LOCAL SCHOOL STAFF COMMITTEE. 1. Teachers assigned to each school may form a Local School Staff Committee at that school. 2. The size and membership of the Committee shall be determined by the staff. In smaller schools the staff may decide to act as a Committee of the Whole. Principals, Vice Principals and other staff members may be invited from time to time to meet with the Committee. 3. The Committee will have access to public information concerning its school budget which will include flexible funds, school level monthly expenditure report, equipment request list, the school’s capital budget information, and the school’s non-public funds. 4. The Committee may make written recommendations to the staff and to the Principal on any area of concern. 5. If the Principal declines to implement a recommendation, written reasons for the refusal shall be given to the Committee. The Committee may forward a copy of the recommendation to the Superintendent who will investigate the matter and respond to the Committee. 6. The functioning of the Committee shall not contravene the authority and responsibility of the Principal or the Board as set out in the School Act and Regulations.


  • School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.

  • LIAISON COMMITTEE 8.1 The Law Society shall establish a committee to include, without limitation, representatives from Qualifying Insurers, the Law Society, and the ARP Manager (the Liaison Committee). 8.2 The purpose of the Liaison Committee shall include: 8.2.1 reviewing the arrangements relating to the provision of compulsory professional indemnity insurance to members of the solicitors’ profession generally; and 8.2.2 considering proposed amendments to such arrangements, including proposed variations to the Rules, the Minimum Terms or the standard form Qualifying Insurer’s Agreement. 8.3 The terms of reference relating to the Liaison Committee shall be as determined by the Law Society from time to time.