Please describe Sample Clauses

Please describe. Has your pet showed any symptoms of coughing or sneezing in the past 7 days? Y N We have been seeing many cases of Upper Respiratory Infections in this area. This can be spread from a healthy dog not showing any symptoms. Unfortunately if your dog does start coughing, you are responsible for the cost of the medications. Please be aware of cough like symptoms or sneezing and let us know if this develops with your pet. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:
Please describe shortly the approaches you are using. If used, please also provide details on the Humanitarian Procurement Centre 10.4.1 Do you anticipate any implementation challenges in the supply chain? No
Please describe. Not applicable. 5. How are families involved in your care coordination efforts on behalf of CSHCN? (Check all that apply.) Families are involved in the development of care plans for their children with special needs Families serve on advisory committees to improve coordination of services for CSHCN. Please describe: Title V provides forums for families to identify ways that services for CSHCN can be better coordinated (e.g., focus groups of families, providers, and/or care coordinators). Please describe: Title V employs parent consultants to provide ongoing family input on issues related to serving CSHCN. How many?
Please describe. Participant’s Home institution is: (Please indicateNot Applicableif Participant is not currently affiliated with an institution.)
Please describe shortly the approaches you are using. If used, please also provide details on the Humanitarian Procurement Centre i) Radio communication equipment for the EOCs ii) Rental of 2-4WD off-road pick up van for monitoring and supervision of field activities iii) Solar powered inverters with UPS (for 3 EOCs) iv) 7 Laptops v) 3 Photocopy/print machines vi) 8 cameras, 20 phones to collect photographic evidence and for making documentary and voice clips.
Please describe shortly these challenges and indicate how you foresee to mitigate them
Please describe. Not applicable. 3. Whether or not you provide or fund direct care coordination services, does your Title V agency help to link CSHCN and their families to needed services by (check all that apply): Developing and/or distributing resource information regarding services for CSHCN for use by care coordinators, families, providers, etc. Please describe: Training staff of MCH or Medicaid managed care hotlines or staff of health plans/case management organizations in the needs of and resources available for CSHCN. Please describe: Directing or coordinating health services programming for children and adolescents in detention, mental health facilities, xxxxxx care to ensure that CSHCN receive needed services. Please describe: Other. Please describe: 4. Does your Title V agency have a role in determining or approving referral patterns with respect to care coordination and/or specialty services for CSHCN through any of the following activities (check all that apply)? Authorizing care coordination services provided by another agency/provider. Authorizing medical specialty services (e.g., long-term care facilities, CSHCN home and community-based home services). Please describe: Providing training in how to make referrals appropriately. Please describe: Developing model contracts to provide managed care enrollees access to pediatric centers of excellence and office/clinic-based pediatric subspecialists. Please describe:
Please describe. Not applicable. 6. Does your Title V agency have responsibility for monitoring care coordination services for CSHCN such as by (check all that apply): Conducting evaluations/monitoring of care coordination services for CSHCN. Standardizing data collection/reporting methodologies with regard to care coordination services. Please describe:
Please describe. Consultant warrants that the Massachusetts registered principal of the Consultant responsible for the project is: Name
Please describe. It is agreed that the student will, in general, meet formally with the full supervisory team: Weekly Fortnightly Monthly