Ownership and Non-Disclosure Sample Clauses

Ownership and Non-Disclosure. All Confidential Information acquired by Recipient or its employees or agents shall remain Discloser's exclusive property, and Recipient shall use its best efforts (which in any event shall not be less than the efforts Recipient takes to ensure the confidentiality of its own proprietary and other confidential information) to keep, and have its employees and agents keep, any and all such information and data confidential, and shall not copy or publish or disclose it to others, or authorize its employees, or agents or anyone else to copy, publish, or disclose it to others, without Discloser's prior written approval, and shall return such information and data to Discloser at its request. Recipient shall only use any Confidential Information in connection with its performance under this Agreement.
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Ownership and Non-Disclosure. As between them, Manager and Owner each own the Hotel Data that is actually in their respective possession, and each of them, and their respective Affiliates and any Third Parties who have lawfully obtained Hotel Data, may use it without Manager or Owner being in default of this Agreement. If, upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Owner has not retained any Guest Data in its possession, Manager, at Owner’s request, will use reasonable efforts to provide the history of guests’ stays at the Hotel for the most recent 12 months, together with their names, addresses and telephone numbers. Reasonable efforts do not include manually copying the information or developing ways to retrieve this information from HARMONY that do not exist at the time of the request. As between Manager and Owner, Manager owns all other Confidential and Proprietary System Information. Owner will make no claim and has no rights with respect to such information other than those that are granted in this Agreement. Owner will divulge Confidential and Proprietary System Information only to Persons who must have access to such information in order to perform their responsibilities with respect to this Agreement or the Construction or Operation of the Hotel. Owner will use all reasonable means to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential and Proprietary System Information and will not communicate or make it available to, or use it for the benefit of, any unauthorized Persons. Manager shall not disclose to Third Parties or publish to the general public the financial or operating results of the Hotel without the prior written approval of Owner; provided, however, that Manager may make such disclosures of such information to its auditors and attorneys as reasonably required in the course of its business and may combine information concerning the Hotel’s financial and operating results with similar information concerning other System Hotels and disclose such combined data and information to hospitality research services, such as Xxxxx Travel Research, Inc., to its auditors and attorneys and to the extent required as part of its franchise disclosure obligations. The provisions of this Section 15.3 shall not preclude Owner or Manager from making any disclosure as and to the extent required by applicable law.
Ownership and Non-Disclosure. Confidential Information disclosed under this Agreement is and will remain Discloser’s sole property. Recipient will not disclose Discloser’s Confidential Information other than in accordance with this Agreement and will use the same degree of care used to protect its own confidential or proprietary information of like importance, but in any case, using no less than a reasonable degree of care. 10.2.
Ownership and Non-Disclosure. 15.01 EMJ shall not remove, alter or obliterate any proprietary notices appearing on the Products or their packaging. Except as expressly permitted hereunder for the purposes contemplated herein, EMJ shall not and shall not assist any other person to reproduce, copy, publish, communicate by telecommunication, rent, lend, share, lease, license, sub-license, sell or otherwise distribute the Products or any component thereof. EMJ shall not and shall not assist any other person to translate, modify, alter, reverse engineer, reverse compile disassemble, or create derivative works of the Products or any component thereof.
Ownership and Non-Disclosure. All Confidential Information acquired by Recipient or its employees or agents shall remain Discloser's exclusive property, and Recipient shall use its best efforts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cabletron Proprietary Information Page 7 Product Reseller Agreement (Draft 12/29/99) Contract Number 99-XXXX-0000-0000 (which in any event shall not be less than the efforts Recipient takes to ensure the confidentiality of its own proprietary and other confidential information) to keep, and have its employees and agents keep, any and all such information and data confidential, and shall not copy or publish or disclose it to others, or authorize its employees, or agents or anyone else to copy, publish, or disclose it to others, without Discloser's prior written approval, and shall return such information and data to Discloser at its request. Recipient shall only use any Confidential Information in connection with its performance under this Agreement.
Ownership and Non-Disclosure 

Related to Ownership and Non-Disclosure

  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure The Executive hereby agrees at all times during the term of the Employment and after his termination, to hold in the strictest confidence, and not to use, except for the benefit of the Company, or to disclose to any person, corporation or other entity without prior written consent of the Company, any Confidential Information. The Executive understands that “Confidential Information” means any proprietary or confidential information of the Company, its affiliates, or their respective clients, customers or partners, including, without limitation, technical data, trade secrets, research and development information, product plans, services, customer lists and customers, supplier lists and suppliers, software developments, inventions, processes, formulas, technology, designs, hardware configuration information, personnel information, marketing, finances, information about the suppliers, joint ventures, franchisees, distributors and other persons with whom the Company does business, information regarding the skills and compensation of other employees of the Company or other business information disclosed to the Executive by or obtained by the Executive from the Company, its affiliates, or their respective clients, customers or partners, either directly or indirectly, in writing, orally or otherwise, if specifically indicated to be confidential or reasonably expected to be confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include information that is generally available and known to the public through no fault of the Executive.

  • Non-Disclosure Absent prior written consent of the person listed in Section 3 or his/her designee, Contractor shall not: (1) disclose, publish, or disseminate any information, not a matter of public record, that is received by reason of this Contract, regardless of whether the Contractor is or is not under contract at the time of the disclosure; or (2) disclose, publish, or disseminate any information developed for MPS under this Contract. Contractor agrees to take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized use, disclosure, publication, or dissemination of the same information. All information and any derivatives thereof, whether created by MPS or Contractor under this Contract remains the property of MPS and no license or other rights to such information is granted or implied hereby. For purposes of this Contract, “derivatives” shall mean: (i) for copyrightable or copyrighted material, any translation, abridgment, revision, or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed, or adapted; and (ii) for patentable or patented material, any improvement thereon. Within ten business days of the earlier of receipt of MPS’ written or oral request, or final payment, Contractor will return all documents, records, and copies thereof it obtained during the development of the work product covered by this Contract.

  • Non-Use and Non-Disclosure Each Party agrees to use the Confidential Information of the other Party solely for the purposes of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under this Agreement. Each Party further agrees not to disclose any Confidential Information of the other Party to any third parties other than those third parties who are bound, prior to receiving any Confidential Information, by confidentiality obligations at least as protective as those in this Agreement.

  • Non-Disclosure and Non-Use of Confidential Information The Employee agrees not to disclose, use, copy or duplicate or otherwise permit the use, disclosure, copying or duplication of any Confidential Information (other than in connection with authorized activities conducted in the course of the Employee’s employment at the Company for the benefit of the Company) during the period of including during his/her employment with the Company or at any time thereafter. The Employee agrees to take all reasonable steps and precautions to prevent any unauthorized disclosure, use, copying or duplication of Confidential Information.

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