short Term Disability Plan. The administration of the Short Term Disability Plan and the payment of benefits under this Plan shall be handled by the Company.
Short Term Disability Plan. Subject to the Memorandum of Agreement regarding Short Term Disability the School Division will pay the cost of a short term disability plan for Teachers. This plan will be used to pay benefits for personal illness after sick leave is exhausted, for the balance of the Long Term Disability Plan waiting period of eighty (80) working days from the last day worked. If the Teacher does not qualify for LTD the benefits are paid to the one hundred and thirty-fifth (135th) calendar day from the last day worked. This clause will expire on June 30, 2026, and will not continue forward.
Short Term Disability Plan. Effective October 1, 2017 the short term disability plan will continue to provide the following benefits. Commencing on the first day of absence due to accident or admission to a hospital and on the third day of absence due to illness, in all cases for satisfactory medical reasons, a benefit of $620 per week will be paid up to a maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks. For the life of this Collective Agreement, the Company will pay a supplemental benefit of $100 weekly in addition to the benefit provided under the terms of the plan.
Short Term Disability Plan. For full-time nurses who have completed their probationary period, the Employer agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of a weekly indemnity plan that provides coverage on the first [1st] day of disability due to accident or the eighth [8th] day of disability due to illness. The benefit will be equivalent to sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the nurse's regular weekly earnings exclusive of premium pay, up to a maximum benefit of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) per week subject to plan approval in accordance with the Employment Insurance Act. The benefit will be payable for a period of up to seventeen (17) weeks. Accidents or sickness which are covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act or similar legislation are excluded.
(a) In consideration of the Employer agreeing to pay in whole or in part the weekly indemnity premiums, the nurse agrees that the Employer may retain the full Employment Insurance rebate (12/12th's) to be used for the payment of such premiums.
(b) With respect to the plans described in Article 14.07, the Employer's sole obligation will be to pay the required premiums.
Short Term Disability Plan. The Employer agrees to provide a Short Term Disability Plan which will provide a benefit payable for employee absences arising from non-occupational injury or illness. Employees shall be eligible for benefits for such absences up to seventeen (17) weeks in duration. The subrogation of claim benefits where there is third party liability will be subject to the terms in the Plan Document. For eligible employees benefits will be paid on the following basis:
(a) On the first absence in a calendar year arising from non-occupational injury or illness, eligible employees will be entitled to a benefit equivalent to 100% of their regular daily earnings for the first eight (8) weeks of such absence, and to a benefit of 85% of their regular daily earnings from the ninth to the end of the seventeenth week of such absence. Medical certification of illness or injury will be a condition for receipt of short term disability from the 4th day of disability as set out in the foregoing. If the employee is absent less than three days in the first absence in the calendar year arising from non- occupational injury or illness, the following will apply:
(i) if the employee was absent for one day only, then he/she will be entitled to carry forward two days for use in the first three days of the third absence in the same calendar year.
(ii) if the employee was absent for two days, then he/she will be entitled to carry forward one day for use in the first three days of the third absence in the same calendar year.
(b) On the second absence in a calendar year arising from non-occupational injury or illness, eligible employees will be entitled to a benefit equivalent to 96% of their regular daily earnings for the first three days of such absence, 100% of their regular daily earnings from the fourth day of absence to the end of the eighth week of absence, and 85% of their regular daily earnings from the ninth to the end of the seventeenth week of such absence. Medical certification of illness or injury will be a condition for receipt of short term disability from the 4th day of disability as set out in the foregoing. If the employee is absent less than three days in the second absence in the calendar year arising from non- occupational injury or illness, the following will apply:
(i) if the employee was absent for one day only, then he/she will be entitled to carry forward two days at 96% for use in the first three days of the third absence in the same calendar year.
(ii) if the employee ...
Short Term Disability Plan. Each permanent employee, at the conclusion of the elimination period, shall be covered by a Short Term Disability Plan, which in the event of medically certified disability or illness which prevents the employee from working, will make payments to the employee at the conclusion of five working days or the expiration of the employee’s accumulated sick leave, whichever occurs later. Notwithstanding this, at the conclusion of 180 calendar days of absence from work because of the disability, payments from this plan shall be discontinued. (See Long Term Disability Plan). This plan is funded by the Employer to a maximum of one- half of one percent of basic insurable earnings for employees covered.
Short Term Disability Plan. An employee disabled and unable to work due to illness, pregnancy, or non-occupational injury will be paid 100% of straight time earnings, following a three (3) consecutive work day waiting period for non- occupational disability pay in accordance with the eligibility schedule contained in the Summary Plan Description for current employees. Eligibility schedule for employees offered and hired after June 22, 2004, will be in accordance with the following schedule:
Short Term Disability Plan. The Board shall provide a Short Term Disability Benefit, being a continuation of a regular full time member’s salary and will be payable for each separate disability cause for both illness and occupational injury. Disability benefits will be payable from the first day of disability due to accident or illness, reduced by any Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits payable. It is understood and agreed that for any illness in excess of three (3) days, a member making a claim shall be obliged to provide a medical certificate signed by a duly qualified medical doctor attesting to the nature of illness, the course of treatment and the prognosis for recovery. If the medical practitioner’s certificate includes a recovery time required, the member will not have to provide any more certificates until that certificate expires. Disability benefits will be reinstated in full after return to work for thirty (30) working days for the same disability cause and after one (1) full day for an entirely separate and unrelated cause. The Board reserves the right to require a member claiming benefits to undergo an independent medical examination by a physician of its choice at any time. Coverage’s for Short Term Disability are in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) herein and are subject to the conditions set forth in sub-paragraph (a) herein.
a) Prior Service with the Police Service will be recognized.
b) Benefits will be payable for disabilities resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.
c) Notwithstanding Article 24.01 of this agreement, the board may require a member to submit a new medical certificate signed by a duly qualified doctor after each five (5) days of absence.
d) Benefits are not payable for any period during which a member engages in an occupation or employment for wage or profit.
e) Benefits are not payable to a member who refuses to authorize disclosure to the Board and its insurers of any medical information required under this agreement or who refuses to waive any rights to have such information remain confidential.
Short Term Disability Plan. 1. The City will provide a Short Term Disability (STD) Plan. The plan includes the following provisions:
a. Thirty (30) calendar day elimination period. Disability payments begin on the 31st day.
b. Payments shall not exceed 50% of the employee’s salary up to $1,730 per week.
c. Maximum duration is twenty-two weeks (154 days).
d. The premium will be paid by the City. The benefit is taxable to the employee.
Short Term Disability Plan. The Employer shall provide a Short Term Disability Plan which will provide a benefit payable for employee absences arising from non-occupational injury or illness. Employees shall be eligible for benefits for such absences up to seventeen (17) weeks in duration. The subrogation of claim benefits where there is third party liability will be subject to the terms in the Plan Document.
12.02.1 On each absence arising from non-occupational injury or illness, eligible employees will be entitled to a benefit equivalent to 96% of their regular daily earnings commencing on the 4th day of absence and payable until the end of the 8th week of absence, and a benefit equivalent to 85% of their regular daily earnings payable from the 9th week of absence until the end of the 17th week of each absence. To qualify for payment under this Plan, medical certification must be provided. If the employee can provide verification from the doctor that they were unable to visit a doctor within the required three days, this period may be extended up to an additional three days. Notwithstanding the above paragraph, where, on the first three days of an absence by employees in any calendar year arising from non-occupational injury or illness, employees who are admitted to an acute care hospital, or are receiving chemotherapy, radiation treatment or dialysis, will be entitled to a benefit of 96% of their regular daily earnings payable from the date on which the employees were admitted to hospital or commenced the above mentioned treatment.
12.02.2 The Employer shall pay the full cost of this benefit.