OTHER IMPLICATIONS a) Does the legislation have indirect or long-term financial impacts to the City of Seattle that are not reflected in the above?
b) Is there financial cost or other impacts of not implementing the legislation?
c) Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?
d) Is a public hearing required for this legislation?
e) Does this legislation require landlords or sellers of real property to provide information regarding the property to a buyer or tenant?
f) Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation? No.
g) Does this legislation affect a piece of property?
h) Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically disadvantaged communities?
i) If this legislation includes a new initiative or a major programmatic expansion: What are the long-term and measurable goals of the program? Please describe how this legislation would help achieve the program’s desired goals.
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. Public notice, pursuant to Section 3(j) of Council Policy C01-021, Public Notice Policy, is required before City Council considers leasing park lands. A copy of the Public Notice for this matter can be found in Appendix 1. There are no privacy, legal, social or environmental implications identified.
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. Any amendment to Schedule 9 of the XXXX Agreement will be in effect until December 31, 2023. The proposed options deal only with the recycling depots and civic recycling portions of the agreement. As such, the multi-unit residential recycling program is not expected to be affected in any way. There are no privacy, social, or environmental implications identified.
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. There may be legal issues regarding the negotiation of the contract with Cosmo. The Office of the City Solicitor has prepared a separate response on this topic (Appendix 2). There are no privacy, social, or environmental implications identified.
OTHER IMPLICATIONS a. Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?
b. Is a public hearing required for this legislation?
c. Does this legislation require landlords or sellers of real property to provide information regarding the property to a buyer or tenant?
d. Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation? No.
e. Does this legislation affect a piece of property?
f. Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically disadvantaged communities?
g. If this legislation includes a new initiative or a major programmatic expansion: What are the specific long-term and measurable goal(s) of the program? How will this legislation help achieve the program’s desired goal(s).
h. Other Issues:
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. Procurement Issues None None
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. (You will need to have considered other implications in preparing this report. Please indicate which ones apply?) No other implications
6. Background information and other papers:
7. Summary of appendices:
8. Is this a private report (If so, please indicated the reasons and state why it is not in the public interest to be dealt with publicly)?
9. Is this a “key decision”?
10. If a key decision please explain reason
OTHER IMPLICATIONS a) Is there financial cost or other impacts of not implementing the legislation?
b) Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?
c) Is a public hearing required for this legislation?
d) Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation? No.
e) Does this legislation affect a piece of property?
f) Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically disadvantaged communities?
g) If this legislation includes a new initiative or a major programmatic expansion: What are the long-term and measurable goals of the program? Please describe how this legislation would help achieve the program’s desired goals.
h) Other Issues:
OTHER IMPLICATIONS. The recommendation will have land use and greenhouse gas emission implications associated with development of an infill site. The overall environmental impacts of developments have not been quantified at this time.
OTHER IMPLICATIONS a) Does the legislation have indirect or long-term financial impacts to the City of Seattle that are not reflected in the above?
b) Is there financial cost or other impacts of not implementing the legislation? Without a franchise agreement in place, there would be no legal framework in which to operate in the City of SeaTac’s right-of-way. SCL and SeaTac would need to continue negotiations for a franchise agreement that would meet approval of both Cities’ legislative bodies, which at the very least would have impacts on administrative costs. The assumption is SCL would continue to operate within SeaTac during this time, so there should be no short-term negative impact to SCL’s revenues. However, if the proposed Agreement is not approved, the contract fee payment to the City of SeaTac
c) Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?
d) Is a public hearing required for this legislation?
e) Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle Times required for this legislation? Yes. Per the Franchise Agreement, the City of SeaTac will place the notice within 5 days of effective date of the Agreement; Seattle City Light bears the cost.
f) Does this legislation affect a piece of property?
g) Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically disadvantaged communities?
h) If this legislation includes a new initiative or a major programmatic expansion: What are the long-term and measurable goals of the program? Please describe how this legislation would help achieve the program’s desired goals.
i) Other Issues: