Service Dates Invoice shall include the beginning and ending date of the work accomplished for the invoice.
Effective Dates This Letter of Understanding shall take effect for all grievances filed on or after February 1, 2022. This XXX shall expire upon successful ratification of a Memorandum of Agreement with respect to central terms. Should a Memorandum of Agreement with respect to central terms not be successfully ratified, the parties will meet within thirty (30) calendar days of the unsuccessful ratification vote to either extend or terminate this XXX. If this XXX is terminated, the parties agree to move grievances filed under the interim procedure back to the appropriate central or local grievance procedure and to their respective steps in those procedures.
Completion Dates The Recipient agrees to complete each Project within the time periods specified in the Underlying Agreement and all activities must be completed by the Award’s end date, unless FTA agrees in writing to extend the end date. Unless FTA determines otherwise in writing, interim milestone dates and other completion dates applicable to the Award are good faith estimates and are not intended to be firm contractual requirements. However, FTA and the Recipient agree that milestone dates and other completion dates for Full Funding Grant Agreements, Small Starts Grant Agreements or other specific agreements in which FTA expressly states that the milestone dates or other completion dates for the Underlying Agreement are firm dates that may be enforced.