Lane closure (i) The Contractor shall not close any lane of the Project Highway for undertaking maintenance works except with the prior written approval of the Authority’s Engineer. Such approval shall be sought by the Contractor through a written request to be made at least 10 (ten) days before the proposed closure of lane and shall be accompanied by particulars thereof. Within 5 (five) business days of receiving such request, the Authority’s Engineer shall grant permission with such modifications as it may deem necessary and a copy of such permission shall be sent to the Authority. (ii) Upon receiving the permission pursuant to Clause 14.5 (i), the Contractor shall be entitled to close the designated lane for the period specified therein, and for all lane closures extending a continuous period of 48 (forty-eight) hours, the Contractor shall, in the event of any delay in re-opening such lane, for every stretch of 250 (two hundred and fifty) metres, or part thereof, pay Damages to the Authority calculated at the rate of 0.1% (zero point one per cent) of the monthly maintenance payment for each day of delay until the lane has been re-opened for traffic. In the event of any delay in re-opening such lanes or in the event of emergency decommissioning and closure to traffic of the whole or any part of the Project Highway due to failure of the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay damages to the Authority at double the above rate, without prejudice the rights of the Authority under this Agreement including Termination thereof.
Contract Closure Contracting Officer shall give appropriate written notice to Purchaser when Purchaser has complied with the terms of this contract. Purchaser shall be paid refunds due from Timber Sale Account un- der B4.24 and excess cooperative deposits under B4.218.
WASHINGTON’S ELECTRONIC BUSINESS SOLUTION (WEBS). Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor is registered in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS), Washington’s contract registration system and that, all of Contractor’s information therein is current and accurate and that throughout the term of this Contract, Contractor shall maintain an accurate profile in WEBS.
Mail Order Catalog Warnings In the event that, the Settling Entity prints new catalogs and sells units of the Products via mail order through such catalogs to California consumers or through its customers, the Settling Entity shall provide a warning for each unit of such Product both on the label in accordance with subsection 2.4 above, and in the catalog in a manner that clearly associates the warning with the specific Product being purchased. Any warning provided in a mail order catalog shall be in the same type size or larger than other consumer information conveyed for such Product within the catalog and shall be located on the same display page of the item. The catalog warning may use the Short-Form Warning content described in subsection 2.3(b) if the language provided on the Product label also uses the Short-Form Warning.
PLANT CLOSURE 29.01 In the event the Company closes the plant at the Cambridge location as a result of the loss of business or a discontinuation of all operations, severance pay will be calculated at one (1) week’s regular pay per year of service. The severance payment, so calculated, is inclusive of any severance payment required by the Ontario Employment Standards Act (Revised 2000). This agreement is not applicable to a sale of the business or if the closure is occasioned by a labour dispute.
Purchases of Portfolio Shares for Sale to Customers (a) In offering and selling Portfolio shares to your customers, you agree to act as dealer for your own account; you are not authorized to act as agent for us or for any Portfolio.
Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where Freedom has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to Freedom. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for Freedom (e.g. hairpinning): 1. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to any spare copper that exists to the customer premises. 2. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to an existing DLC that is not integrated. 3. If capacity exists, provide "side-door" porting through the switch. 4. If capacity exists, provide "Digital Access Cross Connect System (DACS)- door" porting (if the IDLC routes through a DACS prior to integration into the switch). 2.6.2 Arrangements 3 and 4 above require the use of a designed circuit. Therefore, non- designed Loops such as the SL1 voice grade and UCL-ND may not be ordered in these cases. 2.6.3 If no alternate facility is available, and upon request from Freedom, and if agreed to by both Parties, BellSouth may utilize its Special Construction (SC) process to determine the additional costs required to provision facilities. Freedom will then have the option of paying the one-time SC rates to place the Loop.
CLEC to CLEC Conversions for Unbundled Loops The CLEC to CLEC conversion process for unbundled Loops may be used by Lightyear when converting an existing unbundled Loop from another CLEC for the same end user. The Loop type being converted must be included in Lightyear’s Interconnection Agreement before requesting a conversion. To utilize the CLEC to CLEC conversion process, the Loop being converted must be the same Loop type with no requested changes to the Loop, must serve the same end user location from the same serving wire center, and must not require an outside dispatch to provision. The Loops converted to Lightyear pursuant to the CLEC to CLEC conversion process shall be provisioned in the same manner and with the same functionality and options as described in this Attachment for the specific Loop type. Order Coordination (OC) Order Coordination – Time Specific (OC-TS) Test Points DLR Charge for Dispatch and Testing if No Trouble Found SL-1 (Non- Designed) Chargeable Option Chargeable Option Not available Chargeable Option – ordered as Engineering Information Document Charged for Dispatch inside and outside Central Office UCL-ND (Non- Designed) Chargeable Option Not Available Not Available Chargeable Option – ordered as Engineering Information Document Charged for Dispatch inside and outside Central Office Unbundled Voice Loops - SL-2 (including 2- and 4-wire UVL) (Designed) Included Chargeable Option Included Included Charged for Dispatch outside Central Office Unbundled Digital Loop (Designed) Included Chargeable Option (except on Universal Digital Channel) Included (where appropriate) Included Charged for Dispatch outside Central Office Unbundled Copper Loop (Designed) Chargeable in accordance with Section 2 Not available Included Included Charged for Dispatch outside Central Office For UVL-SL1 and UCLs, Lightyear must order and will be billed for both OC and OC-TS if requesting OC-TS.
Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
Christmas Closedown 15.1 It is agreed that whenever annual leave is taken in conjunction with the Christmas/New Year period (as per Calendar in sub-clause 2.11), it is to be taken in accordance with the following procedure. 15.2 Employees who have not accrued sufficient pro rata annual leave prior to commencement of the Christmas/New Year period, may be granted leave without pay by their Employer to give that employee at least the minimum leave of absence required. 15.3 Where the Employer decides to close a site over the Christmas/New Year period for any period in excess of the agreed minimum closedown, up to and including 20 Annual Leave days, then the Employer shall give at least 2 months’ notice to employees as per the relevant Award. Employees who have no, or insufficient, accrued annual leave equal to the period of the closure, may be granted leave without pay for that period. 15.4 Notwithstanding anything elsewhere contained in this Agreement, the Employer may require any employee to work in unforeseen or emergency circumstances during the Christmas period. 15.5 Where an employee requests that annual leave be allowed in one continuous period at Christmas, such a request shall not be unreasonably refused. 15.6 It is a breach of this Agreement and the Award for an employee to be paid his/her full accrual, or part thereof, of annual leave at Christmas or any other time, unless that employee takes such annual leave or his/her employment is terminated. Employment is not to be terminated for reasons of avoidance of this clause.