Modification/Termination Notice. Either party may give notice in writing 20 at least ninety (90) days prior to any expiration date or modification date of its desire to 21 terminate or modify such Agreement. Whenever possible, notification shall include the 22 substance of the modification and the proposed language with which such desired 23 modifications are to be expressed. In the event that such notice is given, this 24 Agreement shall remain in full force and effect during the period of negotiations.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this 9 Agreement, it shall serve written notice of such intention upon the other party no more than 120 10 days and no less than 90 days prior to expiration, or subsequent anniversary date.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date. In the event that notice of modification only is provided, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall thereafter be terminated only upon written notice of termination provided by either party.
Section 1. Nurses shall receive the following hourly wage rates effective the first full pay period subsequent to the following dates:
Section 2. Advancement to higher steps:
A. Nurses will move from Step 1 through Step 6 after one (1) year of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 1.
B. Nurses will move from Step 6 through Step 14 after two (2) years of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 6.
C. Nurses will move from Step 14 to Step 15 after three (3) years of service as a nurse at Step 14.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date. In the event that notice of modification only is provided, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall thereafter be terminated only upon written notice of termination provided by either party.
Section 1. Nurses shall receive the following hourly wage rates effective the first full pay period subsequent to the following dates:
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date. In the event that notice of modification only is provided, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall thereafter be terminated only upon written notice of termination provided by either party.
Section 1. Nurses shall receive the following hourly wage rates effective the first full pay period subsequent to the following dates:
Section 2. Advancement to higher steps:
A. Nurses will move from Step 1 through Step 6 after one (1) year of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 1.
B. Nurses will move from Step 6 through Step 14 after two (2) years of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 6.
C. Nurses will move from Step 14 to Step 15 after three (3) years of service as a nurse at Step 14.
D. However, any nurse who, as of July 1, 2006, has already spent two (2) or more years of service as a nurse at one of the prior contract’s previous 4-year steps or its previous 5-year step (1) shall be immediately placed at the next appropriate step, as noted below; and (2) shall not be required to spend more time within the previous 4-year or 5-year steps, as they have been reconstituted, than the nurse would have spent at these previous steps.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date. In the event that notice of modification only is provided, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall thereafter be terminated only upon written notice of termination provided by either party.
Section 1. Nurses shall receive the following hourly wage rates effective the first full pay period subsequent to the following dates: Section 2. Advancement to higher steps:
A. Nurses will move from Step 1 through Step 7 after one (1) year of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 1. Nurses who are at Step 6 or below as of the beginning of the second pay period following ratification, or who thereafter are hired at Step 6 or below, will move from Step 6 to Step 7 after one (1) year of service at Step 6. Nurses who have been at Step 6 for one year or more as of the beginning of the second pay period following ratification of this Agreement will move to Step 7 as of that date, and will have that date as their new anniversary date for purposes of subsequent step advancement. Nurses who are at Step 7 or above as of the beginning of the second pay period following ratification will not be affected by the change in language from Step 6 to Step 7 in this appendix.
B. Nurses will move from Step 7 through Step 14 after two (2) years of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 7.
C. Nurses will move from Step 14 through Step 16 after three (3) years of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 14.
Modification/Termination Notice. If either party wishes to modify or terminate this Agreement it shall serve notice of such intention upon the other party no more than one hundred twenty (120) days and no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration or subsequent anniversary date. In the event that notice of modification only is provided, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect and shall thereafter be terminated only upon written notice of termination provided by either party. SIGNED this day of , 2016. SACRED HEART MEDICAL CENTER OREGON NURSES ASSOCIATION
Section 1. Nurses shall receive the following hourly wage rates effective the first full pay period subsequent to the following dates: 7/1/2019 7/1/2020 7/1/2021 7/1/2022 Step 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.50% 1 37.70 38.83 39.99 41.39 2 38.84 40.01 41.21 42.65 3 40.11 41.31 42.55 44.04 4 41.41 42.65 43.93 45.47 5 42.82 44.10 45.42 47.01 6 44.32 45.65 47.02 48.67 7 45.96 47.34 48.76 50.46 8 46.94 48.35 49.80 51.54 9 47.88 49.32 50.80 52.58 10 49.89 51.39 52.93 54.78 11 52.04 53.60 55.20 57.14 12 53.22 54.82 56.46 58.44 13 54.40 56.04 57.72 59.74 14 55.61 57.28 59.00 61.06 15 56.87 58.57 60.33 62.44 16 58.29 60.04 61.84 64.00 17 - - 63.38 65.60
A. Nurses will move from Step 1 through Step 9 the first full pay period after one (1) year of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 1. B. Nurses will move from Step 9 through Step 14 the first full pay period after two (2) years of service as a nurse at the previous step, beginning with Step 9.