Joint Action and Assistance Sample Clauses
Joint Action and Assistance. The Commission shall.
a) plan and implement joint action for the survey and control of the Desert Locust in the Region wherever required and, to this effect, arrange means whereby adequate resources can be made available;
b) assist and promote, in any manner which it considers appropriate, any national, regional or international action relating to the control or survey of the Desert Locust;
c) determine, in consultation with the Members concerned, the nature and extent of assistance needed by such Members for implementing their national programme and for supporting regional programmes;
d) assist, at the request of any Member whose territory is faced with Desert Locust situations beyond the capacity of its national services to control and survey, in any measures jointly agreed to that may become necessary;
e) maintain at strategic localities determined by the Commission, in consultation with the Members concerned, reserves of anti-locust equipment, insecticides and other supplies, to be used in cases of emergency in accordance with decisions of the Executive Committee including supplementing of the national resources of any Member.
Joint Action and Assistance. The Commission shall:
(a) promote, in any manner that it considers appropriate, any national, regional or international action relating to the survey and control of the desert locust and to research activities to be conducted in the Region;
(b) organize and promote joint action for the survey and control of the desert locust in the Region whenever this is deemed necessary and, to this end, arrange for the necessary resources to be made available;
(c) determine, in consultation with the Members concerned, the nature and extent of the assistance they need to implement their national programmes and to support the regional programmes; more specifically, the Commission will help the Nations to formulate and implement contingency action plans;
(d) assist, at the request of any Member facing a desert locust situation beyond the capacity of its control and survey services, in any measure jointly decided to be necessary;
(e) maintain at strategic points determined by the Commission, in consultation with the Members concerned, reserves of equipment and supplies for desert locust control, to be used in cases of emergency and to serve in particular to supplement the resources of any Member.
Joint Action and Assistance. The Commission shall:
(a) plan and implement joint action for the survey and control of the Desert Locust in the Region wherever required and, to this effect, arrange means whereby adequate resources can be made available;
(b) assist and promote, in any manner which it considers appropriate, any national, regional or international action relating to the control or survey of the Desert Locust;
(c) determine, in consultation with the Members concerned, the nature and extent of assistance needed by such Members for implementing their national programs and for supporting regional programs;
(d) assist, at the request of any Member whose territory is faced with Desert Locust situations beyond the capacity of its national services to control and survey, in any measures jointly agreed to that may become necessary;
(e) maintain at strategic localities determined by the Commission, in consultation with the Members concerned, reserves of anti-locust equipment, insecticides and other supplies, to be used in cases of emergency in accordance with decisions of the Commission including supplementing of the national resources of any Member.