Negotiated Work Sample Clauses

Negotiated Work. Employers negotiating work are encouraged to communicate with the Union to ensure that objections are not encountered, before formally submitting the completed Blanket Enabling Notification. In turn, the Union agrees to assist the Employer in securing negotiated work. COMMERCIAL/INSTITUTIONAL CONSTRUCTION BLANKET ENABLING LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING (PAGE 2 OF 3)
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Related to Negotiated Work

  • Related Work Leave not to exceed one (1) year may be granted to an employee to accept a position of fixed duration outside of State service which is funded by a government or private foundation grant and which is related to the employee's current work.

  • Summer Work a. This section shall apply only to those employees hired to fill temporary summer positions.

  • Outside Work All work necessary to the assembling, installation, erection, operation, maintenance, repair, control, in- spection and supervision of all electrical apparatus, devices, wires, cables, supports, insulators, conduc- tors, ducts and raceways when part of distributing systems outside of buildings, railroads and outside the directly related railroad property and yards. In- stalling and maintaining the catenary and trolley work on railroad property, and bonding of rails. All underground ducts and cables when they are in- stalled by and are part of the system of a distrib- uting company, except in power stations during new construction, including ducts and cables to adjacent switch racks or substations. All outdoor substations and electrical connections up to and including the setting of transformers and the connecting of the secondary buses thereto. Outside work to include renewable electrical energy sources such as solar photovoltaic, geothermal, wind, biomass, wave, etc., and other distributed en- ergy installations such as fuel cells, microturbines, etc.

  • THE WORK The Work comprises the completed construction required by the Contract Documents and includes all labor necessary to produce such construction, and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction.

  • Completion of Work Contractor is accountable for completing the Work within the Contract Time stated in the Contract, or as otherwise amended by Change Order.

  • Additional Work If changes in the work seem merited by Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change is warranted, it shall be processed in the following manner: a letter outlining the changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant with a statement of estimated changes in fee or time schedule. An amendment to this Agreement shall be prepared by the City and executed by both Parties before performance of such services, or the City will not be required to pay for the changes in the scope of work. Such amendment shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of this Agreement.

  • Modified Work In order to facilitate a safe return to work, in compliance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the collective agreement and other applicable legislation, the parties will endeavour to provide fair and consistent practices to accommodate employees who are ill, injured or permanently disabled. (The following clause related to modified work agreements will be incorporated into all collective agreements)

  • OF WORK The work week will commence as of local time on Monday, and shall consist of the employee's regular hours of work divided into five (5) days of work, exclusive of first meal period, but inclusive of break periods, second meal periods and subsequent meal periods. The work week for non-shifted employees will consist of thirty-five (35) hours divided into five days of work at seven (7) hours per day, Monday through Friday, commencing on each day no earlier than hours a.m.) and finishing no later than hours that same day. A sixty (60) minute meal period shall be assigned to these employees between a.m. and Non- shifted employees include functional groups A, C and The work schedule for shifted employees will be hours per week. Each employee shall be advised of a regular schedule outlining time allocations for preparation of material, on-air delivery, production duties and any other duties related to the position. It is recognized that such allocation will vary depending upon the position and the particular qualifications of the employee. personalities may be required, a maximum of fifteen per year, to make personal promotional appearances on behalf of the station. Hours spent on promotional appearances shall be included when defining weekly work schedules. It agreed that schedules for on-air employees shall include one hour for preparation and that functional groups G to N inclusive will not be scheduled to exceed hours on-air except when scheduling around statutory holidays, vacations, or as per Article The work schedule for "shifted employees" which term includes all employees not identified as non- shifted employees shall be communicated to the particular employee by department head, in writing. Any change in that established work schedule shall also be communicated in writing to the employees affected. employees shall receive two (2) consecutive days off (i.e. sixty consecutive hours) in each work week. For Swing Announcers and Engineering Department employees, the two consecutive days off shall be represented by a minimum fifty (50) consecutive hours. The five (5) work days in any work week need not necessarily be consecutive; they may be separated by two (2) consecutive days off. Hours worked which encroach on the required consecutive hours off shall be paid as overtime. With the exception of Sports Announcers and Traffic Reporters, there will no assignment of split shifts. The Company will use its best efforts to ensure that any change in a "shifted" employee's assigned work schedule shall be communicated to the employee no later than hours on the Tuesday of the work week immediately preceding the week in which the change occurs. Should a change be made than hours before the scheduled start of a shift, the Company will pay overtime rates for those new hours outside of the previously scheduled hours on that day. This provision does not apply to first day rescheduling when caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Company (i.e. sickness replacement, bereavement leave replacement, and emergencies). By the Tuesday immediately preceding an employee going on annual leave of five (5) days or more, shall be given a time to report back to work. When an employee is required to work hours in excess of weekly hours or regular daily hours, will be compensated for that work in one of the following two ways: Overtime hours exceeding thirty-seven and one- half (37 1/21 hours per week shall be paid at one and one-half the employee's basic rate. The employee may, at his option, have time off with pay in lieu of being paid for overtime. The amount of time off will be calculated in the same fashion as overtime pay and shall be scheduled the same as extra days off. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime and therefore overtime shall,not be paid under more than one sub-article of this Agreement. The Company shall attempt to apportion overtime equitably among employees within a job function. No claim for compensation for excess hours worked will be honoured unless the excess hours of work have been expressly authorized or requested in advance by the appropriate head. An extra off shall be defined as twelve (12) hours plus a turnaround period and should be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. A tour of duty shall mean the authorized approved time worked by an employee during a day, calculated to the end of the last quarter hour in which work was performed, provided that if it extends beyond midnight, it be considered as falling wholly within the calendar day in which it starts. With the exception of Engineering employees, all employees who are recalled to work outside of their regularly scheduled hours shall receive a minimum of two hours call time. ARTICLE

  • Commencement and Completion of Work Upon the Effective Date of the Contract, bidder agrees to commence all Preconstruction Activities. Upon issuance of a Proceed Order, bidder agrees to commence physical activities on the Site with adequate forces and equipment and to complete to Material Completion all work in 90 consecutive calendar days beginning the day after the date of the Proceed Order. Bid Bond. Enclosed herewith is a Bid Bond (NO OTHER FORM ACCEPTABLE) in the amount of Dollars ($ ) (being not less than five percent of the Bid). Bidder agrees that the above stated amount is the proper measure of liquidated damages that the Owner will sustain by bidder’s failure to execute the Contract or to furnish the Performance and Payment Bonds should bidder’s bid be accepted. Obligation of Bid Bond. If this bid is accepted within thirty-five days after the date set for the opening of bids and bidder fails to execute the Contract within ten days after Notice of Successful Bid, or if bidder fails to furnish both Performance and Payment Bonds, the obligation of the Bid Bond will remain in full force and effect and the money payable thereon shall be paid into the funds of the Owner as liquidated damages for such failure; otherwise, the obligations of the Bid Bond will be null and void. Bidder Certification Certification under Oath. Under oath I certify that I am a principal or other representative of the bidder, and that I am authorized by it to execute the foregoing bid on its behalf; and further, that I am a principal person of the bidder with management responsibility for the construction for the bidder, and as such I am personally knowledgeable of all its pertinent matters. I further certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services, materials, labor, supplies, or equipment and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Bidder and its principals understand that collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. Bidder agrees to abide by all conditions of this bid. BY: Authorized Signature (BLUE INK) Printed Name Title Sworn to and subscribed before me this Day of , 20 . Notary Public My commission expires:

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