LEAD AGENCY OBLIGATIONS. The Lead Agency shall be the Town of San Anselmo, which can be changed subject to written consent of all Parties to this Agreement. The Lead Agency will:
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LEAD AGENCY OBLIGATIONS. 7.1. Designate a Representative from its jurisdiction to serve as a point of contact and participate in planning, coordination, and implementation of Workplan activities.
LEAD AGENCY OBLIGATIONS. To be eligible to receive funds from the Sub-Recipient under the STR Opioid Grant and DHCS Agreement, the Lead Agency must comply with the requirements of this Agreement (including any participation requirements contained in Exhibit A, which are provided in a separate document and incorporated as part of this Agreement), the STR Opioid Grant, the Sub- Recipient Agreement, and any applicable federal, state, and local laws.
LEAD AGENCY OBLIGATIONS. To be eligible to receive funds from the Sub-Recipient under the STR Opioid Grant and DHCS Agreement, the Lead Agency must comply with the requirements of this Agreement (including any participation requirements contained in Exhibit A, which are provided in a separate document and incorporated as part of this Agreement), the STR Opioid Grant, the Sub-Recipient Agreement, and any applicable federal, state, and local laws. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS; REPAYMENT OF FUNDS: $12,500 of the total amount will be distributed to the Lead Agency upon execution of this Agreement. Prior to the Sub-Recipient distributing of remaining funds to the Lead Agency, the Lead Agency must demonstrate to the Sub-Recipient’s satisfaction that the County Team has complied with the following requirements: (a) participation in in-person Learning Collaborative sessions in September and November 2018 and written intent to participate in up to two additional Learning Collaborative sessions in 2019 (as detailed in Exhibit A); (b) participation in monthly coaching calls (as detailed in Exhibit A); and (c) informing Sub-Recipient of how it will spend the distributed funds, in writing, no later than December 1, 2018. After December 1, 2018 and upon compliance with these requirements, the Sub-Recipient will distribute the remaining $12,500 to the Lead Agency. If Sub-Recipient reasonably determines that the Lead Agency and/or County Team has not fulfilled the requirements of this Agreement, then Sub-Recipient shall, in its sole discretion, withhold the distribution of funds to the Lead Agency. In the event the Lead Agency and/or County Team spends funds distributed under this Agreement in a manner inconsistent with the Distribution Purpose or otherwise is violation of this Agreement, the Lead Agency agrees to repay the Sub-Recipient any funds distributed under this Agreement.


  • Agency Obligations In consideration of the covenants of BNSF set forth herein and the faithful performance thereof, Agency agrees as follows:

  • Policy Obligations Contractor’s indemnity and other obligations shall not be limited by the foregoing insurance requirements.

  • County Obligations Tenant specifically acknowledges and agrees that County, and County Parties do not and shall not have any obligations with respect to the maintenance, alteration, improvement, demolition, replacement, addition or repair of any Improvements.

  • PROCUREMENT OBLIGATIONS Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Part B, where in this Part B the Customer accepts an obligation to procure that a Former Supplier does or does not do something, such obligation shall be limited so that it extends only to the extent that the Customer's contract with the Former Supplier contains a contractual right in that regard which the Customer may enforce, or otherwise so that it requires only that the Customer must use reasonable endeavours to procure that the Former Supplier does or does not act accordingly.

  • City Obligations 26.1 City shall provide full information in a timely manner regarding requirements for and limitations on projects and work tasks. With regard to subcontractor liens, City shall furnish to Engineer, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of a written request, information necessary and relevant for Engineer to evaluate, give notice of, or enforce lien.

  • Merchant Obligations (1) Merchant shall provide a valid, working administrative email address on enrolment. Any changes to Merchant’s account must be made via the administrative email address provided upon enrolment. The security of Merchant’s account is dependent in part upon Merchant maintaining the security of such administrative email address. Merchant shall be fully and solely responsible for any unauthorized changes to Merchant’s account via this email address. (2) Merchant will be given an ID code and password to allow Merchant to have access to Gateway Services. Merchant shall be fully and solely responsible for the establishment and maintenance of procedures to insure the control and confidentiality of identification codes and passwords and other access procedures (“Codes”). FAILURE TO PROTECT THE CODES MAY ALLOW UNAUTHORIZED PARTIES TO ACCESS THE GATEWAY SERVICES. Merchant is required to put in place internal procedures to limit such risk, including, but not limited to (a) changing the password at least once every 120 calendar days; (b) keeping every identification code under secure conditions; and (c) not keeping, in any form or in any place, any list of passwords. Merchant agrees to comply with any access or identification procedures and security protocols established from time to time by ISO, and if Merchant believes that any Code or security procedures has or may have become known by an unauthorized person (whether employed by Merchant or not), Merchant shall immediately notify ISO by telephone and confirm to ISO in writing such oral notification within 24 hours.

  • Client Obligations Client shall fulfill its obligations and responsibilities as set forth in this Agreement and the SOW so that Spirent can perform the Services efficiently and effectively. Client is responsible for the operation and security of its applications and the information technology environment in which the Services are to be performed. Client agrees that it shall have the sole responsibility for protecting and backing up its systems, networks, applications, content, and data used in connection with the Services. Client shall secure and provide to Spirent any rights and licenses necessary to allow Spirent to perform the Services. Client shall ensure the cooperation and performance of its employees and contractors as well as the accuracy and completeness of data and information provided to Spirent that are necessary to perform the Services. Client shall make and be responsible for all decisions and actions based or related to advice and recommendations provided by Spirent in connection with the performance of the Services hereunder. Client shall be liable for all Spirent owned equipment while in Client’s possession or control and, if lost or. damaged or not returned to Spirent upon expiration of the engagement, Client agrees to pay for such equipment upon receipt of an invoice referencing this Agreement. Equipment received by Spirent from Client more than five (5) calendar days after the end of engagement shall be subject to a fifteen (15%) per month late fee based on the list price of the equipment.

  • Obligations of the City A. The City agrees to give the Contractor access to the Project area and other City- owned properties as required to perform the necessary Services under this Agreement.

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