Mediator Panel. (a) The University’s representative and the UFF Grievance Representative shall meet within two weeks of the ratification of this Agreement for the purpose of selecting a Mediator Panel. The Panel shall consist of no fewer than five and no more than nine individuals.
(b) Panel Membership Review. Panel membership may be reviewed at the initiation of the University or the UFF, through written notice provided before the end of preceding fiscal year.
Mediator Panel. (a) The president's representative and the UFF Grievance Representative shall meet within two (2) weeks of the ratification of this Agreement for the purpose of selecting an odd-numbered Mediator Panel. The Panel shall consist of no fewer than five (5) and no more than nine (9) individuals, who meet the following qualifications:
(1) a mediator certified in the state of Florida;
(2) familiarity with academic assignments at Florida universities;
(3) an ability to serve on short notice;
(4) a willingness to serve on the Panel for one academic year; and
(5) acceptability to both the University and the UFF.
Mediator Panel. 417 (a) The president's representative and the UFF Grievance 418 Representative shall meet within two (2) weeks of the ratification of this 419 Agreement for the purpose of selecting an odd-numbered Mediator Panel. The 420 Panel shall consist of no fewer than five (5) and no more than nine (9) 421 individuals, who meet the following qualifications: 422 (1) a mediator certified in the state of Florida; 423 (2) familiarity with academic assignments at Florida 424 universities; 425 (3) an ability to serve on short notice; 426 (4) a willingness to serve on the Panel for one academic year; 427 and 428 (5) acceptability to both the University and the UFF. 429 (b) Panel Membership Review. Panel membership may be reviewed 430 at the initiation of the University or the UFF, through written notice provided 431 before the end of preceding fiscal year. 432