Payment Discounts. Not applicable.
Payment Discounts. Sellers are requested to indicate in the relevant section under Schedule B the discount they would allow on the Standing Quotation prices if payment for each Purchase Order is made in full within the specified period.
Payment Discounts. Seller must indicate the discount offered on the price set out in the Standing Quotation if payment is made within fourteen (14) clear working days of the Authority’s receipt of the invoice: % discount.
Payment Discounts. I/We provide below the discount that I/we will allow on the offered price(s) if payment for each consignment is made in full within:
(a) 7 calendar days from date of receipt of invoice or from date of acceptance of goods, whichever is the later : % discount.
(b) 8 to 14 calendar days from date of receipt of invoice or from date of acceptance of goods, whichever is the later : _ % discount. Acceptance of Goods shall be construed within the meaning of Clause 4.2 of Part III (Terms and Conditions). N.B.: Sellers are requested to insert the word ‘NIL’ in the spaces provided above if no payment discount is offered.
Payment Discounts. Payments are due Net 15, with a 5% discount for payments made on or before that date
Payment Discounts. Bidders are encouraged to offer discounts in exchange for an expedited payment. Payments may be issued earlier than the general goal of within 30 days of receipt of the invoice only when in exchange for discounted prices. Discounts will not be considered in determining the lowest responsible bidder. E. The undersigned has completed and submits herewith the following documents: Signed Bid Form, 2 pages
Payment Discounts. If any VENDOR invoice is subject to any payment discount, the discount period shall be calculated from the date the invoice is received by MSD's Invoice Processing Department.
Payment Discounts. Time in connection with discounts offered will be computed from date of delivery or date of receipt of correct invoice, whichever is later.
Payment Discounts. Time of Payment will be computed from date of final acceptance of the goods purchased hereunder or from date of receipt by Purchaser of a correct invoice or voucher, whichever is later. Payment shall be deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, per the mailing date of the Purchaser’s check.
Payment Discounts. I/We provide below the discount that I/we will allow on the Standing Quotation price(s) if payment is made in full within:
(a) 7 clear working days from date of receipt of invoice or from date of acceptance of goods, whichever is the later: % discount.
(b) 8 to 14 clear working days from date of receipt of invoice or from date of acceptance of goods, whichever is the later: % discount. Acceptance of Goods shall be constructed within the meaning of Clause 4 of Part II. N.B.: Sellers are requested to insert the word ‘NIL’ in the spaces provided above if no payment discount is offered. (Please put a tick as appropriate)