Research Plan The Parties recognize that the Research Plan describes the collaborative research and development activities they will undertake and that interim research goals set forth in the Research Plan are good faith guidelines. Should events occur that require modification of these goals, then by mutual agreement the Parties can modify them through an amendment, according to Paragraph 13.6.
Research Project The findings of any research project, which would change the provisions of this Agreement will not be implemented until such changes are negotiated and agreed to by the parties.
Research Program The term “
Scope of Collaboration As part of the collaboration, the Controllers will act as Joint Controller. The roles of the Controller and the associated tasks are specified in more detail in Appendix 1. If one party is solely responsible for a data processing operation, this party will implement all relevant data protection provisions on its own responsibility. However, such data processing procedures are not subject to this Agreement. Joint data processing and the type of Personal Data collected and processed within the framework of collaboration are specified in Appendix 1.
Scope of Work For the 2022/2023 Grant Period, the Provider will maintain a victim services program that will be available to provide direct services to victims of crime who are identified by the Provider or are presented to the Provider, as specified in the Provider’s 2022/2023 Grant Application as approved by the OAG and incorporated herein by reference.
Scope of Works (a) Users with an appropriate licence type may be able to create and access Scope of Works. (b) The parties acknowledge and agree that: (i) any wording contained in a Scope of Works is established by the Customer, is customisable and within the Customer's absolute control; (ii) Users make decisions within ProcurePro on how to draft Scope of Works and ProcurePro is not responsible for those decisions; (iii) the Supplier is not liable for the Customer's use or reliance upon any Scope of Works; and (iv) the Supplier is not responsible for controlling the use, copying, modification or export of a Scope of Works by any User to which the Customer allows access to that Scope of Works.
Research Collaboration 3.7.1 Aarvik shall carry out the activities of each Work Item and deliver the required Data Package and/or deliverables in accordance with the applicable SOW. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Aarvik shall, in accordance with the applicable SOWs and the timeline approved by JRC, apply the Aarvik IP to (i) design and synthesize Collaboration Compounds, and (ii) by itself or through subcontractor(s), [***]. During the Research Term, if any Party identifies any Third Party Patent or Know-How that is necessary or reasonably useful for any activity under the SOWs but has not been included in the Aarvik IP, then such Party shall immediately inform the other Party and the Parties shall discuss in good faith the need of obtaining a license from such Third Party. 3.7.2 No later than [***] ([***]) days after completion of the [***], Aarvik shall, to the extent not already provided to ArriVent, deliver the Data Packages and all other deliverables required under the [***], as well as the results of the Patentability and FTO Analysis as described in Section 3.2.3, to ArriVent. ArriVent shall have the sole discretion to decide whether or not to advance any Collaboration Compound and which Collaboration Compound(s) will be advanced for further studies beyond the [***]. ArriVent shall inform Axxxxx of its decision in writing. If AxxxXxxx decides to advance the Collaboration Program to [***], ArriVent shall make the payment for the [***] pursuant to Section 6.2.1. 3.7.3 If, upon completion of the [***] for the Collaboration Program, AxxxXxxx decides not to advance the Collaboration Program to [***], ArriVent may terminate the Collaboration Program. If AxxxXxxx decides to advance the Collaboration Program to [***], ArriVent shall make the payment for the [***] pursuant to Section 6.2.1. 3.7.4 No later than [***] ([***]) days after completion of the [***], Aarvik shall, to the extent not already provided to ArriVent, deliver all Data Packages and deliverables required under the [***] to ArriVent. ArriVent shall have the sole discretion to decide whether or not to advance any Collaboration Compound and which Collaboration Compound(s) will be advanced for further studies beyond the [***]. ArriVent shall inform Axxxxx of its decision in writing. 3.7.5 No later than [***] ([***]) days after completion of the [***], Aarvik shall, to the extent not already provided to ArriVent, deliver all Data Packages and deliverables required under the [***] to ArriVent. 3.7.6 Within [***] ([***]) days after completion of the [***], Aarvik shall deliver to ArriVent a full report on all key results and findings of the Collaboration Program, and such other data, results and information as ArriVent may deem necessary for it to determine whether or not to exercise the Option (the “Full Report”).
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
Statement of Work The Statement of Work to which Grantee is bound is incorporated into and made a part of this Grant Agreement for all purposes and included as Attachment A.
Project Work Plan The Statement of Work is the formal document incorporated into the Grant. The Project Work Plan documents how the Grantee will achieve the performance measures outlined in the Grant. Changes to the Statement of Work require an amendment. Project Work Plans may be changed with written approval from PEI and the Grantee.