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For more information visit our privacy policy.Teaching Load 11-1 The parties recognize that the number of students, the number of preparations, and the amount of planning time are related to student performance. 11-2 CLASS SIZE 11-2-1 The parties recognize that class size is related to economics and that reduction of class size is faced with fiscal constraints. The parties further recognize that it is not feasible at this time to set general numerical limitations upon class size because of physical space available, special programs, special student needs, attendance area variances, differences in scheduling systems, busing, and because of other variable causes affecting class size. Nevertheless, the parties shall make reasonable effort to maintain class size at reasonable, workable, and educationally effective levels in all situations. 11-3 TEACHER LOAD 11-3-1 Teaching load shall be defined as the number of separate class preparations that a teacher has per school day as delineated in the course description guide.
TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.
Lunch Breaks The lunch break will consist of a one-half hour (or one hour where scheduled) unpaid break taken mid-way during regular work day. In the event that an employee is required to work during his regular lunch period he shall be allowed a one-half hour lunch period between the hours of ll:30 a.m. and l:00 p.m., otherwise he shall be paid double time for working through said lunch period.
TEACHING HOURS 1. A grade PPI-12 teacher's workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes of formal responsibility. Hall duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. The student day may be increased if necessary to meet the State time requirements for instructional hours. Within said time of formal responsibility, a teacher shall be entitled to the following: (a) A duty free lunch period no less than twenty-five (25) minutes to a maximum of thirty-five (35) minutes. (b) For a grade ECSE-5 grade teacher: a minimum of 250 minutes per week of time for preparation. Each preparation period to consist of a minimum of twenty-five (25) duty-free minutes. For a grade 6-12 teacher: a minimum of one preparation per day that shall be equivalent to a normal teaching period or an average of five normal teaching periods per week. (c) Cafeteria duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made to obtain volunteers for this duty, which will be in lieu of a class period. If no volunteer is available who can be scheduled, the administration may assign a teacher to such duties. No teacher may be involuntarily assigned these duties for more than one consecutive year. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. (d) Attendance at 6th grade camp shall be voluntary. 2. Before and/or after school, a grade ECSE-12 teacher shall be attending to his/her teaching duties in his/her building for up to thirty (30) minutes but not to exceed the workday of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes. At the beginning of each year, the administration at each level shall determine what portion of the above times will be used before and after school. Teacher input will be encouraged. It is expressly understood that an individual teacher's day may be adjusted to facilitate the administration of the individual building. Early leave may be granted at the discretion of the Administration. 3. The daily preparation period will first be used for such things as thorough preparations, conferences with parents, teachers, and administrators, I.E.P.T.'s, and special assistance to students. 4. Activities involving teachers beyond the scope of the formal teaching day shall be determined cooperatively between a faculty selected committee and the administration at that level. Teachers shall be given forty-eight (48) hour notice of such activities and shall be encouraged and expected by the Association to attend. Special teachers shall be encouraged to attend as their time and schedules allow. 5. In the event that it becomes necessary to determine a new building schedule, a committee will be formed, comprised of an equal number of administrators and teachers to examine alternative scheduling. A recommendation on the study will be presented to the superintendent. No recommendation will be made that would jeopardize accreditation. 6. A teacher’s building assignment shall be determined by where he/she is assigned for over half of his/her schedule. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have their workday schedule determined by the building administrators. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have a minimum of 30 minutes for travel. If the travel time encumbers the teacher’s preparation period or duty free lunch, or extends the teacher’s day beyond the contractual limits, then the teacher shall be paid for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes at the teacher’s per diem rate (unless this time is recouped through other minutes during the day).
SCOPE OF SERVICES/CASE HANDLING A. Upon execution by GPM, attorneys are retained to provide legal services for the purpose of seeking damages and other relief in the Litigation. Client provides authorization to seek appointment as Lead Plaintiff in the class action, while the Attorneys will seek to be appointed Class Counsel. If this occurs, the Litigation will be prosecuted as a class action. B. If you obtain access to non-public information during the pendency of the Litigation, you must not engage in transactions in securities. C. Attorneys are authorized to prosecute the Litigation. The appointed Lead Plaintiffs will monitor, review and participate with counsel in the prosecution of the Litigation. The Attorneys shall consult with the appointed Lead Plaintiffs concerning all major substantive matters related to the Litigation, including, but not limited to, the complaint, dispositive motions and settlement. Because of potential differences of opinion between Clients concerning, among other things, strategy, goals and objectives of the Litigation, the Attorneys shall consult with the appointed Lead Plaintiffs as to the courses of action to pursue. The Client agrees to abide by the decisions of the appointed Lead Plaintiffs, which shall be final and binding on all Clients. D. GPM is given the authority to opt the Client out of any class action proceeding relating to the claims authorized herein and/or pursue the Client claim individually in a group action, if the Client is not appointed Lead Plaintiff and GPM is not appointed Class Counsel. E. The Attorneys shall provide sufficient resources, including attorney time and capital for payment of costs and expenses, to vigorously prosecute the Litigation. F. Any recovery from defendants that the Attorneys are responsible for will be divided among class members based on the recognized loss by each class member as calculated by a damage allocation plan which will be prepared by a financial expert or consultant, provided to the appointed Lead Plaintiffs, be subject to the Court's approval and will account for such factors as size of securities ownership, date of purchase, date of sale and continued holdings, if any. Under the rules governing class action litigation, while the Lead Plaintiffs recover according to the same formula as other class members, the Court may approve, upon application therefore, reimbursement of the Lead Plaintiffs’ reasonable costs and expenses directly related to the representation of the class. Examples are lost wages and travel expenses associated with testifying in the action.
Developer Compensation for Emergency Services If, during an Emergency State, the Developer provides services at the request or direction of the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer will be compensated for such services in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff.
PERIOD OF SERVICE The Grant Services will commence on the Start Date and shall expire on the End Date as set forth in the SUMMARY PAGE.
Interconnection Customer Compensation for Actions During Emergency Condition The CAISO shall compensate the Interconnection Customer in accordance with the CAISO Tariff for its provision of real and reactive power and other Emergency Condition services that the Interconnection Customer provides to support the CAISO Controlled Grid during an Emergency Condition in accordance with Article 11.6.
Employee Facilities Employee Facilities. Restrooms and attendant facilities shall be provided as required in the orders and regulations of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. A good faith effort will be made by the Employer to provide facilities for employees’ personal belongings.
Grades of Service The Parties shall initially engineer and shall monitor and augment all trunk groups consistent with the Joint Process as set forth in Section 14.1 of this Attachment.