Other Issues Sample Clauses
Other Issues. Upon any issuance by the Company of shares of Common Stock on or after the Initial Issue Date (other than issuances of stock requiring adjustments hereunder pursuant to the immediately preceding subsections (a) and (b) of this Section 6) for a consideration lower than the Market Price per share of stock in effect immediately prior to such issuance, the Purchase Price then in effect shall be reduced to equal the following amount: [(D x E) + F] G x ------------- C x E where C equals the number of shares of Common Stock to be outstanding immediately after such additional issuance, D equals the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the issue of such additional Common Stock, E equals the Market Price per share of stock in effect immediately prior to the issue of such additional Common Stock, F equals the aggregate consideration (before deducting underwriting discounts, commissions, and other expenses) received or to be received by the Company in connection with the issuance of such additional Common Stock, and G equals the Purchase Price which would have been in effect immediately prior to such issuance had all previous adjustments (if any) under this subsection (c) been made pursuant to the foregoing formula. Upon any such reduction in the Purchase Price, the number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon the exercise of this Warrant shall be correspondingly increased. The provisions of this subsection (c) shall not be applicable to any issuance of Common Stock upon actual exercise or actual conversion of any option, warrant, right, or other security convertible into or exercisable for Common Stock if the Purchase Price was fully and properly adjusted pursuant to the immediately following subsection (d) at the time such option, warrant, right, or other security was issued.
Other Issues. The Reg S Notes having been or being issued and subscribed and paid for pursuant to the Subscription Agreement prior to or contemporaneously with the issue, subscription and payment for the Dollar Notes hereunder;
Other Issues. 13.1. It is our aim to ensure a complete service at all times, but we will not be responsible when failure is caused by unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control or which we could not reasonably have foreseen.
13.2. OakNorth is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”). The FSCS will pay compensation to eligible depositors of up to a maximum of £85,000 (the current “Scheme Limit”) if we cannot meet our financial obligations to them (all eligible deposits across all of your OakNorth Accounts will be aggregated and the total will be subject to the Scheme Limit). Any deposits you hold above the Scheme Limit are unlikely to be covered. For joint Accounts each Account holder is treated as having a claim in respect of their share, so for a joint Account held by two eligible depositors, each depositor would have a claim up to the Scheme Limit and so the maximum amount that could be claimed in total would be twice the current Scheme Limit. In some cases, eligible deposits which are categorised as “temporary high balances” are protected above the Scheme Limit for six months after the amount has been credited or from the moment when such eligible deposits become legally transferable.
13.3. For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS (including the amounts covered and eligibility to claim) please contact us, or refer to the FSCS website xxx.XXXX.xxx.xx or contact the FSCS on 000 0000 0000 or 0000 000 0000, at XXX@xxxx.xxx.xx or at Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor Beaufort House, 00 Xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, XX0X 0XX. Please note, only compensation related queries should be directed to the FSCS.
13.4. We may transfer our rights and/or responsibilities under this Agreement to any person if:
13.4.1. That other person is authorised to accept deposits and writes to you and undertakes to carry out all our duties and obligations under this Agreement. If it does so, you agree that we will be released from all those duties and obligations and shall have no further liability to you; and
13.4.2. We reasonably believe such person is capable of performing our responsibilities.
13.5. You shall not transfer any of your rights or responsibilities under this Agreement to any third party.
13.6. If we believe that you have tax obligations in other countries, we may disclose information about you directly to those tax authorities or to HM Revenue & Customs, which may share the information with the other tax authorities...
Other Issues. The Reg S Notes having been or being issued and subscribed and paid for pursuant to the Subscription Agreement and the Programme Agreement prior to or contemporaneously with the issue, subscription and payment for the US Notes hereunder.
Other Issues. Apart from Clause 5 in this Statement (regarding your rights upon termination of employment), this Statement does not intend to alter any provisions of the Plan or the Agreement(s) (or any related document), and the Plan and the Agreement(s) (and any related document) shall prevail in case of any ambiguities. However, your mandatory rights under the Stock Option Act shall prevail in case of any ambiguities. Vontier Corporation I henhold til § 3, stk. 1, i lov om brug af køberet xxxxx tegningsret m.v. i ansættelsesforhold (“Aktieoptionsloven”) skal Vontier Corporation (“Selskabet”) i en særskilt skriftlig erklæring give dig følgende oplysninger om Selskabets tildeling af en aktieoption (“Aktieoption”) og/xxxxx betingede aktier (“Betingede Aktier”) (hver især benævnt en “Tildeling”). Denne erklæring indeholder kun de oplysninger, der er nævnt i Aktieoptionsloven, hvorimod de øvrige vilkår og betingelser for din(e) Tildeling(er) er nærmere beskrevet i Vontier Corporation 2020 Stock Incentive Plan (“Planen”), Selskabet Stock Option Agreement og/xxxxx Selskabet Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (hver især benævnt en “Aftale”) og i Tillægget til Aftalen/Aftalerne (som udgør en del af Aftalen/Aftalerne). Disse dokumenter er alle blevet udleveret til dig. Det fremgår af Aktieoptionslovens § 1, at xxxxx xxx gælder for lønmodtagere. “Lønmodtagere” er defineret i Aktieoptionslovens § 2 som personer, der modtager vederlag for personligt arbejde i tjenesteforhold. Personer, herunder ledere, som ikke anses for at være lønmodtagere i Aktieoptionslovens forstand, er ikke omfattet af Aktieoptionsloven. Hvis du ikke er lønmodtager i Aktieoptionslovens forstand, er Selskabet derfor ikke forpligtet til at udstede en arbejdsgivererklæring til dig, og du vil ikke i juridisk henseende kunne henholde dig til denne arbejdsgivererklæring.
1. Tildelingstidspunkt Tidspunktet for din modtagelse af Tildeling(er) xx Xxxxx Date.
2. Vilkår og betingelser for din(e) Tildeling(er): Din(e) Tildeling(er) uddeles efter bestyrelsens xxxxx det relevante bestyrelsesudvalgs eget skøn. Bestyrelsen (xxxxx det relevante bestyrelsesudvalg) har i sin vurdering inddraget en række faktorer, herunder (men ikke begrænset til) Selskabets resultat, Tildelingernes forventede indvirkning på Selskabets indtjening og Tildelingernes værdi sammenlignet med tildelinger i sammenlignelige selskaber. Selskabet kan frit vælge fremover ikke at tildele dig nogen Aktieoptioner og/xxxxx Betingede Aktier. I henhold til bestem...
Other Issues. A high school may impose requirements for enrollment in courses for dual credit that are in addition to the College’s minimum standards.
Other Issues. Either party may initiate negotiations on a successor agreement not later than six (6) months prior to the date this Agreement expires.
Other Issues a. Apprentices Special rules exist regarding pension and insurance plan for apprentices including adult apprentices, see clause 13 in “Lærlingebestemmelser”.
b. Flex jobs Employees in flex jobs can be comprised by special rules on issues such as payment and insurance coverage, see “Organisationsaftale om pensionsforhold for flexjobbere” and “Indberetning og indbetaling til Industriens Pension”.
c. Optional Pay Account It is possible to choose to have a proportion of the saving for the Optional Pay Account paid towards the pension instead, see Clause 25 (5b).