MEASUREMENT OF WORKSThe Engineer shall, when he requires any part or parts of the Works to be measured, give notice to the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized agent or representative who shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the Engineer in making such measurement and shall furnish all particulars required by either of them. Should the Contractor not attend or neglect or omit to send such agent, then the measurement made by the Engineer or approved by him shall be taken to be the correct measurement of the work. The purpose of measuring is to ascertain the volume of work executed by the Contractor and therefore determine the amount of the monthly payments.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. TS-31 The Engineering measurement (international measurements) shall be used for all works; all openings and intersection shall be deducted. Actual net distances shall be calculated but not exceeding the measurement reported in the drawings.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. 7.a.1. All measurements shall be in metric system. All the works will be jointly measured by the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and the Contractor or their authorised agent progressively. Such measurement will be recorded in the Measurement Book/Measurement Sheet by the Contractor or his authorised representative and signed in token of acceptance by the Owner or their authorised representative. 7.a.2. For the purpose of taking joint measurement, the Contractor/representative shall be bound to be present whenever required by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site- in- Charge. If, however, they are absent for any reasons whatsoever, the measurement will be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge or his representative and the same would be deemed to be correct and binding on the Contractor.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. Except as otherwise stipulated, the Engineer shall check by measurement and decide accordingly the value of the work accomplished according to the Contract. The Engineer, when measuring any part of the works, shall notify the Contractor or the Contractor’s authorized agent or representative and any or all of them shall attend in person or send a duly authorized agent to assist the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative in conducting such measurement, and the same shall submit to the Engineer or the Engineer's representative all information requested by either of them. Article 48:
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. Joint measurement along with the contractor representative for executed area of sanitization work shall be recorded. If the contractor does not appear for a joint measurement, ex- party measurement by WBSEDCL will be taken as final.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. 16.1 The OWNER/PROJECT MANAGER/ OWNER’S representative may from time to time intimate to the Contractor that they require the works to be measured and the Contractor shall attend or send a qualified agent to assist the OWNER/PROJECT MANAGER and OWNER’S representative in taking such measurements and calculations and to furnish all particulars or to give all assistance required by either of them. 16.2 Should the Contractor not attend or neglect or omit to send such agents then the measurements taken by the OWNER/PROJECT MANAGER /OWNER'S representative or approved by them shall be taken to be the correct measurements of the work. Such measurements shall be taken in accordance with the Mode of Measurements mentioned in the specification. 16.3 Any claim which the Contractor may have to make in respect of such measurement shall be made by him in writing to the OWNER/PROJECT MANAGER within seven days of the date of these measurements, failing which the measurements shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor. 16.4 Where mode of measurement is not specified, the measurements will be taken at site as per I.S. Code of Practice for Measurements. The Contractor shall give all assistance for taking measurements like steel measuring tapes, scaffolds, ladder and including surveyors with surveying instruments for checking and confirming levels.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. Measurements of work will in general decided by both the plant in charge and Contactor’s supervisor on daily basis.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS. All measurements shall be in metric system. All the works will be jointly measured by the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site- in-Charge and the Contractor or their authorised agent progressively. Such measurement will be recorded in the Measurement Book/Measurement Sheet by the Contractor or his authorized representative and signed in token of acceptance by the Owner or their authorised representative.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKS a) The Architect/Consultant shall from time to time intimate the Contractor that he requires the works to be measured and the Contractor shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the Architect/Consultant’s representative in taking such measurements and calculations and to furnish all particulars or give all assistance required by either of them. b) Should the Contractor omit to attend or neglect or omit to send such agent, then the measurements taken by the Architect/Consultant or approved by him shall be taken to be the correct measurements. The works shall be measured according to the mode of measurements specified in the Contract documents and, where no mode is specified, as per the latest edition of relevant I.S. Codes.
MEASUREMENT OF WORKSThe Architect/Consultant shall from time to time intimate the Contractor that he requires the works to be measured and the Contractor shall forthwith attend or send a qualified agent to assist the Architect/Consultant’s representative in taking such measurements and calculations and to furnish all particulars or give all assistance required by either of them.