CFR Ch I (1–1–12 Edition)
Credit Check You are authorized, in your discretion, should you for any reason deem it necessary for your protection to request and obtain a consumer credit report for the Customer.
Mutual Fund Entity Name Reference ID Entity Type Virginia Tax-Free Bond Fund VAB Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Funds, Inc. SIF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Cash Reserves Fund SCR Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Funds, Inc. SMF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Income Fund SMI Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Intermediate Fund SMT Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Money Market Fund SMM Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Funds, Inc. TEF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Equity Fund TMC Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Inc. TEM Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free High Yield Fund, Inc. TFH Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Income Fund, Inc. TFI Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate Fund, Inc. TFS Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund TUS Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price U.S. Bond Enhanced Index Fund, Inc. UBX Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price U.S. Large-Cap Core Fund, Inc. LCF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price U.S. Treasury Funds, Inc. USTF Mutual Fund - Parent U.S. Treasury Intermediate Fund USI Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Long-Term Fund USL Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Money Fund UST Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Value Fund, Inc. VAL Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement Funds, Inc. RDF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2005 Fund RPJ Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2010 Fund RPA Mutual Fund - Series
Quarterly Portfolio of Investments Services Subject to the receipt of all Required Data, and as a component of the Services, the Administrator will use such Required Data from each Trust, State Street’s internal systems, and other data providers to prepare a draft portfolio of investments (the “Portfolio of Investments”), compliant with GAAP, as of each Trusts’ first and third fiscal quarter-ends. · Each Trust acknowledges and agrees that it will be responsible for (i) reviewing and approving each such Portfolio of Investments, (ii) incorporating such information into such Trust’s filing mechanism, (iii) attaching each of its Portfolio of Investments to its first and third fiscal quarter-end N-PORT filings, and (iv) submitting such Portfolios of Investments as part of such N-PORT filings electronically to the SEC.
Click OK The target directory will be automatically opened. You can find the encrypted CFG file(s), encrypted key file(s) and an Aeskey.txt file storing plaintext AES key(s). Configuration Encryption Tool on Linux Platform 1. Place the encryption tool “yealinkencrypt” and configuration files in the same directory. 2. Open a terminal window. 3. Execute the cd command to locate the directory where the encryption tool is stored. For example, execute cd /tmp to locate the /tmp directory. 4. Execute one of the following commands according to your requirements:
Returned Check Charge A Customer whose payment by check is returned for insufficient funds, or is otherwise not processed for payment, will be subject to a returned check charge. Such charge will be applicable on each occasion when a check is returned or not processed. If the returned check was for a combined interstate and international balance, only a single returned check charge will apply.
DUES CHECK-OFF A. Upon the presentation by the Union of a list of the individual employees covered by this Agreement for each of whom the Union certifies to have on file a written authorization for dues deduction or service fee deduction duly executed by the employee, the Union shall be entitled to have the dues or service fees deducted from their paychecks on a bi-weekly basis. Such authorization shall be non-revocable and automatically renewed from year to year. B. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the Employer by the Treasurer of the Union. Whenever the Union notifies the Employer to begin deducting the dues of any bargaining unit employee, said deductions shall begin no later than the second paycheck following the Union's notification. If the Employer fails to make the deduction within this period, the Union will notify the Employer who shall immediately correct the error. Aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted at least monthly to the Union along with an itemized statement. C. The Employer or its agents or representatives shall not encourage or discourage membership in the Union by discriminating in hiring, tenure, wages, hours, or conditions of employment. The Union, its agents, representatives and persons who work for it shall not restrain, coerce, or interfere with employee rights. D. The Union shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, or any other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the Employer for the purposes of complying with any list, notice, form, card, or assignment furnished under this Article. E. When a bargaining unit employee returns to work from a non-pay status, and upon appropriate certification from the Union that the employee owes back dues to the Union, the Employer shall deduct from the employee's next paycheck the full amount of back dues owed.
UNION DUES CHECK-OFF On a weekly basis the Employer agrees to deduct uniform dues and initiation fees from the paycheck of those covered employees whose individual written unrevoked authorizations are on file with the Employer and to transmit the amounts so deducted to the Union monthly. Said deduction authorizations shall be in such form as to conform with Section 302(c) of the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947.
Request for Dues Check Off Employees shall have the right to request and be allowed dues check off for the Exclusive Representative, provided that dues check off and the proceeds thereof shall not be allowed any employee organization that has lost its right to dues check off pursuant to the PELRA Upon receipt of a properly executed authorization card of the employee involved, the District will deduct from the employee’s paycheck the dues as specified by the Union.
Union Check-Off The Employer agrees to the monthly check-off of all Union Dues, Assessments, Initiation Fees, and written assignments of amounts equal to Union Dues. The check-off monies deducted in accordance with the above paragraph shall be remitted to the Union by the Employer within two (2) weeks of the end of each month. The Employer shall provide the Union's Provincial Office with a list of all employees hired, and all employees who have left the employ of the Employer (who shall be designated as terminated and shall include discharges, resignations, retirements and deaths) in the previous month along with a list of all employees in the bargaining unit and their employee status and the amount of dues or equivalent monies currently being deducted for each employee.