KIND OF BUSINESS. Lessee shall occupy the Premises throughout the full term of the Lease, and the principal business to be conducted is STORAGE & WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED FORMS AND
KIND OF BUSINESS. Lessee shall occupy the Premises throughout the full term of the Lease and the principal business to be conducted is: ______________________________.
KIND OF BUSINESS. Establishment Licensee requires Operator to operate, and Operator hereby agrees to operate, the Truck Stop throughout the full term of the Operating Agreement, and the principal business to be conducted includes truck stop fuel sales, maintenance of truck parking and trucker's lounge facilities as required by State Gaming Regulations to enable Establishment Licensee to operate a Video Poker Casino with the maximum number of video poker gaming devices permitted by applicable law (which is currently 50 devices) and/or such other gaming devices as may subsequently allowed by law. In addition to the hold harmless and indemnity in Article 21(E), Operator agrees to comply with, hold harmless, indemnify and defend Establishment Licensee from any violations of all laws, regulations, or ordinances relative to Operator's use of the premises. Establishment Licensee requires Operator to fully comply with all laws and regulations applicable to Operator's business under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Video Draw Poker Devices Statute (La. R.S. 33:4862.6 (A) (4) (a)) pertaining to the requirements of a "QUALIFIED TRUCK STOP FACILITY" ( Attachment "B"). Establishment Licensee requires Operator to maintain, and Operator hereby agrees to maintain, qualified retailer status for the sale of TEXACO products, or any other mutually agreeable gasoline and diesel fuel products to be sold at the Truck Stop during the full term of this Operating Agreement.
KIND OF BUSINESS. If Applicant Is a Firm, Name Each Member Whose Mail Is to Be Delivered. (All names listed must have verifiable identification. A guardian must list the names and ages of minors receiving mail at their delivery address.)
KIND OF BUSINESS. The Leased Premises herein leased shall be used for retail space ("approved uses") and for no other purpose without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant shall not use any portion of the Leased Premises for any purpose that is unlawful or for any purpose that tends to injure or depreciate the property or create a nuisance or interfere with, annoy or disturb any other tenant within the Facility. Nothing shall be placed or done on the Leased Premises or within the District by Tenant which shall cause forfeiture of any insurance. Any violation of this provision shall permit the Landlord, at its option, to immediately terminate this Lease upon written notice to Tenant.
KIND OF BUSINESS. Lessee shall occupy the premises throughout the full term of the lease and the principal business to be conducted is printing.
KIND OF BUSINESS. Lessee shall occupy the Property throughout the full term of the Lease, and the principal business to be conducted includes the operation of a convenience store and restaurant as required by State Gaming Regulations to enable Lessor to operate a video poker casino with the maximum number of video poker gaming devices permitted by law (which is currently 50 devices and/or such other gaming devices as may subsequently be allowed by law). In addition to the hold harmless and indemnity in Article 19(E), Lessee agrees to comply with, hold harmless, indemnify and defend Lessor from any violations of all laws, regulations, or ordinances relative to Lessee's use of the premises. Lessee will fully comply with all laws and regulations applicable to Lessee's use and operation of the Premises, including, but not limited to, Video Draw Poker Devices Statute (La. R.S. 33:4862.6 (A) (4) (a)) pertaining to the requirements of a
KIND OF BUSINESS. Lessee shall occupy the premises throughout the full term of the lease and shall be permitted to use said premises for any lawful purpose. Lessee agrees to comply with (and to indemnify Lessors from any violations of) all laws or ordinances relative to Lessee’s use of the premises.
KIND OF BUSINESS. The business to be conducted in the within demised premises is that of operating a Savings or Banking Institution. In the event Lessee desires to change the use of the premises, Lessee shall obtain Lessor’s permission. Lessor shall not unreasonably withhold consent. The Lessee warrants and covenants that it shall operate 100% of the leased premises during the entire term of this Lease unless prevented from doing so because’ of fire, accident, acts of God and to conduct its business at all times in a high class, dignified and reputable manner, maintaining at all times a full staff of employees. It will conduct its business in a lawful manner and in good faith.
KIND OF BUSINESS. The business to be conducted in the within leased premises is as follows: Wareousing and distribution of apparel items.