Payment Limit. City’s total payments to Contractor under this Contract shall not exceed $ . City shall not pay for services that exceed the Contract Payment Limit unless a contract amendment has been approved by the City Council or City Manager.
Payment Limit. County's total payments to Contractor under this Contract shall not exceed $ .
Payment Limit. Agency’s total payments to County under this Agreement shall not exceed $211,949.00.
Payment Limit. 10.1 From time to time, we may set payment limits on the value of Payment Transactions you may carry out:
10.1.1 in respect of a single Payment Transaction; and / or
10.1.2 in respect of cumulative Payment Transactions over a specified period of time.
10.2 Applicable payment limits are available on the Website. We shall increase or decrease any payment limits at our sole discretion and shall notify you in advance of any changes made.
10.3 If you wish to increase or decrease payment limit, then you should contact the us at
10.4 We shall increase any payment limits only at our sole discretion and shall not be obliged to increase any payment limit. We shall have the right to ask you for information and documents to substantiate and certify the need for increasing a payment limit.
Payment Limit. District’s total payments to Contractor under this Contract shall not exceed $100,000.
Payment Limit. The County’s total payments to Contractor under this Agreement shall not exceed $5,000,000 (“Payment Limit”). Nothing in this Agreement obligates the County to make any purchases, or any particular volume of purchases, under this Agreement.
Payment Limit. In using the Payment Services, your Brokerage Account is subject to a payment limit (the “Payment Limit”). The Payment Limit for your Brokerage Account is the total amount available for check writing, Debit Card transactions, Direct Debit transfers, Money Transfers, and wire transfers from your Account. You understand that you are granting each of your Authorized Persons and Card Holders access to all of the funds in the Account up to the Payment Limit. The Payment Limit will be calculated and applied in the aggregate to all Account activity, including that of all Authorized Persons and Card Holders associated with a particular Brokerage Account. In addition to this Payment Limit, other maximum volume and individual and/or aggregate dollar limitations on each type of Payment Service may apply, as discussed elsewhere in this Supplement. The Payment Limit is calculated as the sum of:
Payment Limit. First 5’s total payments to Contractor under this Contract shall not exceed $109,262.00.
Payment Limit. In no event will the LTD Benefit plus Deductible Income plus Work Earnings exceed 100% of Predisability Earnings. In the event your LTD Benefit plus Deductible Income plus Work Earnings exceeds 100% of Predisability Earnings, the LTD Benefit will be reduced by the amount in excess of 100% of Predisability Earnings. GLDI-C2300-(12/06)