No impact. The failure by either Party at any time to exercise or enforce any of its powers, remedies or rights under this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of those powers, remedies or rights or affect that Party's rights to exercise or enforce those powers, remedies or rights at any time.
No impact. The Recipient shall not undertake the Project, nor permit any activity to take place in connection with Project which would in any way affect the insurance coverage required hereunder.
No impact. The proposed project is located more than two miles from a public airport. The project would not result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area.
No impact. The proposed project does not include housing or structures and the project site is not populated; therefore, the proposed project will not expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding.
No impact. This Agreement shall not be administered or interpreted in any way that would cause adverse impacts to SWP approved Table A water or to any other SWP approved water allocations, water deliveries, or SWP operations or facilities. TLBWSD, WWD, SLWD, and PVWD shall be responsible, jointly and severally, as determined by DWR, for any adverse impacts that may result from water deliveries under this Agreement.
No impact. The proposed project would not result in the placement of housing within the 100- year floodplain.
No impact. Seiche and tsunami hazards occur only in areas adjacent to a large body of water. The project site is not located in such an area. The landslide potential of the project site is minimal and the mudflow hazard is minimal. IX.
No impact. The project would not generate wastewater. VII.
No impact. The proposed project would not displace any existing housing units.