Market Research and Materials Sample Clauses

Market Research and Materials. At each regularly scheduled JSC meeting, each Party shall update the other Party regarding the material market research that it is performing with respect to the Licensed Products, and shall provide the other Party with a copy of such research upon request if such material market research is necessary for the other Party to commercialize the Licensed Products in its Territory. The Parties shall also share copies of all marketing and promotional materials with respect to the Commercialization of the Licensed Products with each other.
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Related to Market Research and Materials

  • Collaboration Each Party shall provide to the enforcing Party reasonable assistance in such enforcement, at such enforcing Party’s request and expense, including to be named in such action if required by Applicable Laws to pursue such action. The enforcing Party shall keep the other Party regularly informed of the status and progress of such enforcement efforts, shall reasonably consider the other Party’s comments on any such efforts, including determination of litigation strategy and filing of material papers to the competent court. The non-enforcing Party shall be entitled to separate representation in such matter by counsel of its own choice and at its own expense, but such Party shall at all times cooperate fully with the enforcing Party.

  • Manufacturing Technology Transfer With respect to each Technology Transfer Product, upon AbbVie’s written request after the Inclusion Date for the Included Target to which such Technology Transfer Product is Directed, Morphic shall effect a full transfer to AbbVie or its designee (which designee may be an Affiliate or a Third Party manufacturer) of all Morphic Know-How and Joint Know-How relating to the then-current process for the Manufacture of such Technology Transfer Product (the “Manufacturing Process”) and to implement the Manufacturing Process at facilities designated by AbbVie (such transfer and implementation, as more fully described in this Section 5.3, the “Manufacturing Technology Transfer”). To assist with the Manufacturing Technology Transfer, Morphic will make its personnel reasonably available to AbbVie during normal business hours for up to [***] FTE hours with respect to each Included Target (in each case, free of charge to AbbVie) to transfer and implement the Manufacturing Process under this Section 5.3. Thereafter, if requested by AbbVie, Morphic shall continue to perform such obligations; provided, that AbbVie will reimburse Morphic for its full-time equivalent (FTE) costs (for clarity, in excess of [***] FTE hours) and any reasonable and verifiable out-of-pocket costs incurred in providing such assistance. CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY [***], HAS BEEN OMITTED BECAUSE IT IS NOT MATERIAL AND WOULD LIKELY CAUSE COMPETITIVE HARM TO THE COMPANY IF PUBLICLY DISCLOSED.

  • Research Records Each Party shall maintain records of each Research Program (or cause such records to be maintained) in sufficient detail and in good scientific manner as will properly reflect all work done and results achieved by or on behalf of such Party in the performance of such Research Program. All laboratory notebooks shall be maintained for no less than [***].

  • Licensed Technology The term "Licensed Technology" shall mean the ------------------- Licensed Patents, plus all improvements thereto developed by Licensor, and all related data, know-how and technology.

  • Technology For purposes of this Agreement, “Technology” means all Software, information, designs, formulae, algorithms, procedures, methods, techniques, ideas, know-how, research and development, technical data, programs, subroutines, tools, materials, specifications, processes, inventions (whether or not patentable and whether or not reduced to practice), apparatus, creations, improvements and other similar materials, and all recordings, graphs, drawings, reports, analyses, and other writings, and other embodiments of any of the foregoing, in any form or media whether or not specifically listed herein. Further, for purposes of this Agreement, “Software” means any and all computer programs, whether in source code or object code; databases and compilations, whether machine readable or otherwise; descriptions, flow-charts and other work product used to design, plan, organize and develop any of the foregoing; and all documentation, including user manuals and other training documentation, related to any of the foregoing.

  • Collaboration Management Promptly after the Effective Date, each Party will appoint a person who will oversee day-to-day contact between the Parties for all matters related to the management of the Collaboration Activities in between meetings of the JSC and will have such other responsibilities as the Parties may agree in writing after the Effective Date. One person will be designated by Merck (the “Merck Program Director”) and one person will be designated by Moderna (the “Moderna Program Director,”) together will be the “Program Directors”. Each Party may replace its Program Director at any time by notice in writing to the other Party. Any Program Director may designate a substitute to temporarily perform the functions of that Program Director by written notice to the other Party. The initial Program Directors will be: For Moderna: [***] For Merck: [***]

  • Research Neither the Investor nor any Affiliate of the Investor shall have, in the prior thirty (30) days, published or distributed any research report (as such term is defined in Rule 500 of Regulation AC) concerning the Company.

  • Technical Information Methods, processes, formulae, compositions, systems, techniques, inventions, machines, computer programs and research projects, unpatented inventions, designs, know-how, trade secrets, technical information and data, specifications, blueprints, transparencies, test data, and additions, modifications, and improvements thereon which are revealed to Employee.

  • Research Collaboration (a) GSK hereby grants to Anacor a non-exclusive, non-royalty bearing license under the GSK IP, solely as and to the extent necessary or important to conduct activities for which Anacor is responsible under the Research Plans during the Research Collaboration Term.

  • New Technology If New Technology becomes available from any source, including Supplier, then KP may evaluate and contract with any supplier so that KP will have access to New Technology at all times. If Supplier cannot offer New Technology at comparable or lower prices, KP may either (a) amend contract pricelist to add Supplier's New Technology at a mutually agreed-upon price; or (b) contract with other suppliers for New Technology. Regardless of whether New Technology is added to this Agreement, Supplier and KP will negotiate in good faith to equitably adjust the pricing for any current Product under this Agreement affected by the New Technology.

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