Newsgroups Sample Clauses
Newsgroups. Messages posted to newsgroups must comply with the written charters or FAQs for those newsgroups. The CUSTOMER is responsible for determining the policies of a given newsgroup before posting to it. Posting or cross-posting the same or substantially similar messages to more than eight newsgroups is prohibited.
Newsgroups. 4.1. Customers should use their best judgment when posting to any newsgroup. Many groups have charters, published guidelines, FAQs, or ‘community standards' describing what is and is not considered appropriate. Usenet can be a valuable resource if used properly. The continued posting of off-topic articles is prohibited. Commercial advertisements are off-topic in most newsgroups, especially non- commercial regional groups. The presence of such articles in a group is not indicative of the group's intended use. The Customer must familiarise themselves with basic USENET netiquette before posting to a newsgroup.
Newsgroups. You should use your best judgment when posting to any newsgroup. Many groups have charters, published guidelines, FAQS, or "community standards" describing what is and is not considered appropriate. You must abide by such guidelines. You may not post or list articles which are off-topic according to the description of the group or send unsolicited mass e-mailings to ten or more people if such e-mail could reasonably be expected to provoke complaints from its recipients. Without limiting any other rights or remedies that Clearwire may have under this AUP, the Terms and Conditions or applicable law, Clearwire may cancel any postings that violate this AUP as determined by Clearwire in its sole discretion.
Newsgroups. See MIBB Product Acceptable Use Policy.
Newsgroups. Messages posted to newsgroups must comply with the written charters or FAQs for those newsgroups as well as any other terms and conditions applicable to any particular newsgroups or provider of newsgroups. Advertisements, solicitations, or other commercial messages should be posted only in those newsgroups whose charters or FAQs explicitly permit them. You are responsible for determining the policies of a given newsgroup before posting to it. ViaSat reserves the right to discontinue access to any newsgroup at any time for any reason. ViaSat permits users of the Service to download a maximum of one gigabyte (1GB) of newsgroup content in any one month, unless users are subject to a Service plan that permits downloading more newsgroup content.
Newsgroups. Newsgroup service will be provided by OSS for an additional S___ per end-user per month with a cap of $_____ per month. If $_______ cap is reached on Schedule E, then Customer shall receive the newsgroup service for no charge.
Newsgroups. The Service enables subscriber access to thousands of public newsgroups. These newsgroups allow subscribers to read and post messages on a variety of topics. Subscribers should use their best judgment when posting to any newsgroup. Many groups have charters, published guidelines, FAQs, or "community standards" describing what is and is not considered appropriate. Newsgroups can be valuable resources if used properly. Subscribers should familiarize themselves with basic Usenet netiquette before posting to a newsgroup. Some prohibited newsgroup activities are: the continued posting of off-topic articles, commercial advertisements that are off-topic for the newsgroups, and posting the same or similar messages to large numbers of Usenet newsgroup (spam).
Newsgroups. You may post to newsgroups to promote FLFE as long as the news group specifically welcomes commercial messages. As a Referral Partner, you agree to clearly represent yourself and your websites as independent from FLFE.
Newsgroups. See HTC Product Acceptable Use Policy.
Newsgroups. Messages posted to newsgroups must comply with the written charters or FAQs for those newsgroups. The customer is responsible for determining the policies of a given newsgroup before posting to it. Posting or cross-posting the same or substantially similar messages to more than eight newsgroups is prohibited. service may be used to participate in "chat" discussions. The service may not be used to perform chat "flooding." Any single computer or other device connected through the wireless network may not maintain more than 2 simultaneous chat connections. This includes the use of automated programs, such as "bots" or "clones". Automated programs may not be used when the user is not physically present at the device. The service may not be used to access any chat server in violation of the acceptable use policy of that server.