NUISANCE BEHAVIOR. That the Lessee(s) or guests shall not cause any noise, damage, or other nuisance, so as, to effect other tenants or neighbors. At no time, shall a nuisance be created that requires the police to respond. Any threatening or harassing behavior to fellow tenants or neighbors by Xxxxxx(s) or guests will be grounds for eviction and forfeiture of security deposit. Lessee(s) in violation of the Town Disorderly Conduct Ordinance, will be obligated to pay a Two Hundred-dollar ($200.00) fee for the first violation during the term of this lease. Any additional violations during the term of this lease, the fee will increase to Four Hundred-dollar ($400.00). This fee will be due with the next rent payment and becomes part of the amount owed and is subject to late payment charges and/or eviction. The Lessor has the right to withhold the security deposit for, all costs incurred pursuant to including but not limited to fines, mediation costs, lost rental time, independent contractor fees, and other costs incurred to ensure compliance with the Disorderly Conduct Ordinance or for similar or related costs and efforts. This provision shall be applicable to any and all costs that are incurred as a result of the actions of the Lessee(s), their invitees, and/or other authorized or unauthorized occupants or guests on the premises.
NUISANCE BEHAVIOR. The Tenant, after written notice to cease and the passage of a reasonable period of time to xxxxx or cure, continues to be so disorderly or to cause such a nuisance as to destroy the peace, quiet, comfort, or safety of the Landlord or other Tenants of the structure or rental complex containing the Dwelling Unit. Such nuisance or disorderly conduct includes violations of state and federal criminal law that destroy the peace, quiet, comfort, or safety of the Landlord or other Tenants of the structure or rental complex containing the Dwelling Unit, or the creation or maintenance of a dangerous or unsanitary condition in violation of applicable local, state, and Federal law, and may be further defined in the regulations adopted by the Community Development Director.
NUISANCE BEHAVIOR. After receiving a written notice to cease, the tenant continues to cause nuisance (including a violation of state or federal law) that destroys the peace or safety of the landlord or other tenants.


  • Nuisances Tenant shall not perform any acts or carry on any practice which may injure the demised premises or be a nuisance or menace to other tenants in the Shopping Center.

  • Nuisance Company will not commit any nuisance, waste, or injury on the Airport and will not do or permit to be done anything that may result in the creation, commission or maintenance of such nuisance, waste, or injury.

  • Behavior Students must respect each other.

  • Behaviour No obscene or insulting language or disorderly behaviour shall be permitted. This includes any form of entertainment that may be considered lewd or inappropriate for a public place or that may offend or cause embarrassment to others.

  • Noise The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning. The Hirer shall, if using sound amplification equipment, make use of any noise limitation device provided at the premises and comply with any other licensing condition for the premises.

  • PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR ‌ A. The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession is considered by the Faculty Senate and the Board as acceptable criteria of professional behavior. The Faculty Senate shall address ethical problems in accordance with the terms of such Code of Ethics of the Education Profession (Appendix A). B. No bargaining unit member shall be disciplined or discharged without just cause or without being accorded due process, except as described in Article XI paragraph A, concerning the orientation period. C. Non-disciplinary, paid administrative leave may be issued while an allegation of misconduct is being investigated. The bargaining unit member’s pay shall not be interrupted nor reduced while on non- disciplinary paid administrative leave. Non-disciplinary paid administrative leave is designed to protect the integrity of a fact-finding investigation, and shall not be considered discipline to the bargaining unit member. D. A bargaining unit member shall at all times be entitled to have present a representative of the Faculty Senate when they are being reprimanded, warned, or disciplined for any infraction of rules or delinquency in professional performance. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to faculty until such representative of the Faculty Senate is present. E. The bargaining unit member shall sign and receive a copy of each disciplinary action. The signing of this document is not to be construed as an admission of guilt but only as an acknowledgement that such action exists. In imposing any sanction on a current charge, the College shall not consider any prior infraction which occurred more than six (6) years previous to the date of the occurrence of the event on which the current charge is based except in instances specified in Article III, paragraph M. F. No student, parental, citizen, or college personnel complaints originating after initial employment shall be placed in a bargaining unit member’s personnel file unless the bargaining unit member has had an opportunity to review the material, to respond to the material, and a preponderance of the evidence that supports that discipline is merited. Complaints against the bargaining unit member shall be put in writing with names of the complainant(s). The administrator shall attach to the written complaint a written explanation of all administrative action taken and administrative expectations (if any) of the bargaining unit member. The bargaining unit member may submit a written notation or reply regarding any complaint, and the same shall be attached to the file copy of the material in question. When documentation relating to a complaint is to be placed in a bargaining unit member’s file, the affected bargaining unit member shall be given the opportunity to review and sign said material; such signature will be understood to indicate awareness of the material but in no instance will said signature be interpreted to mean agreement with the content of the material.

  • WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR ‌ 3.1 The Employer and the Union agree that all employees should work in an environment that fosters mutual respect and professionalism. The parties agree that inappropriate behavior in the workplace does not promote a college’s/district’s business, employee well-being, or productivity. All employees are responsible for contributing to such an environment and are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect. 3.2 Inappropriate workplace behavior by employees, supervisors and/or managers will not be tolerated. If an employee and/or the employee’s union representative believes the employee has been subjected to inappropriate workplace behavior, the employee and/or the employee’s representative is encouraged to report this behavior to the employee’s supervisor, a manager in the employee’s chain of command and/or the Human Resources Office. An employee or the employee’s representative should identify complaints as inappropriate workplace behavior. The Employer will investigate the reported behavior and take appropriate action as necessary. The employee and/or union representative will be notified upon conclusion of the investigation. Upon request, the Employer will provide the employee and the union representative with a copy of the investigation report. 3.3 Retaliation against employees who make a workplace behavior complaint will not be tolerated. 3.4 Supervisors, managers and Human Resource Office staff will be trained on Article 3, Workplace Behavior. The Employer and the Union agree to prepare and make available online a 15-minute joint training online presentation on workplace behavior for all employees covered by this CBA and their supervisors, managers and Human Resources staff. 3.5 Grievances related to this Article may be processed through Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure.

  • Alcohol on the day of testing all workers onsite shall be required to submit a breath sample i.e. blanket testing.

  • No Nuisance Tenant shall conduct its business and control its agents, employees, invitees and visitors in such a manner as not to create any nuisance, or interfere with, annoy or disrupt any other tenant or Landlord in its operation of the Building or Project.

  • Overload A regular employee who works an overload in a given year shall receive no less than either: (a) the pro-rata salary for the overload based on the Provincial Salary Scale or the secondary scale on which the employee is placed or (b) a reduction of workload in a subsequent year that is commensurate with the amount of the overload. The conditions governing overloads are as set out in the regular employee’s local collective agreement, subject to the above provision.