Lender’s Agreement Sample Clauses
Lender’s Agreement. So long as an Event of Default has not occurred and is continuing, Lender agrees to permit any sums due to Borrower under the Management Agreement to be paid directly to Borrower.
Lender’s Agreement. So long as Borrower is not in default (beyond any applicable grace period) under this Assignment, the Note, the Security Instrument or the Other Security Documents, Xxxxxx agrees to permit any sums due to Borrower under the Management Agreement to be paid directly to Borrower.
Lender’s Agreement. So long as Borrower is not in default (continuing beyond any applicable grace period) under this Assignment, the Loan Agreement or the other Loan Documents and a Cash Sweep Period is not in effect under the Loan Agreement, Lender agrees to permit any sums due to Borrower under the Management Agreement to be paid directly to Borrower.
Lender’s Agreement. OMB No. 0575-0137 Type of Loan: Applicable 7 CFR part 1980, subparts A and I USDA Loan Ident. No. amount of $ as evidenced by (include Xxxx as appropriate) described as follows: note The United States of America, acting through Rural Housing Service or any successor agency, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (herein referred to as "Government") has entered into a ''Loan Note Guarantee'' (Form RD 449-34) or has issued a ''Conditional Commitment for Guarantee'' (Form RD 449-14) to enter into a Loan Note Guarantee with the Lender applicable to such loan. The terms of the Loan Note Guarantee are controlling. In order to facilitate the marketability of the guaranteed portion of the loan and as a condition for obtaining a guarantee of the loan, the Lender enters into this agreement.
Lender’s Agreement. Subject to the terms of this agreement, CFC shall assume all of the Cooperatives' obligations and shall perform all of the Cooperative's responsibilities under the Lender's Agreement and all other agreements and regulations governing the B&I Guaranteed Loan Program.
Lender’s Agreement. The Beneficiary may request a drawing or drawings under this Letter of Credit by giving to the Issuing Agent a duly completed Demand. A Demand must be received by the Issuing Agent by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the Expiry Date.
Lender’s Agreement. Any sums due to Borrower under the Management Agreement shall be distributed to Borrower in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement.
Lender’s Agreement. The Lender, relying upon each of the representations and warranties set out in Clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of this Supplemental Agreement, hereby agrees with the Borrower and the Guarantor, subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Supplemental Agreement and in particular, but without limitation, subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in Clause 4, to:
(i) the IPO and the Amendments; and
(ii) the Consequential Amendments.
Lender’s Agreement. If a pp r oved, t h e le n de r m ay sig n a L e n de r’s Ag r ee- m e n t wi t h t h e Age n c y . If t h e L e n de r’s Ag r ee m e n t is exec u t ed b y t h e le n de r an d t h e Age n c y , t h e le n de r m ay s u b m i t an a pplic a t io n fo r g uaran t ee i n any S t a t e i n w h ic h i t is au t h o r ized t o do b u si n ess. App r ov a l fo r p ar t icip a t io n co n s t i t u t es a pp r xx x x x x x ar t icip a t e i n a ll g uaran t eed lo an p r og ra m s desc r ibed i n t h is p ar t .
Lender’s Agreement. (a) The Beneficiary may request a drawing or drawings under this Letter of Credit by giving to the Issuing Agent a duly completed Demand. A Demand must be received by the Issuing Agent by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the Expiry Date.
(b) Subject to terms of this Letter of Credit, each Lender shall, no later than five (5) Business Days after the deemed date of receipt by the Issuing Agent of a Demand (the “Due Date”), pay to the Beneficiary (by making payment via us, the Issuing Agent) its respective Participation Percentage of the sum demanded in the Demand.
(c) The obligations of the Lenders under this Letter of Credit shall be several, not joint, and no Lender shall ever be obliged to make a payment under this Letter of Credit if as a result the aggregate of all payments made by it under this Letter of Credit would exceed its