Union Bargaining Committee A Union Bargaining Committee shall be appointed by the Union and shall consist of up to three (3) members of the Union together with the President of the Union or her designate. The Union shall have the right at any time to have the assistance of members of the staff of the Union when negotiating with the Employer.
SINGLE BARGAINING UNIT The parties to this Agreement, along with all those employees whose employment is governed by this Agreement, constitute a single bargaining unit for the purposes of negotiating and implementing the terms of this Agreement. The form and operation of this single bargaining unit will be subject to this Agreement.
Bargaining Unit Roster The County will transmit to the Union a current listing
Collective Bargaining Unit 1.1 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agent for all regular, part-time and temporary employees1, including technicians of the construction field forces and security employees but excluding: (a) Employees now represented by other bargaining agents. (b) Persons above the rank of working supervisor. (c) Persons who exercise managerial functions in accordance with the Ontario Labour Relations Act. (d) Persons employed in a confidential capacity in matters relating to labour relations in accordance with the Ontario Labour Relations Act. 1.2 The grievance/arbitration procedure may be used to challenge any unreasonable, arbitrary or bad faith action taken by the Company which results in the exclusion of any employee or position from the bargaining unit. The parties will attempt to resolve disputes expeditiously. 1 "Employees" are employees pursuant to the Labour Relations Act for Ontario SO, 1995, c.1 Schedule A, as amended. 1.3 When an employee is removed from normal duties to act in a vacated position or relieve for an incumbent or perform a temporary assignment, the following shall apply: (a) When the length of time involved is known to be three months or less, the employee will retain his/her present jurisdictional status. (b) When it is expected that the length of time will be longer than three months, the employee will be excluded or included at the commencement of his/her new responsibilities. However, in the event the period is actually less than three months: (1) in exclusion cases, the Union will be reimbursed the dues which would have been paid; (2) in inclusion cases, the Union will reimburse the employee the dues which have been paid. (c) When the length of time is unknown, the employee will retain his/her present jurisdictional status up to the three month period. If the period extends beyond three months, the employee will then be either included or excluded.
Bargaining Unit The term "bargaining unit" as used in this Agreement refers to the bargaining unit defined in Article 1, Recognition.
Positions outside the Bargaining Unit (a) An employee may substitute temporarily in a position outside the bargaining unit for up to fifteen (15) months from the date of the assignment. Bargaining unit employees shall be given the first opportunity to fill the resulting vacancy. The employee shall have the right to return to her or his bargaining unit position prior to the expiry of the fifteen (15) month period by giving the Employer six (6) weeks’ notice. Where an employee is backfilling outside of the bargaining unit for purposes of pregnancy and/or parental leave, the period of time will be extended up to nineteen (19) months from the date of the assignment. An employee who remains outside of the bargaining unit beyond the period covered by this article shall lose all seniority. When the employee returns to the bargaining unit, all other employee(s) shall revert to their previous positions. An employee must remain in the bargaining unit for a period of at least three (3) months before transferring out of the bargaining unit again or she or he will lose all seniority held at the time of the subsequent transfer unless the parties agree otherwise. (b) An employee who accepts a transfer under (a) above will not be required to pay Union dues for any complete calendar month during which no bargaining unit work is performed. (c) An employee who accepts a permanent position outside of the bargaining unit will lose all seniority held at the time of the transfer. (d) The Employer will advise the Union of the names of any employees pursuant to Article 9.17(a) or (b).
Local Bargaining Committee The Hospital agrees to recognize a negotiating committee comprised of hospital employee representatives of the Union for the purpose of negotiating a renewal agreement (as set out in the Local Provisions Appendix). The Hospital agrees to pay members of the negotiating committee for straight time wages lost from their regularly scheduled working hours spent in direct negotiations for a renewal agreement, up to but not including arbitration. Nothing in this provision is intended to preclude the Union negotiating committee from having the assistance of any representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees when negotiating with the Hospital.
Central Bargaining Committee (a) In central bargaining between the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the participating hospitals, an employee serving on the Union's Central Negotiating Committee shall be paid for time lost from his normal straight time working hours at his regular rate of pay and without loss of leave credits for attending central negotiating meetings with the Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee in direct negotiations up to the point of arbitration. In addition, an employee serving on the Union’s Central Negotiating Committee shall be paid for time lost from his normal straight time working hours at his regular rate of pay and without loss of leave credits for two (2) days of preparation time for such central negotiating meetings with the Hospital’s Central negotiating Committee. Upon reference to arbitration, the Negotiating Committee members shall receive unpaid time off for the purpose of attending arbitration hearings. It is understood and agreed that the maximum number of Union Central Negotiating Committee members entitled to payment under this provision shall be eight (8), and in no case will more than one employee from a hospital be entitled to such payment. The Union shall advise the Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee, before negotiations commence, of those employees to be paid under this provision. The Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee shall advise the eight (8) Hospitals accordingly. (b) Vice-Presidents of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions shall be granted leave of absence by their employers in accordance with (a) above or Article 12.02 as the case may be, in order to fulfil the duties of their position.
Work of the Bargaining Unit (a) In order to protect the standard of nursing care, the Employer shall not contract out the work normally performed by members of this bargaining unit except: i) For purposes of instruction, ii) In the event of an emergency situation, iii) When performing developmental or experimental work, or iv) When employees are not available due to an employee not reporting for work as scheduled or not being available for work. (b) Reassignment to other employees of work normally performed by members of the bargaining unit shall not result in the termination, layoff or reduction in hours of any member of the bargaining unit. (c) When it is decided to not fill a position following an employee’s resignation, the Home will provide the rationale in writing for this decision to the Union. The Union may request a meeting to make representations on this matter.
EXCLUSIONS FROM THE BARGAINING UNIT 1. Any position that is currently included in the bargaining unit may not be excluded from the bargaining unit without agreement of both parties. 2. A newly created position shall be excluded from the bargaining unit unless the position is included by agreement of both parties. 3. The Board shall notify the Association of all newly created positions not presently included in the bargaining unit, and shall provide written job descriptions on request from the Association.