Initial Administrative Resolution. The matter shall be submitted to the head administrator of the School and the Authorizer’s designee(s). The head administrator and the Authorizer’s designee(s) shall keep the School Governing Body and the Authorizer informed during any attempt at administrative resolution. Either Party may identify an authorized representative to join the School staff or the Authorizer’s designee(s) in identifying possible solutions. The process shall be completed within 15 working days of the receipt of the Notice of Dispute or the Parties shall agree in writing to an alternative date certain for the termination of this process. If the matter is not resolved within the time frame established, either Party may consider the Initial Administrative Resolution alternative terminated and give the other party notice of the termination. (“Termination of Initial Administrative Resolution”). If the matter is able to be resolved through an Initial Administrative Resolution, the School staff and Authorizer’s designee(s) shall jointly draft a document identifying the agreed upon resolution and notify the respective Parties of the Initial Administrative Resolution. If the Initial Administrative Resolution requires an action of the School and the Authorizer, such Initial Administrative Resolution shall be presented after due notice at the next respective Governing Body meetings of the Parties. If necessary, the Parties shall call a special or emergency meeting to approve any Initial Administrative Resolution. In the case that Party approval is needed under this paragraph, the Initial Administrative Resolution shall take effect only if approval is given by both Parties and shall have no effect otherwise.