Bargaining Unit Roster. The County will transmit to the Union a current listing
Bargaining Unit Roster. Twice a year (in the months of January and July) the Employer shall provide the Association in an excel spreadsheet attached to an email with a list of those nurses covered by this Agreement. This list will include each covered nurse's name, home mailing address, home telephone number, Employee ID number, work status (full-time, part-time or on call), FTE, unit, shift, rate of pay and most recent date of hire into a bargaining unit position.
Bargaining Unit Roster. Upon reasonable request submitted by the Union, or at least once each year, the District will provide to the Union a complete bargaining unit roster including names of Employees, their effective date of employment, civil service classification and business address.
Bargaining Unit Roster. Upon the signing of this Agreement and monthly thereafter, the Employer shall supply to the Union via a secured method an alphabetical list of all employees covered by this Agreement. The list shall include the name, address, employee identification number, date of hire, rehire date (if applicable), shift, FTE, job classification, department cost center number, unit, hourly rate of pay and monthly gross earnings. Each month, the Employer will provide a list of new hires and addresses, and a list of all employees who have terminated during the month via a secured method. The new hire and termination lists shall include the same data as the monthly employee roster except for monthly gross earnings. The termination list shall include the termination date.
Bargaining Unit Roster. During January and July of each calendar year, the Employer shall supply to the Association a list of those nurses covered by this Agreement. The list shall include each nurse's name, address, employee identification number, unit, phone number (home or cell), FTE, rate of pay and date of hire. The Employer shall furnish to the Association on a monthly basis the same information for nurses newly hired or recalled to work in the bargaining unit and the names of nurses who have terminated employment or have transferred into or out of the bargaining unit. The Association agrees not to use Hospital mail service as a means of contacting nurses in the bargaining unit. Neither the semi-annual nor the monthly list shall include on-call nurses.
Bargaining Unit Roster. Within four (4) weeks of the commencement of each fall, winter, spring, and summer term, the College shall e-mail the Association a list of all active members of the bargaining unit that includes their name, department, division, mailing address, position number, whether the assignment is permanent or temporary, employee identification number, salary level, salary step, insurance option, employee classification, and the percent of full time which they are to be employed for that quarter as reflected in the programmed database.
Bargaining Unit Roster. The Employer shall supply to the Union monthly a list of all employees covered by this Agreement including their classification, department, rate of pay, hours worked, FTE status, hire date, employee identification number, shift, mailing address, telephone number and personal email address on file in the Employer’s HRIS system.
Bargaining Unit Roster. The employer shall submit monthly to the Union a report or reports covering all bargaining unit employees currently employed by the Employer, including their name, address, primary phone number, employee identification number, job title, department name, date of hire, rate of pay, monthly gross pay (overtime excluded), straight time monthly hours, FTE status, dues deduction, COPE deduction, and any employee terminations or transfers from the bargaining unit.
Bargaining Unit Roster. Twice a year (in the months of January and July), the Employer shall provide the Association and the Local Unit Chairperson with a list, via spreadsheet attachment to e-mail, of those nurses covered by this Agreement. This list will contain each employee’s name, employee identification number, address, telephone number, FTE, shift (day, evening or night), length of shift (8-hour, 9-hour, 10-hour or 12-hour), rate of pay, nursing department and date of hire. Each month, the Employer shall provide the Association and the Local Unit Chairperson with a list, via spreadsheet attachment to e-mail, of all employees covered by this Agreement hired during the previous month and all employees moved into positions covered by this Agreement during the previous month. This list shall contain each employee’s name, employee identification number, address, telephone number, FTE, shift (day, evening or night), length of shift (8-hour, 9-hour, 10-hour or 12-hour), rate of pay, nursing department, and date of hire. Additionally, the list shall identify all employees who left the bargaining unit, resigned or were terminated during the previous month.
Bargaining Unit Roster. Twice a year (in the months of March and September) the Employer shall, via an Excel spreadsheet attachment to e-mail, provide the Association with a list of those nurses covered by this Agreement. This list will contain each employee’s name, home address, home telephone number, employee identification number, FTE, rate of pay, step, shift, unit, work status (full-time, part-time or reserve) and date of hire. On the first day of each month, the Employer shall, via an Excel spreadsheet attachment to e-mail, provide the Association with a list of all employees covered by this Agreement hired during the previous month and all employees moved into positions covered by this Agreement during the previous month. The list shall contain each employee’s name, home address, home telephone number, employee identification number, work status (full-time, part-time or on-call), rate of pay, step, FTE, shift, unit, and date of hire. Additionally, the list shall identify all employees who left the bargaining unit, resigned or were terminated during the previous month.