INTERNATIONAL BIDDING All offers (tenders), and all information and Product required by the solicitation or provided as explanation thereof, shall be submitted in English. All prices shall be expressed, and all payments shall be made, in United States Dollars ($US). Any offers (tenders) submitted which do not meet the above criteria will be rejected.
INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT PROHIBITION In accordance with Section 220-f of the Labor Law and Section 139-h of the State Finance Law, if this contract exceeds $5,000, the Contractor agrees, as a material condition of the contract, that neither the Contractor nor any substantially owned or affiliated person, firm, partnership or corporation has participated, is participating, or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the federal Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC App. Sections 2401 et seq.) or regulations thereunder. If such Contractor, or any of the aforesaid affiliates of Contractor, is convicted or is otherwise found to have violated said laws or regulations upon the final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any other appropriate agency of the United States subsequent to the contract's execution, such contract, amendment or modification thereto shall be rendered forfeit and void. The Contractor shall so notify the State Comptroller within five (5) business days of such conviction, determination or disposition of appeal (2NYCRR 105.4).
International Transactions When you use your Visa Debit Card, Platinum Visa Credit Card, or ATM card for international transactions, a fee will be assessed. You agree to pay a 1.00% international transaction fee for ATM and point-of-sale (i.e., PIN-based) transactions and a 3.00% international transaction fee for all other international transactions and cash advances. The fee will be assessed on international transactions if a currency conversion does take place or if the transaction is processed in U.S. dollars.
Personal Business Users may not use the Fitness Center premises for personal business without prior written approval by an authorized representative of the Fitness Center, which approval may be withheld in the Fitness Center’s sole and absolute discretion.
International Assignor hereby requests such “open access” publication of the Animated abstract and agrees to pay the applicable Fee in accordance with the terms below: [ ] YES [ ] NO The Fee shall be paid initially with a US$ 500 advance payment on giving the Publisher the instruction to start work on the Animated Abstract, and US$ 450 (English language edition) or US$ 950 (Foreign language edition) on completion of the Animated Abstract.
Personal Business Leave Unit members shall receive a total of three (3) work days per year with no loss in salary that may be used for personal business. Unit members employed on or after February 1 shall receive one (1) work day of personal business leave. Effective July 1, 2006, unused personal business leave days may be accumulated up to no greater than five (5) days. On July 1 of each year any personal business days in excess of five (5) will be converted to sick leave days. Personal business leave may be requested, with at least three (3) work days advance notice, through the appropriate principal or department head who shall not require a reason for the leave. If, however, an unforeseen circumstance requires the member’s absence which could not be approved three days in advance, the reason for the absence shall be stated and the principal or department head may, at his/her discretion, approve the absence as a day of personal business leave. Personal business leave may be denied when, in the judgment of the principal or supervisor, the member’s absence would impair the educational process. Personal business leave shall not be taken immediately before or immediately after a holiday or weekday when school is closed on the master calendar, or on an in-service day for teachers, or at the beginning (first five scheduled work days) or the end of the school year (last five scheduled work days). If, however, a circumstance requires the member’s absence on one or more of the foregoing days, the member may request use of personal business leave through the principal. The principal or supervisor may, at his/her discretion, approve the absence as a day of personal business leave. In normal circumstances a member shall not use more than three (3) consecutive personal business days at one time. Exceptions to the foregoing restrictions on days to be used for personal business leave may be made by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for circumstances which require the member’s absence on these days.
International Agreements The Parties shall make all reasonable efforts to accede to the Geneva Act to the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs adopted in Geneva on 2 July 1999.
India No country-specific provisions apply.
Local Business Day The definition of Local Business Day in Section 14 is hereby amended by the addition of the words “or any Credit Support Document” after “Section 2(a)(i)” and the addition of the words “or Credit Support Document” after “Confirmation”.
Personal Business Days Employees may use of to three (3) personal business days, one of which may be an undeclared personal business day, which will be deducted from the employee's sick bank. A. The following statements will act as guidelines for the local administrator in giving approval to the applicant for personal business days. B. A personal business day can be granted, but is not mandatory when there is: (1) A religious holiday not identified in the Agreement. (2) An appointment at a Federal, State or Local Government office after normal channels have been exhausted. (3) An involvement in a court of law. (4) A convocation or honors assembly involving a member of the immediate family. (5) An appointment to arrange a final settlement or financing the purchase of a home. (6) A need for being involved in moving from one home to another. (7) A need to leave early to attend a conference or convention to which he/she is a delegate. (8) An involvement in a wedding of a member of the immediate family. (9) A desire to attend a funeral when it is not covered under the sick leave policy. (10) A desire to be with a person who is ill and which is not covered under the sick leave policy. The above is not an exhaustive list and items may be added during the school year by the consent of both parties. C. When there is a request for personal business day or days as indicated in Article XII, 7.B, the administrator may charge a portion of the personal business against sick leave with the remaining portion being assumed by the applicant with loss of pay. D. Personal business days cannot be used for time immediately before or after an established holiday for additional vacation. E. The administrator may, in unusual circumstances, grant personal business time to a person when the applicant's request is not specifically covered by the listing. The administrator, using his best judgment will take into consideration such items as length of service, attendance, involvement in school's activities and other factors which are pertinent to the case. F. Personal business days shall be requested at least one week in advance, except in cases of emergency. Approval must be received before the employee takes the time off. G. Requests shall be made through the Department of Maintenance and Custodial Operations.