Single Arbitrator. Either of the parties to this Agreement is, in such event, to notify the other party in writing of its desire to submit the matter in dispute to arbitration and if the recipient of the said notice and the party desiring the arbitration do not, within a period of ten (10) days after the receipt of the said notice, agree upon a single arbitrator the appointment of a single arbitrator shall be made by the Minister of Labour for the Province of Ontario upon the request of either party.
Single Arbitrator. If the grievance is to be heard by a single arbitrator and the Union and the Employer fail to agree upon the appointment of the arbitrator within five (5) days of notice of arbitration in accordance with Article 26.01, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour for Nova Scotia.
Single Arbitrator. Notwithstanding the above, the parties may by mutual agreement refer the dispute to a single arbitrator, with each party sharing equally in the costs of the arbitrator.
Single Arbitrator. The Employer and the Union agree that by mutual written agreement of the parties, a Sole Arbitrator may be substituted for a Board of Arbitration. The appointment and jurisdiction of the Arbitrator shall conform to the provisions of this Article. Each party shall pay one-half (½) of the fees and expenses of the arbitrator and any costs of the place of hearing of such arbitration if and when the necessity arises.
Single Arbitrator. Wherever Arbitration Board is referred to in the Agreement, the parties may mutually agree in writing to substitute a single arbitrator for the Arbitration Board at the time of reference to arbitration and the other provisions referring to Arbitration Board shall appropriately apply.
Single Arbitrator. The parties may mutually agree to the substitution of a single arbitrator for an Arbitration Board in which event the foregoing provisions in Article 9.02, 9.03, 9.04, 9.05, and 9.06 shall apply equally to a single arbitrator where reference is made to an Arbitration Board.
Single Arbitrator. The Parties shall normally agree to use a single Arbitrator.
Single Arbitrator. The parties may mutually agree that a single arbitrator shall be appointed in the place of a board of arbitration. In the event that the parties agree on a single arbitrator, the arbitrator shall have the same powers as a board of arbitration under this Agreement and the parties shall jointly bear the expenses of the arbitrator, if any.
Single Arbitrator. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties may mutually agree to the use of a single arbitrator, who will be governed by the provisions of this Article. Failing to agree on a single arbitrator, the provisions of the three (3) man Board will apply.
Single Arbitrator. When a party has requested that a grievance be submitted to Arbitration, the grievance shall be submitted to a mutually agreed upon Arbitrator.