Marketers. Only KY Propane Marketers are eligible to participate in the Program. The Propane Marketer is responsible for documenting that an Eligible Installation has occurred, that all Eligible Appliances have been correctly identified, and that a Safety Inspection has been completed and submission of the completed application to KYPERC.
Marketers. We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements.
Marketers. Responsibilities of Marketers include:
Marketers. Responsibilities of Marketers include:
A. Ensuring that all transactions are appropriately priced, taking into account the best information available with respect to all material risk factors including credit and volumetric risks. The Company recognizes that in establishing this pricing the trade-off of prices and material risks may often be based significantly on qualitative assessments;
B. Ensuring that all transactions are appropriately documented in writing in accordance with the Company’s Risk Management and Control Documents, including the Contract Administration and Confirmations processes; Privileged and Confidential - 12/5/2011
C. Ensuring that all transactions are executed only with pre-approved counterparties, for pre-approved products and at pre-approved locations; and
D. Informing the CRO and the appropriate Market Leader and Trading and Marketing Officer of any known or suspected violation of this Risk Management Policy.